730 lines
35 KiB
730 lines
35 KiB
"id": "climbing",
"title": {
"nl": "Open klimkaart",
"de": "Offene Kletterkarte",
"en": "Open Climbing Map",
"ru": "Открытая карта скалолазания",
"ja": "登山地図を開く",
"zh_Hant": "開放攀爬地圖",
"nb_NO": "Åpent klatrekart",
"it": "Mappa aperta per le arrampicate",
"fr": "Open Climbing Map",
"hu": "Mászótérkép",
"ca": "Open Climbing Map"
"description": {
"nl": "Op deze kaart vind je verschillende klimgelegenheden, zoals klimzalen, bolderzalen en klimmen in de natuur",
"de": "Eine Karte mit Klettermöglichkeiten wie Kletterhallen, Kletterparks oder Felsen.",
"en": "On this map you will find various climbing opportunities such as climbing gyms, bouldering halls and rocks in nature.",
"ru": "На этой карте вы найдете различные возможности для скалолазания, такие как скалодромы, залы для боулдеринга и скалы на природе.",
"ja": "この地図には、自然の中のクライミングジム、ボルダリングホール、岩など、さまざまなクライミングの機会があります。",
"zh_Hant": "在這份地圖上你會發現能夠攀爬機會,像是攀岩體育館、抱石大廳以及大自然當中的巨石。",
"fr": "Cette carte indique les sites d’escalades comme les salles d’escalade ou les sites naturels.",
"it": "In questa cartina puoi trovare vari luoghi per arrampicata come ad esempio palestre di arrampicata, sale di pratica e rocce naturali.",
"hu": "Ezen a térképen különböző mászási lehetőségeket talál, például falmászótermeket, bouldertermeket és sziklákat a természetben."
"descriptionTail": {
"nl": "De klimkaart is oorspronkelijk gemaakt door <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a> op <a href='https://kletterspots.de' target='_blank'>kletterspots.de</a>.",
"en": "The climbing map was originally made by <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a>. Please <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>get in touch</a> if you have feedback or questions.</p><p>The project uses data of the <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a> project.</p>",
"de": "<p><strong>kletterspots.de</strong> wird betrieben von <a href='https://utopicode.de/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a>. Bitte <a href='https://utopicode.de/kontakt/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>melden Sie sich</a>, wenn Sie Feedback oder Fragen haben.</p><p>Das Projekt nutzt <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a> Daten und basiert auf der freien Software <a href='https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete' target='_blank'>MapComplete</a>.</p>",
"ru": "Создатель карты скалолазания — <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a>. Пожалуйста, <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>пишите</a> если у вас есть отзыв или вопросы.</p><p>Проект использует данные <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a>.</p>",
"ja": "登山地図はもともと <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a> によって作成されたものです。フィードバックや質問がありましたら、<a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>ご連絡</a>ください。</p><p>このプロジェクトでは、<a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a>プロジェクトのデータを使用します。</p>",
"zh_Hant": "攀爬地圖最初由 <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a> 製作。如果你有回饋意見或問題請到Please <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>這邊反應</a>。</p><p>這專案使用來自<a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>開放街圖</a>專案的資料。</p>",
"fr": "La carte des sites d'escalade a été créée par <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a>. Merci de le <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>contacter</a> pour des avis ou des questions.</p><p>Ce projet utilise les données <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a>.</p>",
