import LayoutConfig from "./ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig" import { SpecialVisualizationState } from "../UI/SpecialVisualization" import { Changes } from "../Logic/Osm/Changes" import { Store, UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource" import { FeatureSource, IndexedFeatureSource, WritableFeatureSource, } from "../Logic/FeatureSource/FeatureSource" import { OsmConnection } from "../Logic/Osm/OsmConnection" import { ExportableMap, MapProperties } from "./MapProperties" import LayerState from "../Logic/State/LayerState" import { Feature, Point, Polygon } from "geojson" import FullNodeDatabaseSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/TiledFeatureSource/FullNodeDatabaseSource" import { Map as MlMap } from "maplibre-gl" import InitialMapPositioning from "../Logic/Actors/InitialMapPositioning" import { MapLibreAdaptor } from "../UI/Map/MapLibreAdaptor" import { GeoLocationState } from "../Logic/State/GeoLocationState" import FeatureSwitchState from "../Logic/State/FeatureSwitchState" import { QueryParameters } from "../Logic/Web/QueryParameters" import UserRelatedState from "../Logic/State/UserRelatedState" import LayerConfig from "./ThemeConfig/LayerConfig" import GeoLocationHandler from "../Logic/Actors/GeoLocationHandler" import { AvailableRasterLayers, RasterLayerPolygon, RasterLayerUtils } from "./RasterLayers" import LayoutSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/LayoutSource" import StaticFeatureSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/StaticFeatureSource" import FeaturePropertiesStore from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Actors/FeaturePropertiesStore" import PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter from "../Logic/FeatureSource/PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter" import FilteringFeatureSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/FilteringFeatureSource" import ShowDataLayer from "../UI/Map/ShowDataLayer" import TitleHandler from "../Logic/Actors/TitleHandler" import ChangeToElementsActor from "../Logic/Actors/ChangeToElementsActor" import PendingChangesUploader from "../Logic/Actors/PendingChangesUploader" import SelectedElementTagsUpdater from "../Logic/Actors/SelectedElementTagsUpdater" import { BBox } from "../Logic/BBox" import Constants from "./Constants" import Hotkeys from "../UI/Base/Hotkeys" import Translations from "../UI/i18n/Translations" import { GeoIndexedStoreForLayer } from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Actors/GeoIndexedStore" import { LastClickFeatureSource } from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/LastClickFeatureSource" import { MenuState } from "./MenuState" import MetaTagging from "../Logic/MetaTagging" import ChangeGeometryApplicator from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/ChangeGeometryApplicator" import { NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource } from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource" import OsmObjectDownloader from "../Logic/Osm/OsmObjectDownloader" import ShowOverlayRasterLayer from "../UI/Map/ShowOverlayRasterLayer" import { Utils } from "../Utils" import { EliCategory } from "./RasterLayerProperties" import BackgroundLayerResetter from "../Logic/Actors/BackgroundLayerResetter" import SaveFeatureSourceToLocalStorage from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Actors/SaveFeatureSourceToLocalStorage" import BBoxFeatureSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/TouchesBboxFeatureSource" import ThemeViewStateHashActor from "../Logic/Web/ThemeViewStateHashActor" import NoElementsInViewDetector, { FeatureViewState, } from "../Logic/Actors/NoElementsInViewDetector" import FilteredLayer from "./FilteredLayer" import { PreferredRasterLayerSelector } from "../Logic/Actors/PreferredRasterLayerSelector" import { ImageUploadManager } from "../Logic/ImageProviders/ImageUploadManager" import { Imgur } from "../Logic/ImageProviders/Imgur" import NearbyFeatureSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/NearbyFeatureSource" import FavouritesFeatureSource from "../Logic/FeatureSource/Sources/FavouritesFeatureSource" import { ProvidedImage } from "../Logic/ImageProviders/ImageProvider" /** * * The themeviewState contains all the state needed for