{ "id": "tree_node", "name": { "nl": "Boom", "en": "Tree", "it": "Albero", "ru": "Дерево" }, "minzoom": 14, "source": { "osmTags": { "and": [ "natural=tree" ] } }, "title": { "render": { "nl": "Boom", "en": "Tree", "it": "Albero", "ru": "Дерево" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": { "nl": "{name}", "en": "{name}", "ca": "{name}", "de": "{name}", "fr": "{name}", "it": "{name}", "ru": "{name}" } } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ "images", { "render": { "nl": "Hoogte: {height}", "en": "Height: {height}", "it": "Altezza: {height}", "ru": "Высота: {height}" }, "condition": { "and": [ "height~*" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "height~^[0-9.]+$" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Hoogte: {height} m", "en": "Height: {height} m", "it": "Altezza: {height} m", "ru": "Высота: {height} м" } } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Is dit een naald- of loofboom?", "en": "Is this a broadleaved or needleleaved tree?", "it": "Si tratta di un albero latifoglia o aghifoglia?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_type=broadleaved" ] }, "then": { "nl": "\"\"/ Loofboom", "en": "\"\"/ Broadleaved", "it": "\"\"/ Latifoglia" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_type=needleleaved" ] }, "then": { "nl": "\"\"/ Naaldboom", "en": "\"\"/ Needleleaved", "it": "\"\"/ Aghifoglia" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_type=leafless" ] }, "then": { "nl": "\"\"/ Permanent bladloos", "en": "\"\"/ Permanently leafless", "it": "\"\"/ Privo di foglie (permanente)" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Hoe significant is deze boom? Kies het eerste antwoord dat van toepassing is.", "en": "How significant is this tree? Choose the first answer that applies.", "it": "Quanto significativo è questo albero? Scegli la prima risposta che corrisponde." }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=landmark" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom valt op door zijn grootte of prominente locatie. Hij is nuttig voor navigatie.", "en": "The tree is remarkable due to its size or prominent location. It is useful for navigation.", "it": "È un albero notevole per le sue dimensioni o per la posizione prominente. È utile alla navigazione." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=natural_monument" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom is een natuurlijk monument, bijvoorbeeld doordat hij bijzonder oud of van een waardevolle soort is.", "en": "The tree is a natural monument, e.g. because it is especially old, or of a valuable species.", "it": "L’albero è un monumento naturale, ad esempio perché specialmente antico o appartenente a specie importanti." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=agricultural" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom wordt voor landbouwdoeleinden gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld in een boomgaard.", "en": "The tree is used for agricultural purposes, e.g. in an orchard.", "it": "L’albero è usato per scopi agricoli, ad esempio in un frutteto." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=park" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom staat in een park of dergelijke (begraafplaats, schoolterrein, …).", "en": "The tree is in a park or similar (cemetery, school grounds, …).", "it": "L’albero è in un parco o qualcosa di simile (cimitero, aree didattiche, etc.)." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=garden" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom staat in de tuin bij een woning/flatgebouw.", "en": "The tree is a residential garden.", "it": "L’albero è un giardino residenziale." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=avenue" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Dit is een laanboom.", "en": "This is a tree along an avenue.", "it": "Fa parte di un viale alberato." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=urban" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom staat in een woonkern.", "en": "The tree is an urban area.", "it": "L’albero si trova in un’area urbana." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "denotation=none" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom staat buiten een woonkern.", "en": "The tree is outside of an urban area.", "it": "L’albero si trova fuori dall’area urbana." } } ] }, { "question": { "nl": "Is deze boom groenblijvend of bladverliezend?", "en": "Is this tree evergreen or deciduous?", "it": "È un sempreverde o caduco?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_cycle=deciduous" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Bladverliezend: de boom is een periode van het jaar kaal.", "en": "Deciduous: the tree loses its leaves for some time of the year.", "it": "Caduco: l’albero perde le sue foglie per un periodo dell’anno." } }, { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_cycle=evergreen" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Groenblijvend.", "en": "Evergreen.", "it": "Sempreverde." } } ], "condition": { "and": [ "leaf_type!