"it": "La cartina di arrampicata è stata originariamente creata da <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a>. Si prega di <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>scrivere qua</a> se si hanno commenti o domande da fare.</p><p>Il progetto usa i dati del progetto <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a>.</p>",
"hu": "A mászótérképet eredetileg <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/?ref=kletterspots' target='_blank'>Christian Neumann</a> készítette. Ha észrevétele vagy kérdése van, kérjük, <a href='https://utopicode.de/en/contact/?project=kletterspots&ref=kletterspots' target='blank'>vele lépjen kapcsolatba</a>.</p> <p>A projekt az <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap</a> adatait használja</p>"
"maintainer": "Christian Neumann <christian@utopicode.de>",
"icon": "./assets/themes/climbing/climbing_icon.svg",
"version": "0",
"startLat": 0,
"startLon": 0,
"startZoom": 1,
"widenFactor": 1.5,
"layers": [
"overrideAll": {
"allowMove": {
"enableRelocation": false,
"enableImproveAccuracy": true
"+titleIcons": [
"render": "<div class='flex' style='word-wrap: normal; padding-right: 0.25rem;'><img src='./assets/themes/climbing/height.svg' style='height: 1.75rem;'/>{climbing:length}m</div>",
"condition": "climbing:length~*"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:bolts~*",
"then": "<div class='flex' style='padding-right: 0.25rem;'><img src='./assets/themes/climbing/carabiner.svg' style='width: 1rem;'/>{climbing:bolts}</div>"
"if": "climbing:bolted=yes",
"then": "<img src='./assets/themes/climbing/carabiner.svg' style='width:2rem; height:2rem'/>"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:grade:french~3.*",
"then": "<div class='rounded-full px-1' style='background-color:#ebf224'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"if": "climbing:grade:french~4.*",
"then": "<div class='rounded-full pl-2 pr-2' style='background-color:#7af224'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"if": "climbing:grade:french~5.*",
"then": "<div class='rounded-full pl-2 pr-2' style='background-color:#f24a24'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"if": "climbing:grade:french~6.*",
"then": "<div class='text-white rounded-full pl-2 pr-2' style='background-color:#244af2'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"if": "climbing:grade:french~7.*",
"then": "<div class='text-white rounded-full pl-2 pr-2' style='background-color:#e904ed'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"if": "climbing:grade:french~*",
"then": "<div class='text-white rounded-full px-2' style='background-colour:black'> {climbing:grade:french}</div>"
"+calculatedTags": [
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"units+": [
"appliesToKey": [
"applicableUnits": [
"canonicalDenomination": "",
"alternativeDenomination": [
"human": {
"en": " meter",
"nl": " meter",
"fr": " mètres",
"de": " Meter",
"eo": " metro",
"it": " metri",
"ru": " метр",
"ca": " metre"
"default": true
"canonicalDenomination": "ft",
"alternativeDenomination": [
"human": {
"en": " feet",
"nl": " voet",
"fr": " pieds",
"de": " Fuß",
"eo": " futo",
"it": " piedi",
"ca": " peus"
"tagRenderings+": [
"id": "Website",
"question": {
"en": "Is there a (unofficial) website with more informations (e.g. topos)?",
"de": "Gibt es eine (inoffizielle) Website mit mehr Informationen (z.B. Topos)?",
"ja": "もっと情報のある(非公式の)ウェブサイトはありますか(例えば、topos)?",
"nl": "Is er een (onofficiële) website met meer informatie (b.v. met topos)?",
"ru": "Есть ли (неофициальный) веб-сайт с более подробной информацией (напр., topos)?",
"fr": "Existe-t’il un site avec plus d’informations (ex : topographie) ?",
"it": "C’è un sito web (anche non ufficiale) con qualche informazione in più (ad es. topografie)?"
