150 lines
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150 lines
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import L from "leaflet"
import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource";
import {UIElement} from "../../UI/UIElement";
// Contains all setup and baselayers for Leaflet stuff
export class Basemap {
public static readonly defaultLayer: { name: string, layer: any, id: string } =
Basemap.CreateBackgroundLayer("osm", "OpenStreetMap", "https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
"OpenStreetMap (ODBL)", 'https://openstreetmap.org/copyright',
22, false);
// @ts-ignore
public readonly map: Map;
public readonly Location: UIEventSource<{ zoom: number, lat: number, lon: number }>;
public readonly LastClickLocation: UIEventSource<{ lat: number, lon: number }> = new UIEventSource<{ lat: number, lon: number }>(undefined)
private _previousLayer: L.tileLayer = undefined;
public readonly CurrentLayer: UIEventSource<{
id: string,
name: string,
layer: L.tileLayer
}> = new UIEventSource<L.tileLayer>(Basemap.defaultLayer);
constructor(leafletElementId: string,
location: UIEventSource<{ zoom: number, lat: number, lon: number }>,
extraAttribution: UIElement) {
this._previousLayer = Basemap.defaultLayer.layer;
this.map = L.map(leafletElementId, {
center: [location.data.lat ?? 0, location.data.lon ?? 0],
zoom: location.data.zoom ?? 2,
layers: [this._previousLayer],
// Users are not allowed to zoom to the 'copies' on the left and the right, stuff goes wrong then
// We give a bit of leeway for people on the edges
// Also see: https://www.reddit.com/r/openstreetmap/comments/ih4zzc/mapcomplete_a_new_easytouse_editor/g31ubyv/
extraAttribution.Render() + " | <a href='https://osm.org'>OpenStreetMap</a>");
this.Location = location;
const self = this;
this.map.on("moveend", function () {
location.data.zoom = self.map.getZoom();
location.data.lat = self.map.getCenter().lat;
location.data.lon = self.map.getCenter().lng;
this.CurrentLayer.addCallback((layer:{layer: L.tileLayer}) => {
if(self._previousLayer !== undefined){
self._previousLayer = layer.layer;
this.map.on("click", function (e) {
self.LastClickLocation.setData({lat: e.latlng.lat, lon: e.latlng.lng})
this.map.on("contextmenu", function (e) {
self.LastClickLocation.setData({lat: e.latlng.lat, lon: e.latlng.lng});
public static CreateBackgroundLayer(id: string, name: string, url: string, attribution: string, attributionUrl: string,
maxZoom: number, isWms: boolean, isWMTS?: boolean) {
url = url.replace("{zoom}", "{z}")
.replace("&BBOX={bbox}", "")
.replace("&bbox={bbox}", "");
const subdomainsMatch = url.match(/{switch:[^}]*}/)
let domains: string[] = [];
if (subdomainsMatch !== null) {
let domainsStr = subdomainsMatch[0].substr("{switch:".length);
domainsStr = domainsStr.substr(0, domainsStr.length - 1);
domains = domainsStr.split(",");
url = url.replace(/{switch:[^}]*}/, "{s}")
if (isWms) {
url = url.replace("&SRS={proj}","");
url = url.replace("&srs={proj}","");
const paramaters = ["format", "layers", "version", "service", "request", "styles", "transparent", "version"];
const urlObj = new URL(url);
const isUpper = urlObj.searchParams["LAYERS"] !== null;
const options = {
maxZoom: maxZoom ?? 19,
attribution: attribution + " | ",
subdomains: domains,
uppercase: isUpper,
transparent: false
for (const paramater of paramaters) {
let p = paramater;
if (isUpper) {
p = paramater.toUpperCase();
options[paramater] = urlObj.searchParams.get(p);
if(options.transparent === null){
options.transparent = false;
return {
id: id,
name: name,
layer: L.tileLayer.wms(urlObj.protocol+"//"+urlObj.host+urlObj.pathname,
if (attributionUrl) {
attribution = `<a href='${attributionUrl}' target='_blank'>${attribution}</a>`;
return {
id: id,
name: name,
layer: L.tileLayer(url,
attribution: attribution,
maxZoom: maxZoom,
minZoom: 1,
wmts: isWMTS ?? false,
subdomains: domains