518 lines
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518 lines
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import LayoutConfig from "../../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig";
import FilteringFeatureSource from "./Sources/FilteringFeatureSource";
import PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter from "./PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter";
import FeatureSource, {FeatureSourceForLayer, IndexedFeatureSource, Tiled} from "./FeatureSource";
import TiledFeatureSource from "./TiledFeatureSource/TiledFeatureSource";
import {UIEventSource} from "../UIEventSource";
import {TileHierarchyTools} from "./TiledFeatureSource/TileHierarchy";
import RememberingSource from "./Sources/RememberingSource";
import OverpassFeatureSource from "../Actors/OverpassFeatureSource";
import GeoJsonSource from "./Sources/GeoJsonSource";
import Loc from "../../Models/Loc";
import RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor from "./Actors/RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor";
import SaveTileToLocalStorageActor from "./Actors/SaveTileToLocalStorageActor";
import DynamicGeoJsonTileSource from "./TiledFeatureSource/DynamicGeoJsonTileSource";
import {TileHierarchyMerger} from "./TiledFeatureSource/TileHierarchyMerger";
import RelationsTracker from "../Osm/RelationsTracker";
import {NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource} from "./Sources/NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource";
import ChangeGeometryApplicator from "./Sources/ChangeGeometryApplicator";
import {BBox} from "../BBox";
import OsmFeatureSource from "./TiledFeatureSource/OsmFeatureSource";
import {Tiles} from "../../Models/TileRange";
import TileFreshnessCalculator from "./TileFreshnessCalculator";
import FullNodeDatabaseSource from "./TiledFeatureSource/FullNodeDatabaseSource";
import MapState from "../State/MapState";
import {ElementStorage} from "../ElementStorage";
import {Feature, Geometry} from "@turf/turf";
* The features pipeline ties together a myriad of various datasources:
* - The Overpass-API
* - The OSM-API
* - Third-party geojson files, either sliced or directly.
* In order to truly understand this class, please have a look at the following diagram: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/fit/c/800/618/1*qTK1iCtyJUr4zOyw4IFD7A.jpeg
export default class FeaturePipeline {
public readonly sufficientlyZoomed: UIEventSource<boolean>;
public readonly runningQuery: UIEventSource<boolean>;
public readonly timeout: UIEventSource<number>;
public readonly somethingLoaded: UIEventSource<boolean> = new UIEventSource<boolean>(false)
public readonly newDataLoadedSignal: UIEventSource<FeatureSource> = new UIEventSource<FeatureSource>(undefined)
public readonly relationTracker: RelationsTracker
* Keeps track of all raw OSM-nodes.
* Only initialized if 'type_node' is defined as layer
public readonly fullNodeDatabase?: FullNodeDatabaseSource
private readonly overpassUpdater: OverpassFeatureSource
private state: MapState;
private readonly perLayerHierarchy: Map<string, TileHierarchyMerger>;
* Keeps track of the age of the loaded data.
