309 lines
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309 lines
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import {Utils} from "../../Utils";
import {FixedInputElement} from "../Input/FixedInputElement";
import {RadioButton} from "../Input/RadioButton";
import {VariableUiElement} from "../Base/VariableUIElement";
import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle";
import Combine from "../Base/Combine";
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations";
import {Translation} from "../i18n/Translation";
import Svg from "../../Svg";
import {UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import BaseUIElement from "../BaseUIElement";
import State from "../../State";
import FilteredLayer from "../../Models/FilteredLayer";
import BackgroundSelector from "./BackgroundSelector";
import FilterConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/FilterConfig";
import TilesourceConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/TilesourceConfig";
import {SubstitutedTranslation} from "../SubstitutedTranslation";
import ValidatedTextField from "../Input/ValidatedTextField";
import {QueryParameters} from "../../Logic/Web/QueryParameters";
export default class FilterView extends VariableUiElement {
constructor(filteredLayer: UIEventSource<FilteredLayer[]>, tileLayers: { config: TilesourceConfig, isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean> }[]) {
const backgroundSelector = new Toggle(
new BackgroundSelector(),
filteredLayer.map((filteredLayers) => {
let elements = filteredLayers?.map(l => FilterView.createOneFilteredLayerElement(l))
elements = elements.concat(tileLayers.map(tl => FilterView.createOverlayToggle(tl)))
return elements.concat(backgroundSelector);
private static createOverlayToggle(config: { config: TilesourceConfig, isDisplayed: UIEventSource<boolean> }) {
const iconStyle = "width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem;margin-left:1.25rem;flex-shrink: 0;";
const icon = new Combine([Svg.checkbox_filled]).SetStyle(iconStyle);
const iconUnselected = new Combine([Svg.checkbox_empty]).SetStyle(
const name: Translation = config.config.name;
const styledNameChecked = name.Clone().SetStyle("font-size:large").SetClass("ml-2");
const styledNameUnChecked = name.Clone().SetStyle("font-size:large").SetClass("ml-2");
const zoomStatus =
new Toggle(
.SetStyle("display: block ruby;width:min-content;"),
State.state.locationControl.map(location => location.zoom >= config.config.minzoom)
const style =
"display:flex;align-items:center;padding:0.5rem 0;";
const layerChecked = new Combine([icon, styledNameChecked, zoomStatus])
.onClick(() => config.isDisplayed.setData(false));
const layerNotChecked = new Combine([iconUnselected, styledNameUnChecked])
.onClick(() => config.isDisplayed.setData(true));
return new Toggle(
private static createOneFilteredLayerElement(filteredLayer: FilteredLayer) {
if (filteredLayer.layerDef.name === undefined) {
// Name is not defined: we hide this one
return undefined;
const iconStyle = "width:1.5rem;height:1.5rem;margin-left:1.25rem;flex-shrink: 0;";
const icon = new Combine([Svg.checkbox_filled]).SetStyle(iconStyle);
const layer = filteredLayer.layerDef
const iconUnselected = new Combine([Svg.checkbox_empty]).SetStyle(
if (filteredLayer.layerDef.name === undefined) {
const name: Translation = Translations.WT(
const styledNameChecked = name.Clone().SetStyle("font-size:large").SetClass("ml-3");
const styledNameUnChecked = name.Clone().SetStyle("font-size:large").SetClass("ml-3");
const zoomStatus =
new Toggle(
.SetStyle("display: block ruby;width:min-content;"),
State.state.locationControl.map(location => location.zoom >= filteredLayer.layerDef.minzoom)
const style =
"display:flex;align-items:center;padding:0.5rem 0;";
const layerIcon = layer.defaultIcon()?.SetClass("w-8 h-8 ml-2")
const layerIconUnchecked = layer.defaultIcon()?.SetClass("opacity-50 w-8 h-8 ml-2")
const layerChecked = new Combine([icon, layerIcon, styledNameChecked, zoomStatus])
.onClick(() => filteredLayer.isDisplayed.setData(false));
const layerNotChecked = new Combine([iconUnselected, layerIconUnchecked, styledNameUnChecked])
.onClick(() => filteredLayer.isDisplayed.setData(true));
