{ "id": "school", "name": { "en": "Primary and secondary schools", "nl": "Lagere en middelbare scholen" }, "description": "Schools giving primary and secondary education and post-secondary, non-tertiary education. Note that this level of education does not imply an age of the pupiles", "minzoom": 12, "title": { "render": { "en": "School {name}", "nl": "School {name}" } }, "calculatedTags": [ "_enclosing=feat.enclosingFeatures('school').map(f => f.feat.properties.id)", "_is_enclosed=feat.properties._enclosing != '[]'" ], "isShown": { "render": "yes", "mappings": [ { "if": { "and": [ "building~*", "_is_enclosed=true" ] }, "then": "no" } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "render": { "en": "This school is named {name}", "nl": "Deze school heet {name}" }, "question": { "en": "What is the name of this school?", "nl": "Wat is de naam van deze school?" }, "freeform": { "key": "name" }, "id": "school-name" }, { "id": "capacity", "question": { "en": "How much students can at most enroll in this school?" }, "render": { "en": "This school can enroll at most {capacity} students", "nl": "Deze school kan maximaal {capacity} studenten lesgeven" }, "freeform": { "key": "capacity", "type": "pnat" } }, { "id": "education-level-belgium", "condition": "_country=be", "question": { "en": "What level of education is given on this school?", "nl": "Wat is het onderwijsniveau van deze school?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school=kindergarten", "then": { "en": "This is a school with a kindergarten section where young kids receive some education which prepares reading and writing.", "nl": "Dit is een school die ook een kleuterschool bevat" } }, { "if": "school=primary", "then": { "en": "This is a school where one learns primary skills such as basic literacy and numerical skills.
Pupils typically enroll from 6 years old till 12 years old
", "nl": "Dit is een lagere school" } }, { "if": "school=secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a secondary school which offers all grades", "nl": "Dit is een middelbare school die alle schooljaren aanbiedt (dus van het eerste tot en met het zesde middelbaar)" } }, { "if": "school=lower_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers first and second grade", "nl": "Dit is een middelbare school die niet alle schooljaren aanbiedt, maar wel het eerste en tweede middelbaar" } }, { "if": "school=middle_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers third and fourth grade", "nl": "Dit is een middelbare school die niet alle schooljaren aanbiedt, maar wel het derde en vierde middelbaar" } }, { "if": "school=upper_secondary", "then": { "en": "This is a secondary school which does not have all grades, but offers fifth and sixth grade", "nl": "Dit is een middelbare school die niet alle schooljaren aanbiedt, maar wel het vijfde en zesde middelbaar" } }, { "if": "school=post_secondary", "then": { "en": "This schools offers post-secondary education (e.g. a seventh or eight specialisation year)", "nl": "Deze school biedt post-secundair onderwijs (bijvoorbeeld specialisatiejaren)" } } ], "multiAnswer": true }, { "id": "gender", "question": { "en": "Which genders can enroll at this school?", "nl": "Mogen jongens en meisjes les volgen op deze school?" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school:gender=mixed", "then": { "en": "Both boys and girls can enroll here and have classes together", "nl": "Zowel jongens als meisjes kunnen hier les volgen. In de lessen zitten jongens en meisjes samen." } }, { "if": "school:gender=separated", "then": { "en": "Both boys and girls can enroll here but they are separated (e.g. they have lessons in different classrooms or at different times)", "nl": "Jongens en meisjes kunnen hier lesvolgen, maar de lessen zijn gescheiden (bv. de lessen zijn in andere lokalen of op andere momenten)" } }, { "if": "school:gender=male", "then": { "en": "This is a boys only-school", "nl": "Deze school is enkel voor jongens" } }, { "if": "school:gender=female", "then": { "en": "This is a girls-only school", "nl": "Deze school is enkel voor meisjes" } } ] }, { "id": "target-audience", "condition": "school:for~*", "question": { "en": "Does this school target students with a special need? Which structural facilities does this school have?
Ad-hoc ", "nl": "Richt deze school zich op leerlingen met een speciale zorgbehoefte? Welke structurele faciliteiten heeft deze school voor leerlingen met een extra zorgbehoefte?
Ad-hoc maatregelen zijn niet voldoende
" }, "multiAnswer": true, "render": { "en": "This school has facilities for students with {school:for}", "nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten met {school:for}" }, "freeform": { "key": "school:for", "inline": true }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school:for=", "then": { "en": "This is a school where students study skills at their age-adequate level.
There are little or no special facilities to cater for students with special needs or facilities are ad-hoc
", "nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten zonder extra zorgbehoefte.
This includes students who can follow the courses with small, ad hoc measurements
", "nl": "Deze school richt zich op studenten zonder extra zorgbehoefte
What language is spoken with the students in non-language related courses and with the administration?
", "nl": "Wat is de voertaal van deze school?
Welke taal wordt met de studenten gesproken in niet-taal-gerelateerde vakken en met de administratie?
" }, "render": { "en": "{school:language} is the main language of {name}", "nl": "{school:language} is de voertaal van {name}" }, "freeform": { "key": "school:language", "inline": true, "placeholder": { "en":"Language in lowercase English", "nl":"Taal in lowercase Engel"}, "addExtraTags": [ "fixme=Freeform tag `school:language` used, to be doublechecked" ] }, "mappings": [ { "if": "school:language=english", "then": { "en": "English is the main language of {name}", "nl": "Engels is de voertaal van {name}" } }, { "if": "school:language=french", "then": { "en": "French is the main language of {name}", "nl": "Frans is de voertaal van {name}" } }, { "if": "school:language=dutch", "then": { "en": "Dutch is the main language of {name}", "nl": "Nederlands is de voertaal van {name}" } }, { "if": "school:language=german", "then": { "en": "German is the main language of {name}", "nl": "Duits is de voertaal van {name}" } }, { "if": "school:language=", "then": { "en": "The main language of this school is unknown", "nl": "De voertaal van deze school is niet gekend" }, "hideInAnswer": true } ] } ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "amenity=school", "fixme=Added with MapComplete, the precise geometry should still be drawn" ], "title": { "en": "a primary or secondary school", "nl": "een lagere of middelbare school" } } ], "source": { "osmTags": "amenity=school" }, "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "circle:white;./assets/layers/school/school.svg", "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": "
" } ] }, "iconSize": { "render": "40,40,center" }, "location": [ "point", "centroid" ] }, { "color": "#fcd862", "width": 1 } ] }