455 lines
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455 lines
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import {Utils} from "../../Utils";
import * as polygon_features from "../../assets/polygon-features.json";
import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource";
import {BBox} from "../BBox";
export abstract class OsmObject {
private static defaultBackend = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/"
protected static backendURL = OsmObject.defaultBackend;
private static polygonFeatures = OsmObject.constructPolygonFeatures()
private static objectCache = new Map<string, UIEventSource<OsmObject>>();
private static historyCache = new Map<string, UIEventSource<OsmObject[]>>();
type: string;
id: number;
* The OSM tags as simple object
tags: {} = {};
version: number;
public changed: boolean = false;
timestamp: Date;
protected constructor(type: string, id: number) {
this.id = id;
this.type = type;
this.tags = {
id: `${this.type}/${id}`
public static SetBackendUrl(url: string) {
if (!url.endsWith("/")) {
throw "Backend URL must end with a '/'"
if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
throw "Backend URL must begin with http"
this.backendURL = url;
public static DownloadObject(id: string, forceRefresh: boolean = false): UIEventSource<OsmObject> {
let src: UIEventSource<OsmObject>;
if (OsmObject.objectCache.has(id)) {
src = OsmObject.objectCache.get(id)
if (forceRefresh) {
} else {
return src;
} else {
src = UIEventSource.FromPromise(OsmObject.DownloadObjectAsync(id))
OsmObject.objectCache.set(id, src);
return src;
static async DownloadObjectAsync(id: string): Promise<OsmObject> {
const splitted = id.split("/");
const type = splitted[0];
const idN = Number(splitted[1]);
if (idN < 0) {
return undefined;
const full = !id.startsWith("way") ? "" : "/full";
const url = `${OsmObject.backendURL}api/0.6/${id}${full}`;
const rawData = await Utils.downloadJson(url)
// A full query might contain more then just the requested object (e.g. nodes that are part of a way, where we only want the way)
const parsed = OsmObject.ParseObjects(rawData.elements);
// Lets fetch the object we need
for (const osmObject of parsed) {
if(osmObject.type !== type){
if(osmObject.id !== idN){
// Found the one!
return osmObject
throw "PANIC: requested object is not part of the response"
* Downloads the ways that are using this node.
* Beware: their geometry will be incomplete!
public static DownloadReferencingWays(id: string): Promise<OsmWay[]> {
return Utils.downloadJson(`${OsmObject.backendURL}api/0.6/${id}/ways`).then(
data => {
return data.elements.map(wayInfo => {
const way = new OsmWay(wayInfo.id)
return way
* Downloads the relations that are using this feature.
* Beware: their geometry will be incomplete!
public static async DownloadReferencingRelations(id: string): Promise<OsmRelation[]> {
const data = await Utils.downloadJson(`${OsmObject.backendURL}api/0.6/${id}/relations`)
return data.elements.map(wayInfo => {
const rel = new OsmRelation(wayInfo.id)
return rel
public static DownloadHistory(id: string): UIEventSource<OsmObject []> {
if (OsmObject.historyCache.has(id)) {
return OsmObject.historyCache.get(id)
const splitted = id.split("/");
const type = splitted[0];
const idN = Number(splitted[1]);
const src = new UIEventSource<OsmObject[]>([]);
OsmObject.historyCache.set(id, src);
Utils.downloadJson(`${OsmObject.backendURL}api/0.6/${type}/${idN}/history`).then(data => {
const elements: any[] = data.elements;
const osmObjects: OsmObject[] = []
for (const element of elements) {
let osmObject: OsmObject = null
switch (type) {
osmObject = new OsmNode(idN);
osmObject = new OsmWay(idN);
osmObject = new OsmRelation(idN);
osmObject?.SaveExtraData(element, []);
return src;
// bounds should be: [[maxlat, minlon], [minlat, maxlon]] (same as Utils.tile_bounds)
public static async LoadArea(bbox: BBox): Promise<OsmObject[]> {
const url = `${OsmObject.backendURL}api/0.6/map.json?bbox=${bbox.minLon},${bbox.minLat},${bbox.maxLon},${bbox.maxLat}`
const data = await Utils.downloadJson(url)
const elements: any[] = data.elements;
return OsmObject.ParseObjects(elements);
protected static isPolygon(tags: any): boolean {
for (const tagsKey in tags) {
if (!tags.hasOwnProperty(tagsKey)) {
const polyGuide = OsmObject.polygonFeatures.get(tagsKey)
if (polyGuide === undefined) {
if ((polyGuide.values === null)) {
// We match all
return !polyGuide.blacklist
// is the key contained?