"condition": {
"and": [
"render": "<a href='{url}' target='_blank'>{url}</a>",
"freeform": {
"key": "url",
"type": "url"
"id": "Access from containing feature",
"mappings": [
"if": "_embedding_feature:access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "<span class='subtle'>The <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>containing feature</a> states that this is</span> publicly accessible<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"nl": "<span class='subtle'>Een <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>omvattend element</a> geeft aan dat dit <span>publiek toegangkelijk is</span><br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"fr": "<span class='subtle'>L’<a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>élément englobant</a> indique un </span> accès libre<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"it": "<span class='subtle'>L’ <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>elemento in cui è contenuto</a> indica che è</span> pubblicamente accessibile<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"de": "<span class='subtle'>Das <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>enthaltende Objekt</a> gibt an, dass es </span>öffentlich zugänglich ist<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}"
"if": "_embedding_feature:access=permit",
"then": {
"en": "<span class='subtle'>The <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>containing feature</a> states that </span> a permit is needed to access<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"nl": "<span class='subtle'>Een <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>omvattend element</a> geeft aan dat</span> een toelating nodig is om hier te klimmen<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"fr": "<span class='subtle'>L’<a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>élément englobant</a> indique qu’</span> une autorisation d’accès est nécessaire<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"it": "<span class='subtle'>L’<a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>elemento che lo contiene</a> indica che </span> è richiesto un’autorizzazione per accedervi<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"de": "<span class='subtle'>Das <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>enthaltende Objekt</a> besagt, dass </span> eine Genehmigung erforderlich ist für den Zugang zu<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}"
"if": "_embedding_feature:access=customers",
"then": {
"en": "<span class='subtle'>The <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>containing feature</a> states that this is</span> only accessible to customers<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"fr": "<span class='subtle'>L’<a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>élément englobant</a> indique que </span> l’accès est réservés aux clients<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"it": "<span class='subtle'>L’ <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>elemento che lo contiene</a> indica che è</span> accessibile solo ai clienti<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"de": "<span class='subtle'>Das <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>enthaltende Objekt</a> besagt, dass es nur für Kunden</span> zugänglich ist<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}"
"if": "_embedding_feature:access=members",
"then": {
"en": "<span class='subtle'>The <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>containing feature</a> states that this is</span> only accessible to club members<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"fr": "<span class='subtle'>L’<a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>élément englobant</a> indique que </span> l’accès est réservé aux membres<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"it": "<span class='subtle'>L’ <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>elemento che lo contiene</a> indica che è </span> accessibile solamente ai membri del club<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}",
"de": "<span class='subtle'>Das <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>enthaltende Objekt</a> besagt, dass es </span>nur für Mitglieder zugänglich ist<br/>{_embedding_feature:access:description}"
"if": "_embedding_feature:access=no",
"then": "Not accessible as stated by <a href='#{_embedding_feature:id}'>the containing feature</a>"
"condition": "_embedding_feature:access~*"
"id": "Access",
"question": {
"en": "Who can access here?",
"fr": "Qui peut y accéder ?",
"de": "Wer hat hier Zugang?",
"it": "Chi può accedervi?"
"mappings": [
"if": "access=yes",
"then": {
"en": "Publicly accessible to anyone",
"fr": "Libre d’accès",
"de": "Öffentlich zugänglich für jedermann",
"it": "Pubblicamente accessibile a chiunque"
"if": "access=permit",
"then": {
"en": "You need a permit to access here",
"fr": "Une autorisation est nécessaire",
"de": "Zugang nur mit Genehmigung",
"it": "È necessario avere un’autorizzazione per entrare"
"if": "access=customers",
"then": {
"en": "Only customers",
"fr": "Réservé aux clients",
"de": "Nur für Kunden",
"it": "Riservato ai clienti",
"ca": "Només clients"
"if": "access=members",
"then": {
"en": "Only club members",
"ru": "Только членам клуба",
"fr": "Réservé aux membres",
"de": "Nur für Vereinsmitglieder",
"it": "Riservato ai membri del club",
"ca": "Només membres del club"
"if": "access=no",
"then": "Not accessible"
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"or": [
"id": "Access description (without _embedding_feature:access:description)",
"render": "{access:description}",
"freeform": {
"key": "access:description"
"id": "Avg length?",
"render": {
"de": "Die Routen sind durchschnittlich <b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b> lang",
"en": "The routes are <b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b> long on average",
"nl": "De klimroutes zijn gemiddeld <b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b> lang",
"ja": "ルートの長さは平均で<b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b>です",
"fr": "Les voies font <b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b> de long en moyenne",
"it": "Le vie sono lunghe mediamente <b>{canonical(climbing:length)}</b>"
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"question": {
"de": "Wie lang sind die Routen (durchschnittlich) in Metern?",
"en": "What is the (average) length of the routes in meters?",
"nl": "Wat is de (gemiddelde) lengte van de klimroutes, in meter?",
"ja": "ルートの(平均)長さはメートル単位でいくつですか?",
"fr": "Quelle est la longueur moyenne des voies en mètres ?",
"it": "Quale è la lunghezza (media) delle vie in metri?"