the themeViewGUI. * * This is pretty much the 'brain' or the HQ of MapComplete * * It ties up all the needed elements and starts some actors. */ export default class ThemeViewState implements SpecialVisualizationState { readonly layout: LayoutConfig readonly map: UIEventSource readonly changes: Changes readonly featureSwitches: FeatureSwitchState readonly featureSwitchIsTesting: Store readonly featureSwitchUserbadge: Store readonly featureProperties: FeaturePropertiesStore readonly osmConnection: OsmConnection readonly selectedElement: UIEventSource readonly selectedElementAndLayer: Store<{ feature: Feature; layer: LayerConfig }> readonly mapProperties: MapProperties & ExportableMap readonly osmObjectDownloader: OsmObjectDownloader readonly dataIsLoading: Store /** * Indicates if there is _some_ data in view, even if it is not shown due to the filters */ readonly hasDataInView: Store readonly guistate: MenuState readonly fullNodeDatabase?: FullNodeDatabaseSource readonly historicalUserLocations: WritableFeatureSource> readonly indexedFeatures: IndexedFeatureSource & LayoutSource readonly currentView: FeatureSource> readonly featuresInView: FeatureSource readonly favourites: FavouritesFeatureSource /** * Contains a few (<10) >features that are near the center of the map. */ readonly closestFeatures: NearbyFeatureSource readonly newFeatures: WritableFeatureSource readonly layerState: LayerState readonly perLayer: ReadonlyMap readonly perLayerFiltered: ReadonlyMap readonly availableLayers: Store readonly selectedLayer: UIEventSource readonly userRelatedState: UserRelatedState readonly geolocation: GeoLocationHandler readonly imageUploadManager: ImageUploadManager readonly previewedImage = new UIEventSource(undefined) readonly addNewPoint: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false) readonly lastClickObject: LastClickFeatureSource readonly overlayLayerStates: ReadonlyMap< string, { readonly isDisplayed: UIEventSource } > /** * All 'level'-tags that are available with the current features */ readonly floors: Store private readonly newPointDialog: FilteredLayer constructor(layout: LayoutConfig) { Utils.initDomPurify() this.layout = layout this.featureSwitches = new FeatureSwitchState(layout) this.guistate = new MenuState(, ) = new UIEventSource(undefined) const initial = new InitialMapPositioning(layout) this.mapProperties = new MapLibreAdaptor(, initial) const geolocationState = new GeoLocationState() this.featureSwitchIsTesting = this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchIsTesting this.featureSwitchUserbadge = this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchEnableLogin this.osmConnection = new OsmConnection({ dryRun: this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchIsTesting, fakeUser:, oauth_token: QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter( "oauth_token", undefined, "Used to complete the login" ), }) this.userRelatedState = new UserRelatedState( this.osmConnection, layout?.language, layout, this.featureSwitches, this.mapProperties ) this.userRelatedState.fixateNorth.addCallbackAndRunD((fixated) => { this.mapProperties.allowRotating.setData(fixated !== "yes") }) this.selectedElement = new UIEventSource(undefined, "Selected element") this.selectedLayer = new UIEventSource(undefined, "Selected layer") this.selectedElementAndLayer = this.selectedElement.mapD( (feature) => { const layer = if (!layer) { return undefined } return { layer, feature } }, [this.selectedLayer] ) this.geolocation = new GeoLocationHandler( geolocationState, this.selectedElement, this.mapProperties, this.userRelatedState.gpsLocationHistoryRetentionTime ) this.availableLayers = AvailableRasterLayers.layersAvailableAt(this.mapProperties.location) const self = this this.layerState = new LayerState(this.osmConnection, layout.layers, { const overlayLayerStates = new Map }>() for (const rasterInfo of this.layout.tileLayerSources) { const isDisplayed = QueryParameters.GetBooleanQueryParameter( "overlay-" +, rasterInfo.defaultState ?? true, "Wether or not overlayer layer " + + " is shown" ) const state = { isDisplayed } overlayLayerStates.set(, state) new ShowOverlayRasterLayer(rasterInfo,, this.mapProperties, state) } this.overlayLayerStates = overlayLayerStates } { /* Setup the layout source * A bit tricky, as