import Script from "./Script" import { Utils } from "../src/Utils" import { Eli, EliEntry } from "./@types/eli" import fs from "fs" import { BingRasterLayer } from "../src/UI/Map/BingRasterLayer" class DownloadEli extends Script { constructor() { super("Downloads a fresh copy of the editor layer index, removes all unnecessary data.") } async main(args: string[]): Promise { const url = "" // Target should use '.json' instead of '.geojson', as the latter cannot be imported by the build systems const target = args[0] ?? "public/assets/data/editor-layer-index.json" const targetBing = args[0] ?? "src/assets/bing.json" const eli: Eli = await Utils.downloadJson(url) const keptLayers: EliEntry[] = [] console.log("Got", eli.features.length, "ELI-entries") for (let layer of eli.features) { const props = if (props.type === "bing") { // A lot of work to implement - see try { const bing = await BingRasterLayer.get() if (bing === "error") { continue } delete props.default props.category = "photo" props.url ="%7Bquadkey%7D", "{quadkey}") } catch (e) { console.error("Could not fetch URL for bing", e) continue } } if ( === "MAPNIK") { // Already added by default continue } if (props.overlay) { continue } if ( === "Mapbox") { /** * This token is managed by Martin Reifer on the 'OpenStreetMap'-account on MapBox */ const token = "pk.eyJ1Ijoib3BlbnN0cmVldG1hcCIsImEiOiJjbGZkempiNDkyandvM3lwY3M4MndpdWdzIn0.QnvRv52n3qffVEKmQa9vJA" props.url = props.url.replace("{apikey}", token) } if (props.url.toLowerCase().indexOf("apikey") > 0) { continue } if (props.permission_osm === "no") { continue } if (props.max_zoom && props.max_zoom < 19) { // We want users to zoom to level 19 when adding a point // If they are on a layer which hasn't enough precision, they can not zoom far enough. This is confusing, so we don't use this layer continue } if ( === undefined) { console.warn("Editor layer index: name not defined on ", props) continue } if (props.url.startsWith("http://")) { // Mixed content will not work properly, so we don't use this layer continue } // Override the layer, so it contains only the properties we need = { name:, id:, url: props.url, attribution: props.attribution, type: props.type, category: props.category, min_zoom: props.min_zoom, max_zoom: props.max_zoom, best: ? true : undefined, default: props.default ? true : undefined, "tile-size": props["tile-size"], } layer = { properties:, type: layer.type, geometry: layer.geometry } keptLayers.push(layer) } const contents = '{"type":"FeatureCollection",\n "features": [\n' + keptLayers .filter((l) => !== "Bing") .map((l) => JSON.stringify(l)) .join(",\n") + "\n]}" const bing = keptLayers.find((l) => === "Bing") if (bing) { fs.writeFileSync(targetBing, JSON.stringify(bing), { encoding: "utf8" }) console.log("Written", targetBing) } else { console.log("No bing entry found") } fs.writeFileSync(target, contents, { encoding: "utf8" }) console.log("Written", keptLayers.length + ", entries to the ELI") } } new DownloadEli().run()