import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; import {Or} from "../Tags/Or"; import {Overpass} from "../Osm/Overpass"; import FeatureSource from "../FeatureSource/FeatureSource"; import {Utils} from "../../Utils"; import {TagsFilter} from "../Tags/TagsFilter"; import SimpleMetaTagger from "../SimpleMetaTagger"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"; import RelationsTracker from "../Osm/RelationsTracker"; import {BBox} from "../BBox"; import Loc from "../../Models/Loc"; import LayerConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayerConfig"; export default class OverpassFeatureSource implements FeatureSource { public readonly name = "OverpassFeatureSource" /** * The last loaded features of the geojson */ public readonly features: UIEventSource<{ feature: any, freshness: Date }[]> = new UIEventSource(undefined); public readonly runningQuery: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(false); public readonly timeout: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(0); public readonly relationsTracker: RelationsTracker; private readonly retries: UIEventSource = new UIEventSource(0); private readonly state: { readonly locationControl: UIEventSource, readonly layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, readonly overpassUrl: UIEventSource; readonly overpassTimeout: UIEventSource; readonly currentBounds: UIEventSource } private readonly _isActive: UIEventSource; private readonly onBboxLoaded: (bbox: BBox, date: Date, layers: LayerConfig[], zoomlevel: number) => void; constructor( state: { readonly locationControl: UIEventSource, readonly layoutToUse: LayoutConfig, readonly overpassUrl: UIEventSource; readonly overpassTimeout: UIEventSource; readonly overpassMaxZoom: UIEventSource, readonly currentBounds: UIEventSource }, options: { padToTiles: UIEventSource, isActive?: UIEventSource, relationTracker: RelationsTracker, onBboxLoaded?: (bbox: BBox, date: Date, layers: LayerConfig[], zoomlevel: number) => void }) { this.state = state this._isActive = options.isActive; this.onBboxLoaded = options.onBboxLoaded this.relationsTracker = options.relationTracker const self = this; state.currentBounds.addCallback(_ => { self.update( }) } private GetFilter(interpreterUrl: string, layersToDownload: LayerConfig[]): Overpass { let filters: TagsFilter[] = []; let extraScripts: string[] = []; for (const layer of layersToDownload) { if (layer.source.overpassScript !== undefined) { extraScripts.push(layer.source.overpassScript) } else { filters.push(layer.source.osmTags); } } filters = Utils.NoNull(filters) extraScripts = Utils.NoNull(extraScripts) if (filters.length + extraScripts.length === 0) { return undefined; } return new Overpass(new Or(filters), extraScripts, interpreterUrl, this.state.overpassTimeout, this.relationsTracker); } private update(paddedZoomLevel: number) { if (! { return; } const self = this; this.updateAsync(paddedZoomLevel).then(bboxDate => { if (bboxDate === undefined || self.onBboxLoaded === undefined) { return; } const [bbox, date, layers] = bboxDate self.onBboxLoaded(bbox, date, layers, paddedZoomLevel) }) } private async updateAsync(padToZoomLevel: number): Promise<[BBox, Date, LayerConfig[]]> { if ( { console.log("Still running a query, not updating"); return undefined; } if ( > 0) { console.log("Still in timeout - not updating") return undefined; } let data: any = undefined let date: Date = undefined let lastUsed = 0; const layersToDownload = [] for (const layer of this.state.layoutToUse.layers) { if (typeof (layer) === "string") { throw "A layer was not expanded!" } if ( < layer.minzoom) { continue; } if (layer.doNotDownload) { continue; } if (layer.source.geojsonSource !== undefined) { // Not our responsibility to download this layer! continue; } layersToDownload.push(layer) } const self = this; const overpassUrls = let bounds : BBox do { try { bounds =; if (bounds === undefined) { return undefined; } const overpass = this.GetFilter(overpassUrls[lastUsed], layersToDownload); if (overpass === undefined) { return undefined; } this.runningQuery.setData(true); [data, date] = await overpass.queryGeoJson(bounds) console.log("Querying overpass is done", data) } catch (e) {;; console.error(`QUERY FAILED due to`, e); await Utils.waitFor(1000) if (lastUsed + 1 < overpassUrls.length) { lastUsed++ console.log("Trying next time with", overpassUrls[lastUsed]) } else { lastUsed = 0 self.timeout.setData( * 5); while ( > 0) { await Utils.waitFor(1000) console.log(; } } } } while (data === undefined &&; try { if(data === undefined){ return undefined } data.features.forEach(feature => SimpleMetaTagger.objectMetaInfo.applyMetaTagsOnFeature(feature, date, undefined)); self.features.setData( => ({feature: f, freshness: date}))); return [bounds, date, layersToDownload]; } catch (e) { console.error("Got the overpass response, but could not process it: ", e, e.stack) return undefined } finally { self.retries.setData(0); self.runningQuery.setData(false); } } }