Talk at State of the Map ======================== I'm planning to do a talk/video on MapComplete on _State of the Map 2021_. This document outlines the structure of the talk and serves as my speaker notes. Overview -------- 1. What is MapComplete? Three slides 2. Already one year old! a. Where and how did it start? "This project isn't going anywhere" (buurtnatuur, cyclofix, Antwerpen, Natuurpunt, Oost-Vlaanderen?, Toerisme Vlaanderen?) b. Where are we now? Some cool statistics 3. The vision a. Your granny can use it a. pragmatism - somewhat working today is better then something perfect tomorrow a. It's a trap! Cool thematic map (as iframe on website) -> the OSM rabbit hole -> easy start -> more features when mapping more -> oh, I can make a theme too! b. The pareto frontier of 'easy to use' vs 'number of features' c. The thematic approach (+ disabling/enabling features per theme/view) 4. The future a. paid projects? Microgrant for a better theme creator? b. user contributed themes (see you next talk!) 5. OpenStreetMap is Cool!