const filterPanel: BaseUIElement = FilterView.createFilterPanel(filteredLayer)
return new Toggle(
new Combine([layerChecked, filterPanel]),
private static createFilterPanel(flayer: FilteredLayer): BaseUIElement {
const layer = flayer.layerDef
if (layer.filters.length === 0) {
return undefined;
const filterIndexes = new Map<string, number>()
layer.filters.forEach((f, i) => filterIndexes.set(f.id, i))
let listFilterElements: [BaseUIElement, UIEventSource<{ filter: FilterConfig, selected: number }>][] = layer.filters.map(
filter => FilterView.createFilter(filter)
listFilterElements.forEach((inputElement, i) =>
inputElement[1].addCallback((changed) => {
const oldValue = flayer.appliedFilters.data
if (changed === undefined) {
// Lets figure out which filter should be removed
// We know this inputElement corresponds with layer.filters[i]
// SO, if there is a value in 'oldValue' with this filter, we have to recalculated
if (!oldValue.some(f => f.filter === layer.filters[i])) {
// The filter to remove is already gone, we can stop
} else if (oldValue.some(f => f.filter === changed.filter && f.selected === changed.selected)) {
// The changed value is already there
const listTagsFilters = Utils.NoNull(
listFilterElements.map((input) => input[1].data)
flayer.appliedFilters.addCallbackAndRun(appliedFilters => {
for (let i = 0; i < layer.filters.length; i++) {
const filter = layer.filters[i];
let foundMatch = undefined
for (const appliedFilter of appliedFilters) {
if (appliedFilter.filter === filter) {
foundMatch = appliedFilter
return new Combine(listFilterElements.map(input => input[0].SetClass("mt-3")))
.SetClass("flex flex-col ml-8 bg-gray-300 rounded-xl p-2")
private static createFilter(filterConfig: FilterConfig): [BaseUIElement, UIEventSource<{ filter: FilterConfig, selected: number }>] {
if (filterConfig.options[0].fields.length > 0) {
// Filter which uses one or more textfields
const filter = filterConfig.options[0]
const mappings = new Map<string, BaseUIElement>()
let allValid = new UIEventSource(true)
const properties = new UIEventSource<any>({})
for (const {name, type} of filter.fields) {
const value = QueryParameters.GetQueryParameter("filter-" + filterConfig.id + "-" + name, "", "Value for filter " + filterConfig.id)
const field = ValidatedTextField.InputForType(type, {
mappings.set(name, field)
const stable = value.stabilized(250)
stable.addCallbackAndRunD(v => {
properties.data[name] = v.toLowerCase();
allValid = allValid.map(previous => previous && field.IsValid(stable.data) && stable.data !== "", [stable])
const tr = new SubstitutedTranslation(filter.question, new UIEventSource<any>({id: filterConfig.id}), State.state, mappings)
const neutral = {
filter: new FilterConfig({
id: filterConfig.id,
options: [
question: "--",
}, "While dynamically constructing a filterconfig"),
selected: 0
const trigger = allValid.map(isValid => {
if (!isValid) {
return neutral
// Replace all the field occurences in the tags...
const osmTags = Utils.WalkJson(filter.originalTagsSpec,
v => {
if (typeof v !== "string") {
return v
return Utils.SubstituteKeys(v, properties.data)
// ... which we use below to construct a filter!
return {
filter: new FilterConfig({
id: filterConfig.id,
options: [
question: "--",
}, "While dynamically constructing a filterconfig"),
selected: 0
}, [properties])
return [tr, trigger];
if (filterConfig.options.length === 1) {
let option = filterConfig.options[0];
const icon = Svg.checkbox_filled_svg().SetClass("block mr-2 w-6");
const iconUnselected = Svg.checkbox_empty_svg().SetClass("block mr-2 w-6");
const toggle = new Toggle(
new Combine([icon, option.question.Clone().SetClass("block")]).SetClass("flex"),
new Combine([iconUnselected, option.question.Clone().SetClass("block")]).SetClass("flex")
.SetClass("block m-1")
const selected = {
filter: filterConfig,
selected: 0
return [toggle, toggle.isEnabled.map(enabled => enabled ? selected : undefined, [],
f => f?.filter === filterConfig && f?.selected === 0)
let options = filterConfig.options;
const values = options.map((f, i) => ({
filter: filterConfig, selected: i
const radio = new RadioButton(
(option, i) =>
new FixedInputElement(option.question.Clone().SetClass("block"), i)
dontStyle: true
return [radio,
i => values[i],
selected => {
return selected?.selected