return polyGuide.values.has(tags[tagsKey])
private static constructPolygonFeatures(): Map<string, { values: Set<string>, blacklist: boolean }> {
const result = new Map<string, { values: Set<string>, blacklist: boolean }>();
for (const polygonFeature of polygon_features) {
const key = polygonFeature.key;
if (polygonFeature.polygon === "all") {
result.set(key, {values: null, blacklist: false})
const blacklist = polygonFeature.polygon === "blacklist"
result.set(key, {values: new Set<string>(polygonFeature.values), blacklist: blacklist})
return result;
private static ParseObjects(elements: any[]): OsmObject[] {
const objects: OsmObject[] = [];
const allNodes: Map<number, OsmNode> = new Map<number, OsmNode>()
for (const element of elements) {
const type = element.type;
const idN = element.id;
let osmObject: OsmObject = null
switch (type) {
const node = new OsmNode(idN);
allNodes.set(idN, node);
osmObject = node
osmObject = new OsmWay(idN);
const nodes = element.nodes.map(i => allNodes.get(i));
osmObject.SaveExtraData(element, nodes)
osmObject = new OsmRelation(idN);
osmObject.SaveExtraData(element, [])
if (osmObject !== undefined && OsmObject.backendURL !== OsmObject.defaultBackend) {
osmObject.tags["_backend"] = OsmObject.backendURL
return objects;
// The centerpoint of the feature, as [lat, lon]
public abstract centerpoint(): [number, number];
public abstract asGeoJson(): any;
abstract SaveExtraData(element: any, allElements: OsmObject[]);
* Generates the changeset-XML for tags
* @constructor
TagsXML(): string {
let tags = "";
for (const key in this.tags) {
if (key.startsWith("_")) {
if (key === "id") {
const v = this.tags[key];
if (v !== "") {
tags += ' <tag k="' + Utils.EncodeXmlValue(key) + '" v="' + Utils.EncodeXmlValue(this.tags[key]) + '"/>\n'
return tags;
abstract ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string;
protected VersionXML() {
if (this.version === undefined) {
return "";
return 'version="' + this.version + '"';
private LoadData(element: any): void {
this.tags = element.tags ?? this.tags;
this.version = element.version;
this.timestamp = element.timestamp;
const tgs = this.tags;
if (element.tags === undefined) {
// Simple node which is part of a way - not important
tgs["_last_edit:contributor"] = element.user
tgs["_last_edit:contributor:uid"] = element.uid
tgs["_last_edit:changeset"] = element.changeset
tgs["_last_edit:timestamp"] = element.timestamp
tgs["_version_number"] = element.version
tgs["id"] = this.type + "/" + this.id;
export class OsmNode extends OsmObject {
lat: number;
lon: number;
constructor(id: number) {
super("node", id);
ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string {
let tags = this.TagsXML();
return ' <node id="' + this.id + '" changeset="' + changesetId + '" ' + this.VersionXML() + ' lat="' + this.lat + '" lon="' + this.lon + '">\n' +
tags +
' </node>\n';
SaveExtraData(element) {
this.lat = element.lat;
this.lon = element.lon;
centerpoint(): [number, number] {
return [this.lat, this.lon];
asGeoJson() {
return {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": this.tags,
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
export class OsmWay extends OsmObject {
nodes: number[] = [];
// The coordinates of the way, [lat, lon][]
coordinates: [number, number][] = []
lat: number;
lon: number;
constructor(id: number) {
super("way", id);
centerpoint(): [number, number] {
return [this.lat, this.lon];
ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string {
let tags = this.TagsXML();
let nds = "";
for (const node in this.nodes) {
nds += ' <nd ref="' + this.nodes[node] + '"/>\n';
return ' <way id="' + this.id + '" changeset="' + changesetId + '" ' + this.VersionXML() + '>\n' +
nds +
tags +
' </way>\n';
SaveExtraData(element, allNodes: OsmNode[]) {
let latSum = 0
let lonSum = 0
const nodeDict = new Map<number, OsmNode>()
for (const node of allNodes) {
nodeDict.set(node.id, node)
if (element.nodes === undefined) {
for (const nodeId of element.nodes) {
const node = nodeDict.get(nodeId)
if (node === undefined) {
console.error("Error: node ", nodeId, "not found in ", nodeDict)
// This is probably part of a relation which hasn't been fully downloaded
const cp = node.centerpoint();
latSum += cp[0]
lonSum += cp[1]
let count = this.coordinates.length;
this.lat = latSum / count;
this.lon = lonSum / count;
this.nodes = element.nodes;
public asGeoJson() {
let coordinates: ([number, number][] | [number, number][][]) = this.coordinates.map(c => [c[1], c[0]]);
if (this.isPolygon()) {
coordinates = [coordinates]
return {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": this.tags,
"geometry": {
"type": this.isPolygon() ? "Polygon" : "LineString",
"coordinates": coordinates
private isPolygon(): boolean {
if (this.coordinates[0] !== this.coordinates[this.coordinates.length - 1]) {
return false; // Not closed
return OsmObject.isPolygon(this.tags)
export class OsmRelation extends OsmObject {
public members: {
type: "node" | "way" | "relation",
ref: number,
role: string
constructor(id: number) {
super("relation", id);
centerpoint(): [number, number] {
return [0, 0]; // TODO
ChangesetXML(changesetId: string): string {
let members = "";
for (const member of this.members) {
members += ' <member type="' + member.type + '" ref="' + member.ref + '" role="' + member.role + '"/>\n';
let tags = this.TagsXML();
let cs = ""
if (changesetId !== undefined) {
cs = `changeset="${changesetId}"`
return ` <relation id="${this.id}" ${cs} ${this.VersionXML()}>
${members}${tags} </relation>
SaveExtraData(element) {
this.members = element.members;
asGeoJson(): any {
throw "Not Implemented"
} |