import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource" import {OsmConnection} from "../../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import FeaturePipeline from "../../Logic/FeatureSource/FeaturePipeline" import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement" import LocationInput from "../Input/LocationInput" import AvailableBaseLayers from "../../Logic/Actors/AvailableBaseLayers" import {BBox} from "../../Logic/BBox" import {TagUtils} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagUtils" import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton" import Combine from "../Base/Combine" import Translations from "../i18n/Translations" import Svg from "../../Svg" import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle" import SimpleAddUI, {PresetInfo} from "../BigComponents/SimpleAddUI" import BaseLayer from "../../Models/BaseLayer" import Img from "../Base/Img" import Title from "../Base/Title" import {GlobalFilter} from "../../Logic/State/MapState" import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement" import {Tag} from "../../Logic/Tags/Tag" import {WayId} from "../../Models/OsmFeature" export default class ConfirmLocationOfPoint extends Combine { constructor( state: { globalFilters: UIEventSource featureSwitchIsTesting: UIEventSource osmConnection: OsmConnection featurePipeline: FeaturePipeline backgroundLayer?: UIEventSource }, filterViewIsOpened: UIEventSource, preset: PresetInfo, confirmText: BaseUIElement, loc: { lon: number; lat: number }, confirm: ( tags: any[], location: { lat: number; lon: number }, snapOntoWayId: WayId | undefined ) => void, cancel: () => void, closePopup: () => void ) { let preciseInput: LocationInput = undefined if (preset.preciseInput !== undefined) { // Create location input // We uncouple the event source const zloc = {...loc, zoom: 19} const locationSrc = new UIEventSource(zloc) let backgroundLayer = new UIEventSource( state?.backgroundLayer?.data ?? AvailableBaseLayers.osmCarto ) if (preset.preciseInput.preferredBackground) { const defaultBackground = AvailableBaseLayers.SelectBestLayerAccordingTo( locationSrc, new UIEventSource(preset.preciseInput.preferredBackground) ) // Note that we _break the link_ here, as the minimap will take care of the switching! backgroundLayer.setData( } let snapToFeatures: UIEventSource<{ feature: any }[]> = undefined let mapBounds: UIEventSource = undefined if (preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers && preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers.length > 0) { snapToFeatures = new UIEventSource<{ feature: any }[]>([]) mapBounds = new UIEventSource(undefined) } const tags = TagUtils.KVtoProperties(preset.tags ?? []) preciseInput = new LocationInput({ mapBackground: backgroundLayer, centerLocation: locationSrc, snapTo: snapToFeatures, snappedPointTags: tags, maxSnapDistance: preset.preciseInput.maxSnapDistance, bounds: mapBounds, state: state, }) preciseInput.installBounds(preset.boundsFactor ?? 0.25, true) preciseInput .SetClass("rounded-xl overflow-hidden border border-gray") .SetStyle("height: 18rem; max-height: 50vh") if (preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers && preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers.length > 0) { // We have to snap to certain layers. // Lets fetch them let loadedBbox: BBox = undefined mapBounds?.addCallbackAndRunD((bbox) => { if (loadedBbox !== undefined && bbox.isContainedIn(loadedBbox)) { // All is already there // return; } bbox = bbox.pad( Math.max(preset.boundsFactor ?? 0.25, 2), Math.max(preset.boundsFactor ?? 0.25, 2) ) loadedBbox = bbox const allFeatures: { feature: any }[] = [] preset.preciseInput.snapToLayers.forEach((layerId) => { console.log("Snapping to", layerId) state.featurePipeline .GetFeaturesWithin(layerId, bbox) ?.forEach((feats) => allFeatures.push( => ({feature: f}))) ) }) console.log("Snapping to", allFeatures) snapToFeatures.setData(allFeatures) }) } } let confirmButton: BaseUIElement = new SubtleButton( preset.icon(), new Combine([ confirmText, ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ) .SetClass("font-bold break-words") .onClick(() => { console.log( "The confirmLocationPanel - precise input yielded ", preciseInput?.GetValue()?.data ) const globalFilterTagsToAdd: Tag[][] = .filter((gf) => gf.onNewPoint !== undefined) .map((gf) => gf.onNewPoint.tags) const globalTags: Tag[] = [].concat(...globalFilterTagsToAdd) console.log("Global tags to add are: ", globalTags) confirm( [...preset.tags, ...globalTags], preciseInput?.GetValue()?.data ?? loc, preciseInput?.snappedOnto?.data?.properties?.id ) }) const warn = Translations.t.general.add.warnVisibleForEveryone.Clone().SetClass("alert w-full block"); if (preciseInput !== undefined) { confirmButton = new Combine([preciseInput, warn, confirmButton]) } else { confirmButton = new Combine([warn, confirmButton]) } const openLayerControl = new SubtleButton( Svg.layers_ui(), new Combine([ Translations.t.general.add.layerNotEnabled .Subs({layer:}) .SetClass("alert"), Translations.t.general.add.openLayerControl, ]) ).onClick(() => filterViewIsOpened.setData(true)) let openLayerOrConfirm = new Toggle( confirmButton, openLayerControl, preset.layerToAddTo.isDisplayed ) const disableFilter = new SubtleButton( new Combine([ Svg.filter_ui().SetClass("absolute w-full"), Svg.cross_bottom_right_svg().SetClass("absolute red-svg"), ]).SetClass("relative"), new Combine([ Translations.t.general.add.disableFiltersExplanation.Clone(), Translations.t.general.add.disableFilters.Clone().SetClass("text-xl"), ]).SetClass("flex flex-col") ).onClick(() => { const appliedFilters = preset.layerToAddTo.appliedFilters, k) =>, undefined)) cancel() closePopup() }) // We assume the number of global filters won't change during the run of the program for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const hasBeenCheckedOf = new UIEventSource(false) const filterConfirmPanel = new VariableUiElement( => { const gf = gfs[i] const confirm = gf.onNewPoint?.confirmAddNew?.Subs({preset: preset.title}) return new Combine([ gf.onNewPoint?.safetyCheck, new SubtleButton(Svg.confirm_svg(), confirm).onClick(() => hasBeenCheckedOf.setData(true) ), ]) }) ) openLayerOrConfirm = new Toggle( openLayerOrConfirm, filterConfirmPanel, (f) => || f[i]?.onNewPoint === undefined, [hasBeenCheckedOf] ) ) } const hasActiveFilter = => { const activeFilters = Array.from(appliedFilters.values()).filter( (f) => f?.currentFilter !== undefined ) return activeFilters.length === 0 }) // If at least one filter is active which _might_ hide a newly added item, this blocks the preset and requests the filter to be disabled const disableFiltersOrConfirm = new Toggle( openLayerOrConfirm, disableFilter, hasActiveFilter ) const tagInfo = SimpleAddUI.CreateTagInfoFor(preset, state.osmConnection) const cancelButton = new SubtleButton( Svg.close_ui(), Translations.t.general.cancel ).onClick(cancel) let examples: BaseUIElement = undefined if (preset.exampleImages !== undefined && preset.exampleImages.length > 0) { examples = new Combine([ new Title( preset.exampleImages.length == 1 ? Translations.t.general.example : Translations.t.general.examples ), new Combine( => new Img(img).SetClass("h-64 m-1 w-auto rounded-lg") ) ).SetClass("flex flex-wrap items-stretch"), ]) } super([ new Toggle( Translations.t.general.testing.SetClass("alert"), undefined, state.featureSwitchIsTesting ), disableFiltersOrConfirm, cancelButton, preset.description, examples, tagInfo, ]) this.SetClass("flex flex-col") } }