import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource"; import LayoutConfig from "../../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; import Translations from "../../UI/i18n/Translations"; import Locale from "../../UI/i18n/Locale"; import {UIElement} from "../../UI/UIElement"; import TagRenderingAnswer from "../../UI/Popup/TagRenderingAnswer"; import {ElementStorage} from "../ElementStorage"; import Combine from "../../UI/Base/Combine"; class TitleElement extends UIElement { private readonly _layoutToUse: UIEventSource; private readonly _selectedFeature: UIEventSource; private readonly _allElementsStorage: ElementStorage; constructor(layoutToUse: UIEventSource, selectedFeature: UIEventSource, allElementsStorage: ElementStorage) { super(layoutToUse); this._layoutToUse = layoutToUse; this._selectedFeature = selectedFeature; this._allElementsStorage = allElementsStorage; this.ListenTo(Locale.language); this.ListenTo(this._selectedFeature) } InnerRender(): string { const defaultTitle = Translations.WT( ?? "MapComplete" const feature =; if (feature === undefined) { return defaultTitle; } const layout =; const properties =; for (const layer of layout.layers) { if (layer.title === undefined) { continue; } if (layer.source.osmTags.matchesProperties(properties)) { const tags = this._allElementsStorage.getEventSourceById(; if (tags == undefined) { return defaultTitle; } const title = new TagRenderingAnswer(tags, layer.title) return new Combine([defaultTitle, " | ", title]).Render(); } } return defaultTitle; } } export default class TitleHandler { constructor(layoutToUse: UIEventSource, selectedFeature: UIEventSource, allElementsStorage: ElementStorage) { selectedFeature.addCallbackAndRun(_ => { const title = new TitleElement(layoutToUse, selectedFeature, allElementsStorage) const d = document.createElement('div'); d.innerHTML = title.InnerRenderAsString(); // We pass everything into a div to strip out images etc... document.title = (d.textContent || d.innerText); }) } }