* Has one freshness-Calculator for every layer
* @private
private readonly freshnesses = new Map<string, TileFreshnessCalculator>();
private readonly oldestAllowedDate: Date;
private readonly osmSourceZoomLevel
private readonly localStorageSavers = new Map<string, SaveTileToLocalStorageActor>()
private readonly newGeometryHandler : NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource;
handleFeatureSource: (source: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled) => void,
state: MapState,
options?: {
/*Used for metatagging - will receive all the sources with changeGeometry applied but without filtering*/
handleRawFeatureSource: (source: FeatureSourceForLayer) => void
) {
this.state = state;
const self = this
const expiryInSeconds = Math.min(...state.layoutToUse?.layers?.map(l => l.maxAgeOfCache) ?? [])
this.oldestAllowedDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - expiryInSeconds);
this.osmSourceZoomLevel = state.osmApiTileSize.data;
const useOsmApi = state.locationControl.map(l => l.zoom > (state.overpassMaxZoom.data ?? 12))
this.relationTracker = new RelationsTracker()
state.changes.allChanges.addCallbackAndRun(allChanges => {
allChanges.filter(ch => ch.id < 0 && ch.changes !== undefined)
.map(ch => ch.changes)
.filter(coor => coor["lat"] !== undefined && coor["lon"] !== undefined)
.forEach(coor => {
state.layoutToUse.layers.forEach(l => self.localStorageSavers.get(l.id)?.poison(coor["lon"], coor["lat"]))
this.sufficientlyZoomed = state.locationControl.map(location => {
if (location?.zoom === undefined) {
return false;
let minzoom = Math.min(...state.filteredLayers.data.map(layer => layer.layerDef.minzoom ?? 18));
return location.zoom >= minzoom;
const neededTilesFromOsm = this.getNeededTilesFromOsm(this.sufficientlyZoomed)
const perLayerHierarchy = new Map<string, TileHierarchyMerger>()
this.perLayerHierarchy = perLayerHierarchy
// Given a tile, wraps it and passes it on to render (handled by 'handleFeatureSource'
function patchedHandleFeatureSource(src: FeatureSourceForLayer & IndexedFeatureSource & Tiled) {
// This will already contain the merged features for this tile. In other words, this will only be triggered once for every tile
const withChanges = new ChangeGeometryApplicator(src, state.changes);
const srcFiltered = new FilteringFeatureSource(state, src.tileIndex, withChanges)
if (options?.handleRawFeatureSource) {
// We do not mark as visited here, this is the responsability of the code near the actual loader (e.g. overpassLoader and OSMApiFeatureLoader)
function handlePriviligedFeatureSource(src: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled) {
// Passthrough to passed function, except that it registers as well
src.features.addCallbackAndRunD(fs => {
fs.forEach(ff => state.allElements.addOrGetElement(ff.feature))
for (const filteredLayer of state.filteredLayers.data) {
const id = filteredLayer.layerDef.id
const source = filteredLayer.layerDef.source
const hierarchy = new TileHierarchyMerger(filteredLayer, (tile, _) => patchedHandleFeatureSource(tile))
perLayerHierarchy.set(id, hierarchy)
this.freshnesses.set(id, new TileFreshnessCalculator())
if (id === "type_node") {
this.fullNodeDatabase = new FullNodeDatabaseSource(
tile => {
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(tile, state.allElements)
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(tile))
if (id === "gps_location") {
if (id === "gps_location_history") {
if (id === "gps_track") {
if (id === "home_location") {
if (id === "current_view") {
const localTileSaver = new SaveTileToLocalStorageActor(filteredLayer)
this.localStorageSavers.set(filteredLayer.layerDef.id, localTileSaver)
if (source.geojsonSource === undefined) {
// This is an OSM layer
// We load the cached values and register them
// Getting data from upstream happens a bit lower
state.currentBounds, state.locationControl,
(tileIndex, freshness) => self.freshnesses.get(id).addTileLoad(tileIndex, freshness),
(tile) => {
console.debug("Loaded tile ", id, tile.tileIndex, "from local cache")
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(tile, state.allElements)
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(tile))
if (source.geojsonZoomLevel === undefined) {
