import { TagsFilter } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/TagsFilter" import { Tag } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/Tag" import { And } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/And" import Script from "../Script" import fs from "fs" import { Or } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/Or" import { RegexTag } from "../../src/Logic/Tags/RegexTag" import { Utils } from "../../src/Utils" import { ValidateThemeEnsemble } from "../../src/Models/ThemeConfig/Conversion/Validation" import { AllKnownLayouts } from "../../src/Customizations/AllKnownLayouts" class LuaSnippets { /** * The main piece of code that calls `process_poi` */ static tail = [ "function osm2pgsql.process_node(object)", " process_poi(object, object:as_point())", "end", "", "function osm2pgsql.process_way(object)", " if object.is_closed then", " process_poi(object, object:as_polygon():centroid())", " end", "end", ""].join("\n") public static combine(calls: string[]): string { return [ `function process_poi(object, geom)`, => " " + c + "(object, geom)"), `end`, ].join("\n") } } class GenerateLayerLua { private readonly _id: string private readonly _tags: TagsFilter private readonly _foundInThemes: string[] constructor(id: string, tags: TagsFilter, foundInThemes: string[] = []) { this._tags = tags this._id = id this._foundInThemes = foundInThemes } public functionName() { if (!this._tags) { return undefined } return `process_poi_${this._id}` } public generateFunction(): string { if (!this._tags) { return undefined } return [ `local pois_${this._id} = osm2pgsql.define_table({`, this._foundInThemes ? "-- used in themes: " + this._foundInThemes.join(", ") : "", ` name = '${this._id}',`, " ids = { type = 'any', type_column = 'osm_type', id_column = 'osm_id' },", " columns = {", " { column = 'tags', type = 'jsonb' },", " { column = 'geom', type = 'point', projection = 4326, not_null = true },", " }" + "})", "", "", `function ${this.functionName()}(object, geom)`, " local matches_filter = " + this.toLuaFilter(this._tags), " if( not matches_filter) then", " return", " end", " local a = {", " geom = geom,", " tags = object.tags", " }", " ", ` pois_${this._id}:insert(a)`, "end", "", ].join("\n") } private regexTagToLua(tag: RegexTag) { if (typeof tag.value === "string" && tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] ~= "${tag.value}"` } const v = ( tag.value).source.replace(/\\\//g, "/") if ("" + tag.value === "/.+/is" && !tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] ~= nil` } if ("" + tag.value === "/.+/is" && tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] == nil` } if (tag.matchesEmpty && !tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] == nil or object.tags["${tag.key}"] == ""` } if (tag.matchesEmpty && tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] ~= nil or object.tags["${tag.key}"] ~= ""` } if (tag.invert) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] == nil or not string.find(object.tags["${tag.key}"], "${v}")` } return `(object.tags["${tag.key}"] ~= nil and string.find(object.tags["${tag.key}"], "${v}"))` } private toLuaFilter(tag: TagsFilter, useParens: boolean = false): string { if (tag instanceof Tag) { return `object.tags["${tag.key}"] == "${tag.value}"` } if (tag instanceof And) { const expr = => this.toLuaFilter(t, true)).join(" and ") if (useParens) { return "(" + expr + ")" } return expr } if (tag instanceof Or) { const expr = => this.toLuaFilter(t, true)).join(" or ") if (useParens) { return "(" + expr + ")" } return expr } if (tag instanceof RegexTag) { let expr = this.regexTagToLua(tag) if (useParens) { expr = "(" + expr + ")" } return expr } let msg = "Could not handle" + tag.asHumanString(false, false, {}) console.error(msg) throw msg } } class GenerateBuildDbScript extends Script { constructor() { super("Generates a .lua-file to use with osm2pgsql") } async main(args: string[]) { const allNeededLayers = new ValidateThemeEnsemble().convertStrict( AllKnownLayouts.allKnownLayouts.values(), ) const generators: GenerateLayerLua[] = [] allNeededLayers.forEach(({ tags, foundInTheme }, layerId) => { generators.push(new GenerateLayerLua(layerId, tags, foundInTheme)) }) const script = [ => g.generateFunction()), LuaSnippets.combine(Utils.NoNull( => g.functionName()))), LuaSnippets.tail, ].join("\n\n\n") const path = "build_db.lua" fs.writeFileSync(path, script, "utf-8") console.log("Written", path) console.log(allNeededLayers.size+" layers will be created. Make sure to set 'max_connections' to at least "+(10 + allNeededLayers.size) ) } } new GenerateBuildDbScript().run()