~^leafless$" ] } }, { "render": { "nl": "Naam: {name}", "en": "Name: {name}", "it": "Nome: {name}", "ru": "Название: {name}" }, "question": { "nl": "Heeft de boom een naam?", "en": "Does the tree have a name?", "it": "L’albero ha un nome?" }, "freeform": { "key": "name", "addExtraTags": [ "noname=" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "name=", "noname=yes" ] }, "then": { "nl": "De boom heeft geen naam.", "en": "The tree does not have a name.", "it": "L’albero non ha un nome." } } ], "condition": { "or": [ "denotation=landmark", "denotation=natural_monument", "name~*" ] } }, { "question": { "nl": "Is deze boom erkend als erfgoed?", "en": "Is this tree registered heritage?", "it": "Quest’albero è registrato come patrimonio?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "heritage=4", "heritage:operator=OnroerendErfgoed" ] }, "then": { "nl": "\"\"/ Erkend als houtig erfgoed door Onroerend Erfgoed Vlaanderen", "en": "\"\"/ Registered as heritage by Onroerend Erfgoed Flanders", "it": "\"\"/Registrato come patrimonio da Onroerend Erfgoed Flanders" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "heritage=4", "heritage:operator=aatl" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Erkend als natuurlijk erfgoed door Directie Cultureel Erfgoed Brussel", "en": "Registered as heritage by Direction du Patrimoine culturel Brussels", "it": "Registrato come patrimonio da Direction du Patrimoine culturel di Bruxelles" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "heritage=yes", "heritage:operator=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Erkend als erfgoed door een andere organisatie", "en": "Registered as heritage by a different organisation", "it": "Registrato come patrimonio da un’organizzazione differente" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "heritage=no", "heritage:operator=" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Niet erkend als erfgoed", "en": "Not registered as heritage", "it": "Non è registrato come patrimonio" } }, { "if": { "and": [ "heritage~*" ] }, "then": { "nl": "Erkend als erfgoed door een andere organisatie", "en": "Registered as heritage by a different organisation", "it": "Registrato come patrimonio da un’organizzazione differente" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ], "condition": { "or": [ "denotation=landmark", "denotation=natural_monument" ] } }, { "render": { "nl": "\"\"/ Onroerend Erfgoed-ID: {ref:OnroerendErfgoed}", "en": "\"\"/ Onroerend Erfgoed ID: {ref:OnroerendErfgoed}", "it": "\"\"/ Onroerend Erfgoed ID: {ref:OnroerendErfgoed}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is het ID uitgegeven door Onroerend Erfgoed Vlaanderen?", "en": "What is the ID issued by Onroerend Erfgoed Flanders?", "it": "Qual è l’ID rilasciato da Onroerend Erfgoed Flanders?" }, "freeform": { "key": "ref:OnroerendErfgoed", "type": "nat" }, "condition": { "and": [ "heritage=4", "heritage:operator=OnroerendErfgoed" ] } }, { "render": { "nl": "\"\"/ Wikidata: {wikidata}", "en": "\"\"/ Wikidata: {wikidata}", "it": "\"\"/ Wikidata: {wikidata}" }, "question": { "nl": "Wat is het Wikidata-ID van deze boom?", "en": "What is the Wikidata ID for this tree?", "it": "Qual è l’ID Wikidata per questo albero?" }, "freeform": { "key": "wikidata", "type": "wikidata" }, "condition": { "or": [ "denotation=landmark", "denotation=natural_monument", "wikidata~*" ] } } ], "hideUnderlayingFeaturesMinPercentage": 0, "icon": { "render": "circle:#ffffff;./assets/themes/trees/unknown.svg", "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_type=broadleaved" ] }, "then": "circle:#ffffff;./assets/themes/trees/broadleaved.svg" }, { "if": { "and": [ "leaf_type=needleleaved" ] }, "then": "circle:#ffffff;./assets/themes/trees/needleleaved.svg" } ] }, "wayHandling": 1, "width": { "render": "8" }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,bottom" }, "color": { "render": "#00f" }, "presets": [ { "tags": [ "natural=tree", "leaf_type=broadleaved" ], "title": { "nl": "Loofboom", "en": "Broadleaved tree", "it": "Albero latifoglia" }, "description": { "nl": "Een boom van een soort die blaadjes heeft, bijvoorbeeld eik of populier.", "en": "A tree of a species with leaves, such as oak or populus.", "it": "Un albero di una specie con foglie larghe come la quercia o il pioppo." } }, { "tags": [ "natural=tree", "leaf_type=needleleaved" ], "title": { "nl": "Naaldboom", "en": "Needleleaved tree", "it": "Albero aghifoglia" }, "description": { "nl": "Een boom van een soort met naalden, bijvoorbeeld den of spar.", "en": "A tree of a species with needles, such as pine or spruce.", "it": "Un albero di una specie con aghi come il pino o l’abete." } }, { "tags": [ "natural=tree" ], "title": { "nl": "Boom", "en": "Tree", "it": "Albero", "ru": "Дерево" }, "description": { "nl": "Wanneer je niet zeker bent of het nu een loof- of naaldboom is.", "en": "If you're not sure whether it's a broadleaved or needleleaved tree.", "it": "Qualora non si sia sicuri se si tratta di un albero latifoglia o aghifoglia." } } ] }