import {TagsFilter} from "../Tags"; import * as $ from "jquery" import * as OsmToGeoJson from "osmtogeojson"; import Bounds from "../../Models/Bounds"; /** * Interfaces overpass to get all the latest data */ export class Overpass { private _filter: TagsFilter public static testUrl: string = null private readonly _extraScripts: string[]; constructor(filter: TagsFilter, extraScripts: string[]) { this._filter = filter this._extraScripts = extraScripts; } private buildQuery(bbox: string): string { const filters = this._filter.asOverpass() let filter = "" for (const filterOr of filters) { filter += 'nwr' + filterOr + ';' } for (const extraScript of this._extraScripts){ filter += '('+extraScript+');'; } const query = '[out:json][timeout:25]' + bbox + ';(' + filter + ');out body;>;out skel qt;' return "" + encodeURIComponent(query) } queryGeoJson(bounds: Bounds, continuation: ((any, date: Date) => void), onFail: ((reason) => void)): void { let query = this.buildQuery("[bbox:" + bounds.south + "," + bounds.west + "," + bounds.north + "," + bounds.east + "]") if (Overpass.testUrl !== null) { console.log("Using testing URL") query = Overpass.testUrl; } $.getJSON(query, function (json, status) { if (status !== "success") { console.log("Query failed") onFail(status); } if (json.elements === [] && json.remarks.indexOf("runtime error") > 0) { console.log("Timeout or other runtime error"); onFail("Runtime error (timeout)") return; } // @ts-ignore const geojson = OsmToGeoJson.default(json); console.log("Received geojson", geojson) const osmTime = new Date(json.osm3s.timestamp_osm_base); continuation(geojson, osmTime); }).fail(onFail) } }