import * as $ from "jquery" import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; export abstract class OsmObject { type: string; id: number; tags: {} = {}; version: number; public changed: boolean = false; timestamp: Date; protected constructor(type: string, id: number) { = id; this.type = type; this.tags = { id: id } } static DownloadObject(id, continuation: ((element: OsmObject, meta: OsmObjectMeta) => void)) { const splitted = id.split("/"); const type = splitted[0]; const idN = splitted[1]; const newContinuation = (element: OsmObject, meta: OsmObjectMeta) => { continuation(element, meta); } switch (type) { case("node"): return new OsmNode(idN).Download(newContinuation); case("way"): return new OsmWay(idN).Download(newContinuation); case("relation"): return new OsmRelation(idN).Download(newContinuation); } } public static DownloadHistory(id: string, continuation: (versions: OsmObject[]) => void): void { const splitted = id.split("/"); const type = splitted[0]; const idN = splitted[1]; $.getJSON("" + type + "/" + idN + "/history", data => { const elements: any[] = data.elements; const osmObjects: OsmObject[] = [] for (const element of elements) { let osmObject: OsmObject = null switch (type) { case("node"): osmObject = new OsmNode(idN); break; case("way"): osmObject = new OsmWay(idN); break; case("relation"): osmObject = new OsmRelation(idN); break; } osmObject?.LoadData(element); osmObject?.SaveExtraData(element, []); osmObjects.push(osmObject) } continuation(osmObjects) }) } // bounds should be: [[maxlat, minlon], [minlat, maxlon]] (same as Utils.tile_bounds) public static LoadArea(bounds: [[number, number], [number, number]], callback: (objects: OsmObject[]) => void) { const minlon = bounds[0][1] const maxlon = bounds[1][1] const minlat = bounds[1][0] const maxlat = bounds[0][0]; const url = `${minlon},${minlat},${maxlon},${maxlat}` $.getJSON(url, data => { const elements: any[] = data.elements; const objects = OsmObject.ParseObjects(elements) callback(objects); }) } //Loads an area from the OSM-api. public static DownloadAll(neededIds, knownElements: any = {}, continuation: ((knownObjects: any) => void)) { // local function which downloads all the objects one by one // this is one big loop, running one download, then rerunning the entire function if (neededIds.length == 0) { continuation(knownElements); return; } const neededId = neededIds.pop(); if (neededId in knownElements) { OsmObject.DownloadAll(neededIds, knownElements, continuation); return; } OsmObject.DownloadObject(neededId, function (element) { knownElements[neededId] = element; // assign the element for later, continue downloading the next element OsmObject.DownloadAll(neededIds, knownElements, continuation); } ); } private static ParseObjects(elements: any[]): OsmObject[] { const objects: OsmObject[] = []; const allNodes: Map = new Map() for (const element of elements) { const type = element.type; const idN =; let osmObject: OsmObject = null switch (type) { case("node"): const node = new OsmNode(idN); allNodes.set(idN, node); osmObject = node node.SaveExtraData(element); break; case("way"): osmObject = new OsmWay(idN); const nodes = => allNodes.get(i)); osmObject.SaveExtraData(element, nodes) break; case("relation"): osmObject = new OsmRelation(idN); osmObject.SaveExtraData(element, []) break; } osmObject.LoadData(element) objects.push(osmObject) } return objects; } // The centerpoint of the feature, as [lat, lon] public abstract centerpoint(): [number, number]; public abstract asGeoJson(): any; abstract SaveExtraData(element: any, allElements: any[]); /** * Generates the changeset-XML for tags * @constructor */ TagsXML(): string { let tags = ""; for (const key in this.tags) { if (key.startsWith("_")) { continue; } if (key === "id") { continue; } const v = this.tags[key]; if (v !== "") { tags += ' \n' } } return tags; } Download(continuation: ((element: OsmObject, meta: OsmObjectMeta) => void)) { const self = this; const full = this.type !== "way" ? "" : "/full"; const url = "" + this.type + "/" + + full; $.getJSON(url, function (data) { const element = data.elements.pop(); let nodes = [] if (data.elements.length > 2) { nodes = OsmObject.ParseObjects(data.elements) } self.LoadData(element) self.SaveExtraData(element, nodes); const meta = { "_last_edit:contributor": element.user, "_last_edit:contributor:uid": element.uid, "_last_edit:changeset": element.changeset, "_last_edit:timestamp": new Date(element.timestamp), "_version_number": element.version } continuation(self, meta); } ); return this; } public addTag(k: string, v: string): void { if (k in this.tags) { const oldV = this.tags[k]; if (oldV == v) { return; } console.log("Overwriting ", oldV, " with ", v, " for key ", k) } this.tags[k] = v; if (v === undefined || v === "") { delete this.tags[k]; } this.changed = true; } abstract ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string; protected VersionXML() { if (this.version === undefined) { return ""; } return 'version="' + this.version + '"'; } private LoadData(element: any): void { this.tags = element.tags ?? this.tags; this.version = element.version; this.timestamp = element.timestamp; const tgs = this.tags; if (element.tags === undefined) { // Simple node which is part of a way - not important return; } tgs["_last_edit:contributor"] = element.user tgs["_last_edit:contributor:uid"] = element.uid tgs["_last_edit:changeset"] = element.changeset tgs["_last_edit:timestamp"] = element.timestamp tgs["_version_number"] = element.version tgs["id"] = this.type + "/" +; } } export class OsmNode extends OsmObject { lat: number; lon: number; constructor(id) { super("node", id); } ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string { let tags = this.TagsXML(); return ' \n' + tags + ' \n'; } SaveExtraData(element) { =; this.lon = element.lon; } centerpoint(): [number, number] { return [, this.lon]; } asGeoJson() { return { "type": "Feature", "properties": this.tags, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ this.lon, ] } } } } export interface OsmObjectMeta { "_last_edit:contributor": string, "_last_edit:contributor:uid": number, "_last_edit:changeset": number, "_last_edit:timestamp": Date, "_version_number": number } export class OsmWay extends OsmObject { nodes: number[]; coordinates: [number, number][] = [] lat: number; lon: number; constructor(id) { super("way", id); } centerpoint(): [number, number] { return [, this.lon]; } ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string { let tags = this.TagsXML(); let nds = ""; for (const node in this.nodes) { nds += ' \n'; } return ' \n' + nds + tags + ' \n'; } SaveExtraData(element, allNodes: OsmNode[]) { let latSum = 0 let lonSum = 0 for (const node of allNodes) { const cp = node.centerpoint(); this.coordinates.push(cp); latSum = cp[0] lonSum = cp[1] } let count = this.coordinates.length; = latSum / count; this.lon = lonSum / count; this.nodes = element.nodes; } asGeoJson() { return { "type": "Feature", "properties": this.tags, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": => [c[1], c[0]]) } } } } export class OsmRelation extends OsmObject { members; constructor(id) { super("relation", id); } centerpoint(): [number, number] { return [0, 0]; // TODO } ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string { let members = ""; for (const member of this.members) { members += ' \n'; } let tags = this.TagsXML(); return ' \n' + members + tags + ' \n'; } SaveExtraData(element) { this.members = element.members; } asGeoJson() { throw "Not Implemented" } }