// This is a 'load everything at once' geojson layer
const src = new GeoJsonSource(filteredLayer)
if (source.isOsmCacheLayer) {
// We split them up into tiles anyway as it is an OSM source
TiledFeatureSource.createHierarchy(src, {
layer: src.layer,
minZoomLevel: this.osmSourceZoomLevel,
noDuplicates: true,
registerTile: (tile) => {
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(tile, state.allElements)
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(tile))
} else {
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(src, state.allElements)
src.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(src))
} else {
new DynamicGeoJsonTileSource(
tile => {
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(tile, state.allElements)
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(tile))
const osmFeatureSource = new OsmFeatureSource({
isActive: useOsmApi,
neededTiles: neededTilesFromOsm,
handleTile: tile => {
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(tile, state.allElements)
if (tile.layer.layerDef.maxAgeOfCache > 0) {
const saver = self.localStorageSavers.get(tile.layer.layerDef.id)
if (saver === undefined) {
console.error("No localStorageSaver found for layer ", tile.layer.layerDef.id)
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(_ => self.onNewDataLoaded(tile))
state: state,
markTileVisited: (tileId) =>
state.filteredLayers.data.forEach(flayer => {
const layer = flayer.layerDef
if (layer.maxAgeOfCache > 0) {
const saver = self.localStorageSavers.get(layer.id)
if (saver === undefined) {
console.error("No local storage saver found for ", layer.id)
} else {
saver.MarkVisited(tileId, new Date())
self.freshnesses.get(layer.id).addTileLoad(tileId, new Date())
if (this.fullNodeDatabase !== undefined) {
osmFeatureSource.rawDataHandlers.push((osmJson, tileId) => this.fullNodeDatabase.handleOsmJson(osmJson, tileId))
const updater = this.initOverpassUpdater(state, useOsmApi)
this.overpassUpdater = updater;
this.timeout = updater.timeout
// Actually load data from the overpass source
new PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter(state.filteredLayers,
(source) => TiledFeatureSource.createHierarchy(source, {
layer: source.layer,
minZoomLevel: source.layer.layerDef.minzoom,
noDuplicates: true,
maxFeatureCount: state.layoutToUse.clustering.minNeededElements,
maxZoomLevel: state.layoutToUse.clustering.maxZoom,
registerTile: (tile) => {
// We save the tile data for the given layer to local storage - data sourced from overpass
perLayerHierarchy.get(source.layer.layerDef.id).registerTile(new RememberingSource(tile))
tile.features.addCallbackAndRunD(f => {
if (f.length === 0) {
handleLeftovers: (leftOvers) => {
console.warn("Overpass returned a few non-matched features:", leftOvers)
// Also load points/lines that are newly added.
const newGeometry = new NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource(state.changes, state.allElements, state.osmConnection._oauth_config.url)
this.newGeometryHandler = newGeometry;
newGeometry.features.addCallbackAndRun(geometries => {
console.debug("New geometries are:", geometries)
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(newGeometry, state.allElements)
// A NewGeometryFromChangesFeatureSource does not split per layer, so we do this next
new PerLayerFeatureSourceSplitter(state.filteredLayers,
(perLayer) => {
// We don't bother to split them over tiles as it'll contain little features by default, so we simply add them like this
// AT last, we always apply the metatags whenever possible
perLayer.features.addCallbackAndRunD(feats => {
handleLeftovers: (leftOvers) => {
console.warn("Got some leftovers from the filteredLayers: ", leftOvers)
this.runningQuery = updater.runningQuery.map(
overpass => {
console.log("FeaturePipeline: runningQuery state changed: Overpass", overpass ? "is querying," : "is idle,",
"osmFeatureSource is", osmFeatureSource.isRunning ? "is running and needs " + neededTilesFromOsm.data?.length + " tiles (already got " + osmFeatureSource.downloadedTiles.size + " tiles )" : "is idle")
return overpass || osmFeatureSource.isRunning.data;
}, [osmFeatureSource.isRunning]
public GetAllFeaturesWithin(bbox: BBox): Feature<Geometry, {id: string}>[][] {
const self = this
const tiles = []