"freeform": {
"key": "climbing:length",
"type": "pnat"
"id": "Difficulty-min",
"question": {
"de": "Welche Schwierigkeit hat hier die leichteste Route (französisch/belgisches System)?",
"en": "What is the grade of the easiest route here, according to the french classification system?",
"nl": "Wat is het niveau van de makkelijkste route, volgens het Franse classificatiesysteem?",
"ja": "ここで一番簡単なルートのレベルは、フランスのランク評価システムで何ですか?",
"fr": "Quel est le niveau de la voie la plus simple selon la classification franco-belge ?",
"it": "Qual è il livello della via più facile qua, secondo il sistema di classificazione francese?"
"render": {
"de": "Die leichteste Route hat hier die Schwierigkeit {climbing:grade:french:min} (französisch/belgisches System)",
"en": "The lowest grade is {climbing:grade:french:min} according to the french/belgian system",
"nl": "De minimale klimmoeilijkheid is {climbing:grade:french:min} volgens het Franse/Belgische systeem",
"ja": "フランス/ベルギーのランク評価システムでは、最小の難易度は{climbing:grade:french:min}です",
"fr": "La difficulté minimale est {climbing:grade:french:min} selon la classification franco-belge",
"it": "Il minimo livello di difficoltà è {climbing:grade:french:min} secondo il sistema francese/belga"
"freeform": {
"key": "climbing:grade:french:min"
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Difficulty-max",
"question": {
"de": "Welche Schwierigkeit hat hier die schwerste Route (französisch/belgisches System)?",
"en": "What is the highest grade route here, according to the french classification system?",
"nl": "Wat is het niveau van de moeilijkste route, volgens het Franse classificatiesysteem?",
"ja": "フランスのランク評価によると、ここで一番難しいルートのレベルはどれくらいですか?",
"fr": "Quel est le niveau de la voie la plus difficile selon la classification franco-belge ?",
"it": "Qual è il livello della via più difficile qua, secondo il sistema di classificazione francese?"
"render": {
"de": "Die schwierigste Route hat hier die Schwierigkeitsstufe {climbing:grade:french:max} (französisch/belgisches System)",
"en": "The highest grade is {climbing:grade:french:max} according to the french/belgian system",
"nl": "De maximale klimmoeilijkheid is {climbing:grade:french:max} volgens het Franse/Belgische systeem",
"ja": "フランス/ベルギーのランク評価システムでは、最大の難易度は{climbing:grade:french:max}です",
"fr": "La difficulté maximale est {climbing:grade:french:max} selon la classification franco-belge",
"it": "Il massimo livello di difficoltà è {climbing:grade:french:max} secondo il sistema francese/belga"
"freeform": {
"key": "climbing:grade:french:max"
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Boldering?",
"question": {
"de": "Kann hier gebouldert werden?",
"en": "Is bouldering possible here?",
"nl": "Is het mogelijk om hier te bolderen?",
"ja": "ここでボルダリングはできますか?",
"nb_NO": "Er buldring mulig her?",
"fr": "L’escalade de bloc est-elle possible ici ?",
"it": "È possibile praticare ‘bouldering’ qua?"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:boulder=yes",
"then": {
"de": "Hier kann gebouldert werden",
"en": "Bouldering is possible here",
"nl": "Bolderen kan hier",
"ja": "ボルダリングはここで可能です",
"nb_NO": "Buldring er mulig her",
"fr": "L’escalade de bloc est possible",
"it": "L’arrampicata su massi è possibile qua"
"if": "climbing:boulder=no",
"then": {
"de": "Hier kann nicht gebouldert werden",
"en": "Bouldering is not possible here",
"nl": "Bolderen kan hier niet",
