import Script from "./Script" import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs" import { ChangeDescription } from "../src/Logic/Osm/Actions/ChangeDescription" import { Changes } from "../src/Logic/Osm/Changes" import { OsmObject } from "../src/Logic/Osm/OsmObject" import OsmObjectDownloader from "../src/Logic/Osm/OsmObjectDownloader" import { OsmConnection } from "../src/Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import { ImmutableStore } from "../src/Logic/UIEventSource" import { Utils } from "../src/Utils" import Constants from "../src/Models/Constants" type ErrorMessage = { ip: string index: number date: string message: { stacktrace: string message: string layout: string version: string language: string username: string userid: number pendingChanges: ChangeDescription[] } } class HandleErrors extends Script { constructor() { super("Inspects the errors made on a given day. Argument: path to errors") } parseLine() { } async main(args: string[]): Promise { const osmConnection = new OsmConnection() const downloader = new OsmObjectDownloader(osmConnection.Backend(), undefined) const path = args[0] const lines = readFileSync(path, "utf8").split("\n") const createdChangesets = new Set() const refusedFiles: Set = new Set() refusedFiles.add("[]") const changesObj = new Changes({ dryRun: new ImmutableStore(true), osmConnection, }, false, err => console.error(err)) const all: ErrorMessage[] = [] for (const line of lines) { if (!line?.trim()) { continue } try { const parsed: ErrorMessage = JSON.parse(line) const e = parsed.message if (e.layout === "grb") { console.log("Skipping GRB ") continue } console.log(e.username, e.layout, e.message, for (const pendingChange of e.pendingChanges) { console.log( "\t" + pendingChange.type + "/" +, pendingChange.meta.changeType, pendingChange.doDelete ? "DELETE" : "", ) } all.push(parsed) } catch (e) { console.log("Parsing line failed:", e) } } for (const parsed of all) { const e = parsed.message const neededIds = Changes.GetNeededIds(e.pendingChanges) // We _do not_ pass in the Changes object itself - we want the data from OSM directly in order to apply the changes const osmObjects: { id: string; osmObj: OsmObject | "deleted" }[] = await Promise.all<{ id: string osmObj: OsmObject | "deleted" }>( (id) => ({ id, osmObj: await downloader.DownloadObjectAsync(id), })), ) const objects = osmObjects .filter((obj) => obj.osmObj !== "deleted") .map((obj) => obj.osmObj) const { toUpload, refused } = changesObj.fragmentChanges(e.pendingChanges, objects) const changes: { newObjects: OsmObject[] modifiedObjects: OsmObject[] deletedObjects: OsmObject[] } = new Changes({ dryRun: new ImmutableStore(true), osmConnection, }).CreateChangesetObjects(toUpload, objects) const changeset = Changes.createChangesetFor("", changes) const path = "error_changeset_" + parsed.index + "_" + e.layout + "_" + e.username + ".osc" if ( changeset === `` ) { console.log( "Changes for " + parsed.index + ": empty changeset, not creating a file for it", ) } else if (createdChangesets.has(changeset)) { console.log( "Changeset " + parsed.index + " is identical to previously seen changeset, not writing to file", ) } else { writeFileSync(path, changeset, "utf8") createdChangesets.add(changeset) } const refusedContent = JSON.stringify(refused) if (refusedFiles.has(refusedContent)) { console.log( "Refused changes for " + parsed.index + " is identical to previously seen changeset, not writing to file", ) } else { writeFileSync(path + ".refused.json", refusedContent, "utf8") refusedFiles.add(refusedContent) } console.log("Written", path, "with " + e.pendingChanges.length + " changes") } } } new HandleErrors() .run()