{ "id": "openwindpowermap", "title": { "en": "OpenWindPowerMap", "fr": "OpenWindPowerMap", "de": "OpenWindPowerMap", "it": "OpenWindPowerMap" }, "maintainer": "Seppe Santens", "icon": "./assets/themes/openwindpowermap/wind_turbine.svg", "description": { "en": "A map for showing and editing wind turbines.", "fr": "Une carte indiquant les éoliennes et permettant leur édition.", "de": "Eine Karte zum Anzeigen und Bearbeiten von Windkraftanlagen.", "it": "Una cartina per la visione e la modifica delle turbine eoliche." }, "language": [ "en", "fr", "de", "it", "nl", "eo", "nb_NO" ], "version": "2021-06-18", "startLat": 50.52, "startLon": 4.643, "startZoom": 8, "clustering": { "maxZoom": 8 }, "layers": [ { "id": "windturbine", "name": { "en": "wind turbine", "nl": "windturbine", "fr": "Éolienne", "de": "Windrad", "it": "pala eolica" }, "source": { "osmTags": "generator:source=wind" }, "minzoom": 10, "title": { "render": { "en": "wind turbine", "nl": "windturbine", "fr": "éolienne", "de": "Windrad", "it": "pala eolica" }, "mappings": [ { "if": "name~*", "then": { "en": "{name}", "fr": "{name}", "eo": "{name}", "it": "{name}" } } ] }, "tagRenderings": [ { "id": "turbine-output", "render": { "en": "The power output of this wind turbine is {generator:output:electricity}.", "fr": "La puissance générée par cette éolienne est de {generator:output:electricity}.", "it": "La potenza generata da questa pala eolica è {generator:output:electricity}." }, "question": { "en": "What is the power output of this wind turbine? (e.g. 2.3 MW)", "fr": "Quel est la puissance générée par cette éolienne ?", "it": "Quant’è la potenza generata da questa pala eolica? (ad es. 2.3 MW)" }, "freeform": { "key": "generator:output:electricity", "type": "pfloat" } }, { "id": "turbine-operator", "render": { "en": "This wind turbine is operated by {operator}.", "fr": "Cette éolienne est opérée par {operator}.", "it": "Questa pala eolica è gestita da {operator}." }, "question": { "en": "Who operates this wind turbine?", "fr": "Qui est l’exploitant de cette éolienne ?", "it": "Chi gestisce questa pala eolica?" }, "freeform": { "key": "operator" } }, { "id": "turbine-height", "render": { "en": "The total height (including rotor radius) of this wind turbine is {height} metres.", "fr": "La hauteur totale, incluant les pales, est de {height} mètres.", "it": "L’altezza totale (raggio del rotore incluso) di questa pala eolica è di {height} metri." }, "question": { "en": "What is the total height of this wind turbine (including rotor radius), in metres?", "fr": "Quelle est la hauteur totale de l’éolienne en mètres, pales incluses ?", "it": "Qual è l’altezza (in metri e raggio del rotore incluso) di questa pala eolica?" }, "freeform": { "key": "height", "type": "pfloat" } }, { "id": "turbine-diameter", "render": { "en": "The rotor diameter of this wind turbine is {rotor:diameter} metres.", "fr": "Le diamètre du rotor est de {rotor:diameter} mètres.", "it": "Il diametro del rotore di questa pala eolica è di {rotor:diameter} metri." }, "question": { "en": "What is the rotor diameter of this wind turbine, in metres?", "fr": "Quel est le diamètre du rotor en mètres ?", "it": "Qual è il diametro (in metri) del rotore di questa pala eolica?" }, "freeform": { "key": "rotor:diameter", "type": "float" } }, { "id": "turbine-start-date", "render": { "en": "This wind turbine went into operation on/in {start_date}.", "fr": "L’éolienne est active depuis {start_date}.", "it": "Questa pala eolica è entrata in funzione in data {start_date}." }, "question": { "en": "When did this wind turbine go into operation?", "fr": "Depuis quand l’éolienne est-elle en fonctionnement ?", "it": "Quando è entrata in funzione questa pala eolica?" }, "freeform": { "key": "start_date", "type": "date" } }, "images" ], "presets": [ { "tags": [ "power=generator", "generator:source=wind" ], "title": { "en": "wind turbine", "nl": "windturbine", "fr": "Éolienne", "de": "Windrad", "it": "pala eolica" } } ], "units": [ { "appliesToKey": [ "generator:output:electricity" ], "applicableUnits": [ { "canonicalDenomination": "MW", "alternativeDenomination": [ "megawatts", "megawatt" ], "human": { "en": " megawatts", "nl": " megawatt", "fr": " megawatts", "de": " Megawatt", "eo": " megavatoj", "it": " megawatt" } }, { "canonicalDenomination": "kW", "alternativeDenomination": [ "kilowatts", "kilowatt" ], "human": { "en": " kilowatts", "nl": " kilowatt", "fr": " kilowatts", "de": " Kilowatt", "eo": " kilovatoj", "it": " kilowatt", "nb_NO": " kilowatt" } }, { "canonicalDenomination": "W", "alternativeDenomination": [ "watts", "watt" ], "human": { "en": " watts", "nl": " watt", "fr": " watts", "de": " Watt", "eo": " vatoj", "it": " watt" } }, { "canonicalDenomination": "GW", "alternativeDenomination": [ "gigawatts", "gigawatt" ], "human": { "en": " gigawatts", "nl": " gigawatt", "fr": " gigawatts", "de": " Gigawatt", "eo": " gigavatoj", "it": " gigawatt" } } ], "eraseInvalidValues": true }, { "appliesToKey": [ "height", "rotor:diameter" ], "applicableUnits": [ { "canonicalDenomination": "m", "alternativeDenomination": [ "meter" ], "human": { "en": " meter", "nl": " meter", "fr": " mètres", "de": " Meter", "eo": " metro", "it": " metri" } } ] } ], "mapRendering": [ { "icon": "./assets/themes/openwindpowermap/wind_turbine.svg", "label": { "mappings": [ { "if": "generator:output:electricity~^[0-9]+.*[W]$", "then": "