this is heavily intertwined with the 'changes'-element, which generate a stream of new and changed features too */ if (this.layout.layers.some((l) => l._needsFullNodeDatabase)) { this.fullNodeDatabase = new FullNodeDatabaseSource() } const layoutSource = new LayoutSource( layout.layers, this.featureSwitches, this.mapProperties, this.osmConnection.Backend(), (id) => self.layerState.filteredLayers.get(id).isDisplayed, this.fullNodeDatabase ) let currentViewIndex = 0 const empty = [] this.currentView = new StaticFeatureSource( => { if (!bbox) { return empty } currentViewIndex++ return [ bbox.asGeoJson({ zoom:,, id: "current_view_" + currentViewIndex, }), ] }) ) this.featuresInView = new BBoxFeatureSource(layoutSource, this.mapProperties.bounds) this.dataIsLoading = layoutSource.isLoading this.indexedFeatures = layoutSource this.featureProperties = new FeaturePropertiesStore(layoutSource) this.changes = new Changes( { dryRun: this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchIsTesting, allElements: layoutSource, featurePropertiesStore: this.featureProperties, osmConnection: this.osmConnection, historicalUserLocations: this.geolocation.historicalUserLocations, }, layout?.isLeftRightSensitive() ?? false ) this.historicalUserLocations = this.geolocation.historicalUserLocations this.newFeatures = new NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource( this.changes, layoutSource, this.featureProperties ) layoutSource.addSource(this.newFeatures) const perLayer = new PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter( Array.from(this.layerState.filteredLayers.values()).filter( (l) => l.layerDef?.source !== null ), new ChangeGeometryApplicator(this.indexedFeatures, this.changes), { constructStore: (features, layer) => new GeoIndexedStoreForLayer(features, layer), handleLeftovers: (features) => { console.warn( "Got ", features.length, "leftover features, such as", features[0].properties ) }, } ) this.perLayer = perLayer.perLayer } this.perLayer.forEach((fs) => { new SaveFeatureSourceToLocalStorage( this.osmConnection.Backend(),, 15, fs, this.featureProperties, fs.layer.layerDef.maxAgeOfCache ) }) this.newPointDialog = this.layerState.filteredLayers.get("last_click") this.floors = this.featuresInView.features.stabilized(500).map((features) => { if (!features) { return [] } const floors = new Set() for (const feature of features) { let level =["_level"] if (level) { const levels = level.split(";") for (const l of levels) { floors.add(l) } } else { floors.add("0") // '0' is the default and is thus _always_ present } } const sorted = Array.from(floors) // Sort alphabetically first, to deal with floor "A", "B" and "C" sorted.sort() sorted.sort((a, b) => { // We use the laxer 'parseInt' to deal with floor '1A' const na = parseInt(a) const nb = parseInt(b) if (isNaN(na) || isNaN(nb)) { return 0 } return na - nb }) sorted.reverse(/* new list, no side-effects */) return sorted }) this.lastClickObject = new LastClickFeatureSource( this.mapProperties.lastClickLocation, this.layout ) this.osmObjectDownloader = new OsmObjectDownloader( this.osmConnection.Backend(), this.changes ) this.perLayerFiltered = this.showNormalDataOn( this.closestFeatures = new NearbyFeatureSource( this.mapProperties.location, this.perLayerFiltered, 3, this.layerState, this.mapProperties.zoom ) this.hasDataInView = new NoElementsInViewDetector(this).hasFeatureInView this.imageUploadManager = new ImageUploadManager( layout, Imgur.singleton, this.featureProperties, this.osmConnection, this.changes ) this.favourites = new FavouritesFeatureSource(this) this.initActors() this.drawSpecialLayers() this.initHotkeys() this.miscSetup() this.focusOnMap() if (!Utils.runningFromConsole) { console.log("State setup completed", this) } } /* By focussing on the map, the keyboard panning and zoom with '+' and '+' works */ public focusOnMap() { if ( { return } => { map.on("load", () => { map.getCanvas().focus() }) return true }) } public showNormalDataOn(map: Store): ReadonlyMap { const filteringFeatureSource = new Map() this.perLayer.forEach((fs, layerName) => { const doShowLayer = (z) => (fs.layer.isDisplayed?.data ?? true) && z >= (fs.layer.layerDef?.minzoom ?? 