import {InputElement} from "./InputElement"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource"; import Minimap, {MinimapObj} from "../Base/Minimap"; import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer"; import Combine from "../Base/Combine"; import Svg from "../../Svg"; import State from "../../State"; import {GeoOperations} from "../../Logic/GeoOperations"; import ShowDataMultiLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataMultiLayer"; import StaticFeatureSource from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource"; import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; import {BBox} from "../../Logic/BBox"; import {FixedUiElement} from "../Base/FixedUiElement"; import ShowDataLayer from "../ShowDataLayer/ShowDataLayer"; import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement"; import Toggle from "./Toggle"; import * as matchpoint from "../../assets/layers/matchpoint/matchpoint.json" export default class LocationInput extends InputElement implements MinimapObj { private static readonly matchLayer = new LayerConfig(matchpoint, "LocationInput.matchpoint", true) IsSelected: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); public readonly snappedOnto: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(undefined) public readonly _matching_layer: LayerConfig; public readonly leafletMap: UIEventSource public readonly bounds; public readonly location; private _centerLocation: UIEventSource; private readonly mapBackground: UIEventSource; /** * The features to which the input should be snapped * @private */ private readonly _snapTo: UIEventSource<{ feature: any }[]> private readonly _value: UIEventSource private readonly _snappedPoint: UIEventSource private readonly _maxSnapDistance: number private readonly _snappedPointTags: any; private readonly _bounds: UIEventSource; private readonly map: BaseUIElement & MinimapObj; private readonly clickLocation: UIEventSource; private readonly _minZoom: number; constructor(options: { minZoom?: number, mapBackground?: UIEventSource, snapTo?: UIEventSource<{ feature: any }[]>, maxSnapDistance?: number, snappedPointTags?: any, requiresSnapping?: boolean, centerLocation: UIEventSource, bounds?: UIEventSource }) { super(); this._snapTo = options.snapTo?.map(features => features?.filter(feat => feat.feature.geometry.type !== "Point")) this._maxSnapDistance = options.maxSnapDistance this._centerLocation = options.centerLocation; this._snappedPointTags = options.snappedPointTags this._bounds = options.bounds; this._minZoom = options.minZoom if (this._snapTo === undefined) { this._value = this._centerLocation; } else { const self = this; if (self._snappedPointTags !== undefined) { const layout = State.state.layoutToUse let matchingLayer = LocationInput.matchLayer for (const layer of layout.layers) { if (layer.source.osmTags.matchesProperties(self._snappedPointTags)) { matchingLayer = layer } } this._matching_layer = matchingLayer; } else { this._matching_layer = LocationInput.matchLayer } this._snappedPoint = => { if (loc === undefined) { return undefined; } // We reproject the location onto every 'snap-to-feature' and select the closest let min = undefined; let matchedWay = undefined; for (const feature of ?? []) { try { const nearestPointOnLine = GeoOperations.nearestPoint(feature.feature, [loc.lon,]) if (min === undefined) { min = nearestPointOnLine matchedWay = feature.feature; continue; } if ( > { min = nearestPointOnLine matchedWay = feature.feature; } } catch (e) { console.log("Snapping to a nearest point failed for ", feature.feature, "due to ", e) } } if (min === undefined || * 1000 > self._maxSnapDistance) { if (options.requiresSnapping) { return undefined } else { return { "type": "Feature", "properties": options.snappedPointTags ??, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [loc.lon,]} } } } = options.snappedPointTags ?? self.snappedOnto.setData(matchedWay) return min }, [this._snapTo]) this._value = => { const [lon, lat] = f.geometry.coordinates; return { lon: lon, lat: lat, zoom: undefined } }) } this.mapBackground = options.mapBackground ?? State.state?.backgroundLayer this.SetClass("block h-full") this.clickLocation = new UIEventSource(undefined); = Minimap.createMiniMap( { location: this._centerLocation, background: this.mapBackground, attribution: this.mapBackground !== State.state?.backgroundLayer, lastClickLocation: this.clickLocation, bounds: this._bounds, addLayerControl: true } ) this.leafletMap = this.location =; } GetValue(): UIEventSource { return this._value; } IsValid(t: Loc): boolean { return t !== undefined; } installBounds(factor: number | BBox, showRange?: boolean): void {, showRange) } TakeScreenshot(): Promise { return } protected InnerConstructElement(): HTMLElement { try { const self = this; const hasMoved = new UIEventSource(false) const startLocation = {} this._centerLocation.addCallbackD(newLocation => { const f = 100000 console.log(newLocation.lon, startLocation.lon) const diff = (Math.abs(newLocation.lon * f - startLocation.lon * f) + Math.abs( * f - * f)) if (diff < 1) { return; } hasMoved.setData(true) return true; }) this.clickLocation.addCallbackAndRunD(location => this._centerLocation.setData(location)) if (this._snapTo !== undefined) { // Show the lines to snap to console.log("Constructing the snap-to layer", this._snapTo) new ShowDataMultiLayer({ features: new StaticFeatureSource(this._snapTo, true), popup: undefined, zoomToFeatures: false, leafletMap:, layers: State.state.filteredLayers } ) // Show the central point const matchPoint = => { if (loc === undefined) { return [] } return [{feature: loc}]; }) new ShowDataLayer({ features: new StaticFeatureSource(matchPoint, true), popup: undefined, zoomToFeatures: false, leafletMap:, layerToShow: this._matching_layer, state: State.state, selectedElement: State.state.selectedElement }) } => { const leaflet = if (leaflet === undefined || layer === undefined) { return; } leaflet.setMaxZoom(layer.max_zoom) leaflet.setMinZoom(self._minZoom ?? layer.max_zoom - 2) leaflet.setZoom(layer.max_zoom - 1) }, []) const animatedHand = Svg.hand_ui() .SetStyle("width: 2rem; height: unset;") .SetClass("hand-drag-animation block pointer-events-none") return new Combine([ new Combine([ Svg.move_arrows_ui() .SetClass("block relative pointer-events-none") .SetStyle("left: -2.5rem; top: -2.5rem; width: 5rem; height: 5rem") ]).SetClass("block w-0 h-0 z-10 relative") .SetStyle("background: rgba(255, 128, 128, 0.21); left: 50%; top: 50%; opacity: 0.5"), new Toggle(undefined, animatedHand, hasMoved) .SetClass("block w-0 h-0 z-10 relative") .SetStyle("left: calc(50% + 3rem); top: calc(50% + 2rem); opacity: 0.7"), .SetClass("z-0 relative block w-full h-full bg-gray-100") ]).ConstructElement(); } catch (e) { console.error("Could not generate LocationInputElement:", e) return new FixedUiElement("Constructing a locationInput failed due to" + e).SetClass("alert").ConstructElement(); } } }