import ScriptUtils from "./ScriptUtils"; import {Utils} from "../Utils"; import {lstatSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} from "fs"; Utils.runningFromConsole = true import LayerConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayerConfig"; import {error} from "util"; import * as licenses from "../assets/generated/license_info.json" import SmallLicense from "../Models/smallLicense"; import LayoutConfig from "../Customizations/JSON/LayoutConfig"; // This scripts scans 'assets/layers/*.json' for layer definition files and 'assets/themes/*.json' for theme definition files. // It spits out an overview of those to be used to load them // First, remove the old file. It might be buggy! writeFileSync("./assets/generated/known_layers_and_themes.json", JSON.stringify({ "layers": [], "themes": [] })) const layerFiles = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync("./assets/layers") .filter(path => path.indexOf(".json") > 0) .filter(path => path.indexOf("license_info.json") < 0) .map(path => { try { const parsed = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, "UTF8")); return parsed } catch (e) { console.error("Could not parse file ", path, "due to ", e) } }) const themeFiles : any[] = ScriptUtils.readDirRecSync("./assets/themes") .filter(path => path.indexOf(".json") > 0) .filter(path => path.indexOf("license_info.json") < 0) .map(path => { return JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, "UTF8")); }) writeFileSync("./assets/generated/known_layers_and_themes.json", JSON.stringify({ "layers": layerFiles, "themes": themeFiles })) console.log("Discovered ", layerFiles.length, "layers and ", themeFiles.length, "themes\n") console.log(" ---------- VALIDATING ---------") // ------------- VALIDATION -------------- const licensePaths = [] for (const i in licenses) { licensePaths.push(licenses[i].path) } const knownPaths = new Set(licensePaths) function validateLayer(layer: LayerConfig, context?:string) : number{ let errorCount = 0; const images = Array.from(layer.ExtractImages()) const remoteImages = images.filter(img => img.indexOf("http") == 0) for (const remoteImage of remoteImages) { console.error("Found a remote image:", remoteImage, "in layer", errorCount++ } for (const image of images) { if (!knownPaths.has(image)) { console.error("Image with path", image, "not found or not attributed; it is used in",, context === undefined ? "" : ` in a layer defined in the theme ${context}`) errorCount++ } } return errorCount } let layerErrorCount = 0 const knownLayerIds = new Set(); for (const layerFile of layerFiles) { knownLayerIds.add( try { const layer = new LayerConfig(layerFile, "test", true) layerErrorCount += validateLayer(layer) } catch (e) { console.error("Layer ",, " is invalid: ", e) layerErrorCount++ } if (layerFile.overpassTags !== undefined) { layerErrorCount++ console.warn("Layer ",, "still uses the old 'overpassTags'-format. Please use 'source: {osmTags: }' instead") } } let themeErrorCount = 0 for (const themeFile of themeFiles) { for (const layer of themeFile.layers) { if(typeof layer === "string"){ if(!knownLayerIds.has(layer)){ console.error("Unknown layer id: ", layer) themeErrorCount++ } } } themeFile.layers = themeFile.layers.filter(l => typeof l != "string") try { const layout = new LayoutConfig(themeFile, true, "test") for (const layer of layout.layers) { layerErrorCount += validateLayer(layer, } } catch (e) { console.error("Could not parse theme", themeFile["id"], "due to", e) themeErrorCount++; } } console.log("Found ", layerErrorCount, "errors in the layers; "+themeErrorCount+" errors in the themes")