0), [fs.layer.isDisplayed] ) if (! && === false) { /* This layer is hidden and there is no way to enable it (filterview is disabled or this layer doesn't show up in the filter view as the name is not defined) * * This means that we don't have to filter it, nor do we have to display it * * Note: it is tempting to also permanently disable the layer if it is not visible _and_ the layer name is hidden. * However, this is _not_ correct: the layer might be hidden because zoom is not enough. Zooming in more _will_ reveal the layer! * */ return } const filtered = new FilteringFeatureSource( fs.layer, fs, (id) => this.featureProperties.getStore(id), this.layerState.globalFilters ) filteringFeatureSource.set(layerName, filtered) new ShowDataLayer(map, { layer: fs.layer.layerDef, features: filtered, doShowLayer, metaTags: this.userRelatedState.preferencesAsTags, selectedElement: this.selectedElement, selectedLayer: this.selectedLayer, fetchStore: (id) => this.featureProperties.getStore(id), }) }) return filteringFeatureSource } public openNewDialog() { this.selectedLayer.setData(undefined) this.selectedElement.setData(undefined) const { lon, lat } = const feature = this.lastClickObject.createFeature(lon, lat) this.featureProperties.trackFeature(feature) this.selectedElement.setData(feature) this.selectedLayer.setData(this.newPointDialog.layerDef) } /** * Various small methods that need to be called */ private miscSetup() { this.userRelatedState.markLayoutAsVisited(this.layout) this.selectedElement.addCallbackAndRunD((feature) => { // As soon as we have a selected element, we clear the selected element // This is to work around maplibre, which'll _first_ register the click on the map and only _then_ on the feature // The only exception is if the last element is the 'add_new'-button, as we don't want it to disappear if ( === "last_click") { return } this.lastClickObject.features.setData([]) }) if (this.layout.customCss !== undefined && window.location.pathname.indexOf("theme") >= 0) { Utils.LoadCustomCss(this.layout.customCss) } } /** * Selects the feature that is 'i' closest to the map center * @param i * @private */ private selectClosestAtCenter(i: number = 0) { this.mapProperties.lastKeyNavigation.setData( / 1000) const toSelect =[i] if (!toSelect) { return } const layer = this.layout.getMatchingLayer( this.selectedElement.setData(undefined) this.selectedLayer.setData(layer) this.selectedElement.setData(toSelect) } private initHotkeys() { Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "Escape", onUp: true }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.closeSidebar, () => { this.selectedElement.setData(undefined) this.guistate.closeAll() this.previewedImage.setData(undefined) this.focusOnMap() } ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "f" }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectFavourites, () => { this.guistate.menuViewTab.setData("favourites") this.guistate.menuIsOpened.setData(true) } ) this.mapProperties.lastKeyNavigation.addCallbackAndRunD((_) => { Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: " ", onUp: true, }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectItem, () => this.selectClosestAtCenter(0) ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "Spacebar", onUp: true, }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectItem, () => this.selectClosestAtCenter(0) ) for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) { Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "" + i, onUp: true, }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectItem, () => this.selectClosestAtCenter(i - 1) ) } return true // unregister }) this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchBackgroundSelection.addCallbackAndRun((enable) => { if (!enable) { return } Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "b", }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.openLayersPanel, () => { if ( { this.guistate.openFilterView() } } ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { shift: "O" }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectMapnik, () => { this.mapProperties.rasterLayer.setData(AvailableRasterLayers.osmCarto) } ) const setLayerCategory = (category: EliCategory) => { const available = const current = this.mapProperties.rasterLayer const best = RasterLayerUtils.SelectBestLayerAccordingTo( available, category, ) console.log("Best layer for