"ja": "ここではボルダリングはできません",
"nb_NO": "Buldring er ikke mulig her",
"fr": "L’escalade de bloc n’est pas possible",
"it": "L’arrampicata su massi non è possibile qua"
"if": "climbing:boulder=limited",
"then": {
"de": "Bouldern ist hier nur an wenigen Routen möglich",
"en": "Bouldering is possible, allthough there are only a few routes",
"nl": "Bolderen kan hier, maar er zijn niet zoveel routes",
"ja": "ボルダリングは可能ですが、少しのルートしかありません",
"fr": "L’escalade de bloc est possible sur des voies précises",
"it": "L’arrampicata su massi è possibile anche se su poche vie"
"if": "climbing:boulder~*",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es {climbing:boulder} Boulder-Routen",
"en": "There are {climbing:boulder} boulder routes",
"nl": "Er zijn hier {climbing:boulder} bolderroutes",
"ja": "{climbing:boulder} ボルダールートがある",
"fr": "Il y a {climbing:boulder} voies d’escalade de bloc",
"it": "Sono presenti {climbing:boulder} vie di arrampicata su massi"
"hideInAnswer": true
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Toproping?",
"question": {
"de": "Ist Toprope-Klettern hier möglich?",
"en": "Is toprope climbing possible here?",
"nl": "Is het mogelijk om hier te toprope-klimmen?",
"ja": "ここでtoprope登坂はできますか?",
"fr": "Est-il possible d’escalader à la moulinette ?",
"it": "È possibile arrampicarsi con la corda dall’alto qua?"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:toprope=yes",
"then": {
"de": "Toprope-Klettern ist hier möglich",
"en": "Toprope climbing is possible here",
"nl": "Toprope-klimmen kan hier",
"ja": "ここでToprope登坂ができます",
"fr": "L’escalade à la moulinette est possible",
"it": "È possibile arrampicarsi con moulinette qua"
"if": "climbing:toprope=no",
"then": {
"de": "Toprope-Climbing ist hier nicht möglich",
"en": "Toprope climbing is not possible here",
"nl": "Toprope-klimmen kan hier niet",
"ja": "ここではToprope登坂はできません",
"fr": "L’escalade à la moulinette n’est pas possible",
"it": "Non è possibile arrampicarsi con moulinette qua"
"if": "climbing:toprope~*",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es {climbing:toprope} Toprope-Routen",
"en": "There are {climbing:toprope} toprope routes",
"nl": "Er zijn hier {climbing:toprope} toprope routes",
"ja": "{climbing:toprope} 登坂ルートがある",
"fr": "{climbing:toprope} voies sont équipées de moulinettes",
"it": "Sono presenti {climbing:toprope} vie con moulinette"
"hideInAnswer": true
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Sportclimbing?",
"question": {
"de": "Ist hier Sportklettern möglich (feste Ankerpunkte)?",
"en": "Is sport climbing possible here on fixed anchors?",
"nl": "Is het mogelijk om hier te sportklimmen/voorklimmen op reeds aangebrachte haken?",
"ja": "ここでは固定アンカー式のスポーツクライミングはできますか?",
"it": "È possibile arrampicarsi qua con ancoraggi fissi?"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:sport=yes",
"then": {
"de": "Sportklettern ist hier möglich",
"en": "Sport climbing is possible here",
"nl": "Sportklimmen/voorklimmen kan hier",
"ru": "Здесь можно заняться спортивным скалолазанием",
"ja": "ここでスポーツクライミングができます",
"it": "L’arrampicata sportiva è possibile qua",
"hu": "Itt lehetőség van sportmászásra",
"fr": "De l’escalade est possible ici"
"if": "climbing:sport=no",
"then": {
"de": "Sportklettern ist hier nicht möglich",
"en": "Sport climbing is not possible here",
"nl": "Sportklimmen/voorklimmen kan hier niet",
"ru": "Спортивное скалолазание здесь невозможно",
