import {Tag, TagsFilter} from "../Logic/TagsFilter"; import {UIElement} from "../UI/UIElement"; import {Basemap} from "../Logic/Basemap"; import {ElementStorage} from "../Logic/ElementStorage"; import {UIEventSource} from "../UI/UIEventSource"; import {FilteredLayer} from "../Logic/FilteredLayer"; import {Changes} from "../Logic/Changes"; import {UserDetails} from "../Logic/OsmConnection"; import {TagRenderingOptions} from "./TagRendering"; export class LayerDefinition { /** * This name is shown in the 'add XXX button' */ name: string; newElementTags: Tag[] icon: string; minzoom: number; overpassFilter: TagsFilter; /** * This UIElement is rendered as title element in the popup */ title: TagRenderingOptions; /** * These are the questions/shown attributes in the popup */ elementsToShow: TagRenderingOptions[]; style: (tags: any) => { color: string, icon: any }; /** * If an object of the next layer is contained for this many percent in this feature, it is eaten and not shown */ maxAllowedOverlapPercentage: number = undefined; asLayer(basemap: Basemap, allElements: ElementStorage, changes: Changes, userDetails: UIEventSource, selectedElement: UIEventSource, showOnPopup: (tags: UIEventSource<(any)>) => UIElement): FilteredLayer { return new FilteredLayer(, basemap, allElements, changes, this.overpassFilter, this.maxAllowedOverlapPercentage,, selectedElement, showOnPopup); } }