category", category, "is", current.setData(best) } Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "O" }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectOsmbasedmap, () => setLayerCategory("osmbasedmap") ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "M" }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectMap, () => setLayerCategory("map") ) Hotkeys.RegisterHotkey( { nomod: "P" }, Translations.t.hotkeyDocumentation.selectAerial, () => setLayerCategory("photo") ) return true }) } /** * Add the special layers to the map */ private drawSpecialLayers() { type AddedByDefaultTypes = (typeof Constants.added_by_default)[number] const empty = [] /** * A listing which maps the layerId onto the featureSource */ const specialLayers: Record< Exclude | "current_view", FeatureSource > = { home_location: this.userRelatedState.homeLocation, gps_location: this.geolocation.currentUserLocation, gps_location_history: this.geolocation.historicalUserLocations, gps_track: this.geolocation.historicalUserLocationsTrack, selected_element: new StaticFeatureSource( => (f === undefined ? empty : [f])) ), range: new StaticFeatureSource( => bbox === undefined ? empty : [bbox.asGeoJson({ id: "range" })] ) ), current_view: this.currentView, favourite: this.favourites, } this.closestFeatures.registerSource(specialLayers.favourite, "favourite") if (this.layout?.lockLocation) { const bbox = new BBox(this.layout.lockLocation) this.mapProperties.maxbounds.setData(bbox) ShowDataLayer.showRange(, new StaticFeatureSource([bbox.asGeoJson({ id: "range" })]), this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchIsTesting ) } const currentViewLayer = this.layout.layers.find((l) => === "current_view") if (currentViewLayer?.tagRenderings?.length > 0) { const params = MetaTagging.createExtraFuncParams(this) this.featureProperties.trackFeatureSource(specialLayers.current_view) specialLayers.current_view.features.addCallbackAndRunD((features) => { MetaTagging.addMetatags( features, params, currentViewLayer, this.layout, this.osmObjectDownloader, this.featureProperties ) }) } const rangeFLayer: FilteredLayer = this.layerState.filteredLayers.get("range") const rangeIsDisplayed = rangeFLayer?.isDisplayed if ( rangeFLayer && !QueryParameters.wasInitialized(FilteredLayer.queryParameterKey(rangeFLayer.layerDef)) ) { rangeIsDisplayed?.syncWith(this.featureSwitches.featureSwitchIsTesting, true) } // enumarate all 'normal' layers and match them with the appropriate 'special' layer - if applicable this.layerState.filteredLayers.forEach((flayer) => { const id = const features: FeatureSource = specialLayers[id] if (features === undefined) { return } if (id === "favourite") { console.log("Matching special layer", id, flayer) } this.featureProperties.trackFeatureSource(features) new ShowDataLayer(, { features, doShowLayer: flayer.isDisplayed, layer: flayer.layerDef, metaTags: this.userRelatedState.preferencesAsTags, selectedElement: this.selectedElement, selectedLayer: this.selectedLayer, }) }) } /** * Setup various services for which no reference are needed */ private initActors() { // Unselect the selected element if it is panned out of view this.mapProperties.bounds.stabilized(250).addCallbackD((bounds) => { const selected = if (selected === undefined) { return } const bbox = BBox.get(selected) if (!bbox.overlapsWith(bounds)) { this.selectedElement.setData(undefined) } }) this.selectedElement.addCallback((selected) => { if (selected === undefined) { // We did _unselect_ an item - we always remove the lastclick-object this.lastClickObject.features.setData([]) this.selectedLayer.setData(undefined) this.focusOnMap() } }) this.guistate.allToggles.forEach((toggle) => { toggle.toggle.addCallbackD((isOpened) => { if (!isOpened) { this.focusOnMap() } }) }) new ThemeViewStateHashActor(this) new MetaTagging(this) new TitleHandler(this.selectedElement, this.selectedLayer, this.featureProperties, this) new ChangeToElementsActor(this.changes, this.featureProperties) new PendingChangesUploader(this.changes, this.selectedElement) new SelectedElementTagsUpdater(this) new BackgroundLayerResetter(this.mapProperties.rasterLayer, this.availableLayers) new PreferredRasterLayerSelector( this.mapProperties.rasterLayer, this.availableLayers, this.featureSwitches.backgroundLayerId, this.userRelatedState.preferredBackgroundLayer ) } }