"ja": "ここではスポーツクライミングはできません",
"it": "L’arrampicata sportiva non è possibile qua",
"hu": "Itt nincs lehetőség sportmászásra",
"fr": "L’escalade est impossible ici"
"if": "climbing:sport~*",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es {climbing:sport} Sportkletter-Routen",
"en": "There are {climbing:sport} sport climbing routes",
"nl": "Er zijn hier {climbing:sport} sportklimroutes/voorklimroutes",
"ja": "スポーツクライミングの {climbing:sport} ルートがある",
"it": "Sono presenti {climbing:sport} vie di arrampicata sportiva"
"hideInAnswer": true
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Traditional climbing?",
"question": {
"de": "Ist hier traditionelles Klettern möglich (eigene Sicherung z.B. mit Klemmkleilen)?",
"en": "Is traditional climbing possible here (using own gear e.g. chocks)?",
"nl": "Is het mogelijk om hier traditioneel te klimmen? <br/><span class='subtle'>(Dit is klimmen met klemblokjes en friends)</span>",
"ja": "伝統的な登山はここで可能ですか(例えば、チョックのような独自のギアを使用して)?",
"it": "È possibile arrampicarsi in maniera tradizionale qua (usando attrezzi propri, ad es. dadi)?"
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:traditional=yes",
"then": {
"de": "Traditionelles Klettern ist hier möglich",
"en": "Traditional climbing is possible here",
"nl": "Traditioneel klimmen kan hier",
"ja": "ここでは伝統的な登山が可能です",
"it": "L’arrampicata tradizionale è possibile qua"
"if": "climbing:traditional=no",
"then": {
"de": "Traditionelles Klettern ist hier nicht möglich",
"en": "Traditional climbing is not possible here",
"nl": "Traditioneel klimmen kan hier niet",
"ja": "伝統的な登山はここではできない",
"it": "L’arrampicata tradizionale non è possibile qua"
"if": "climbing:traditional~*",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es {climbing:traditional} Routen für traditionelles Klettern",
"en": "There are {climbing:traditional} traditional climbing routes",
"nl": "Er zijn hier {climbing:traditional} traditionele klimroutes",
"ja": "{climbing:traditional} の伝統的な登山ルートがある",
"it": "Sono presenti {climbing:traditional} vie di arrampicata tradizionale"
"hideInAnswer": true
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"id": "Speed climbing?",
"question": {
"de": "Gibt es hier eine Speedkletter-Wand?",
"en": "Is there a speed climbing wall?",
"nl": "Is er een snelklimmuur (speed climbing)?",
"ja": "スピードクライミングウォールはありますか?",
"it": "È presente una prete per l’arrampicata di velocità?"
"condition": {
"and": [
"or": [
"mappings": [
"if": "climbing:speed=yes",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es eine Speedkletter-Wand",
"en": "There is a speed climbing wall",
"nl": "Er is een snelklimmuur voor speed climbing",
"ja": "スピードクライミングウォールがある",
"it": "È presente una parete per l’arrampicata di velocità"
"if": "climbing:speed=no",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es keine Speedkletter-Wand",
"en": "There is no speed climbing wall",
"nl": "Er is geen snelklimmuur voor speed climbing",
"ja": "スピードクライミングウォールがない",
"it": "Non è presente una parete per l’arrampicata di velocità"
"if": "climbing:speed~*",
"then": {
"de": "Hier gibt es {climbing:speed} Speedkletter-Routen",
"en": "There are {climbing:speed} speed climbing walls",
"nl": "Er zijn hier {climbing:speed} snelklimmuren",
"ja": "{climbing:speed} のスピードクライミングウォールがある",
"it": "Sono presenti {climbing:speed} pareti per l’arrampicata di velocità"
"hideInAnswer": true
} |