80 lines
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80 lines
3.7 KiB
import {Store, UIEventSource} from "../../Logic/UIEventSource";
import Toggle from "../Input/Toggle";
import Lazy from "../Base/Lazy";
import {ProvidedImage} from "../../Logic/ImageProviders/ImageProvider";
import PlantNetSpeciesSearch from "../BigComponents/PlantNetSpeciesSearch";
import Wikidata from "../../Logic/Web/Wikidata";
import ChangeTagAction from "../../Logic/Osm/Actions/ChangeTagAction";
import {And} from "../../Logic/Tags/And";
import {Tag} from "../../Logic/Tags/Tag";
import {SubtleButton} from "../Base/SubtleButton";
import Combine from "../Base/Combine";
import Svg from "../../Svg";
import Translations from "../i18n/Translations";
import AllImageProviders from "../../Logic/ImageProviders/AllImageProviders";
import {SpecialVisualization} from "../SpecialVisualization";
export class PlantNetDetectionViz implements SpecialVisualization {
funcName = "plantnet_detection"
docs = "Sends the images linked to the current object to plantnet.org and asks it what plant species is shown on it. The user can then select the correct species; the corresponding wikidata-identifier will then be added to the object (together with `source:species:wikidata=plantnet.org AI`). "
args = [
name: "image_key",
defaultValue: AllImageProviders.defaultKeys.join(","),
doc: "The keys given to the images, e.g. if <span class='literal-code'>image</span> is given, the first picture URL will be added as <span class='literal-code'>image</span>, the second as <span class='literal-code'>image:0</span>, the third as <span class='literal-code'>image:1</span>, etc... Multiple values are allowed if ';'-separated ",
public constr(state, tags, args) {
let imagePrefixes: string[] = undefined
if (args.length > 0) {
imagePrefixes = [].concat(...args.map((a) => a.split(",")))
const detect = new UIEventSource(false)
const toggle = new Toggle(
new Lazy(() => {
const allProvidedImages: Store<ProvidedImage[]> =
AllImageProviders.LoadImagesFor(tags, imagePrefixes)
const allImages: Store<string[]> = allProvidedImages.map((pi) =>
pi.map((pi) => pi.url)
return new PlantNetSpeciesSearch(
async (selectedWikidata) => {
selectedWikidata = Wikidata.ExtractKey(selectedWikidata)
const change = new ChangeTagAction(
new And([
new Tag("species:wikidata", selectedWikidata),
new Tag("source:species:wikidata", "PlantNet.org AI"),
theme: state.layoutToUse.id,
changeType: "plantnet-ai-detection",
await state.changes.applyAction(change)
new SubtleButton(
"Detect plant species with plantnet.org"
).onClick(() => detect.setData(true)),
return new Combine([
new Combine([
"w-10 h-10 p-1 mr-1 bg-white rounded-full"
]).SetClass("flex p-2 bg-gray-200 rounded-xl self-end"),
]).SetClass("flex flex-col")