.forEach(key => tiles.push(...self.GetFeaturesWithin(key, bbox)))
return tiles;
public GetAllFeaturesAndMetaWithin(bbox: BBox, layerIdWhitelist?: Set<string>): {features: any[], layer: string}[] {
const self = this
const tiles :{features: any[], layer: string}[]= []
.forEach(key => {
if(layerIdWhitelist !== undefined && !layerIdWhitelist.has(key)){
return tiles.push({
layer: key,
features: [].concat(...self.GetFeaturesWithin(key, bbox))
return tiles;
public GetFeaturesWithin(layerId: string, bbox: BBox): any[][] {
if (layerId === "*") {
return this.GetAllFeaturesWithin(bbox)
const requestedHierarchy = this.perLayerHierarchy.get(layerId)
if (requestedHierarchy === undefined) {
console.warn("Layer ", layerId, "is not defined. Try one of ", Array.from(this.perLayerHierarchy.keys()))
return undefined;
return TileHierarchyTools.getTiles(requestedHierarchy, bbox)
.filter(featureSource => featureSource.features?.data !== undefined)
.map(featureSource => featureSource.features.data.map(fs => fs.feature))
public GetTilesPerLayerWithin(bbox: BBox, handleTile: (tile: FeatureSourceForLayer & Tiled) => void) {
Array.from(this.perLayerHierarchy.values()).forEach(hierarchy => {
TileHierarchyTools.getTiles(hierarchy, bbox).forEach(handleTile)
private onNewDataLoaded(src: FeatureSource) {
private freshnessForVisibleLayers(z: number, x: number, y: number): Date {
let oldestDate = undefined;
for (const flayer of this.state.filteredLayers.data) {
if (!flayer.isDisplayed.data && !flayer.layerDef.forceLoad) {
if (this.state.locationControl.data.zoom < flayer.layerDef.minzoom) {
if (flayer.layerDef.maxAgeOfCache === 0) {
return undefined;
const freshnessCalc = this.freshnesses.get(flayer.layerDef.id)
if (freshnessCalc === undefined) {
console.warn("No freshness tracker found for ", flayer.layerDef.id)
return undefined
const freshness = freshnessCalc.freshnessFor(z, x, y)
if (freshness === undefined) {
// SOmething is undefined --> we return undefined as we have to download
return undefined
if (oldestDate === undefined || oldestDate > freshness) {
oldestDate = freshness
return oldestDate
* Gives an UIEventSource containing the tileIndexes of the tiles that should be loaded from OSM
* */
private getNeededTilesFromOsm(isSufficientlyZoomed: UIEventSource<boolean>): UIEventSource<number[]> {
const self = this
return this.state.currentBounds.map(bbox => {
if (bbox === undefined) {
return []
if (!isSufficientlyZoomed.data) {
return [];
const osmSourceZoomLevel = self.osmSourceZoomLevel
const range = bbox.containingTileRange(osmSourceZoomLevel)
const tileIndexes = []
if (range.total >= 100) {
// Too much tiles!
return undefined
Tiles.MapRange(range, (x, y) => {
const i = Tiles.tile_index(osmSourceZoomLevel, x, y);
const oldestDate = self.freshnessForVisibleLayers(osmSourceZoomLevel, x, y)
if (oldestDate !== undefined && oldestDate > this.oldestAllowedDate) {
console.debug("Skipping tile", osmSourceZoomLevel, x, y, "as a decently fresh one is available")
// The cached tiles contain decently fresh data
return undefined;
return tileIndexes
}, [isSufficientlyZoomed])
private initOverpassUpdater(state: {
allElements: ElementStorage;
layoutToUse: LayoutConfig,
currentBounds: UIEventSource<BBox>,
locationControl: UIEventSource<Loc>,
readonly overpassUrl: UIEventSource<string[]>;
readonly overpassTimeout: UIEventSource<number>;
readonly overpassMaxZoom: UIEventSource<number>,
}, useOsmApi: UIEventSource<boolean>): OverpassFeatureSource {
const minzoom = Math.min(...state.layoutToUse.layers.map(layer => layer.minzoom))
const overpassIsActive = state.currentBounds.map(bbox => {
if (bbox === undefined) {
console.debug("Disabling overpass source: no bbox")
return false
let zoom = state.locationControl.data.zoom
if (zoom < minzoom) {
// We are zoomed out over the zoomlevel of any layer
console.debug("Disabling overpass source: zoom < minzoom")
return false;
const range = bbox.containingTileRange(zoom)
if (range.total >= 5000) {
// Let's assume we don't have so much data cached
return true
const self = this;
const allFreshnesses = Tiles.MapRange(range, (x, y) => self.freshnessForVisibleLayers(zoom, x, y))
return allFreshnesses.some(freshness => freshness === undefined || freshness < this.oldestAllowedDate)
}, [state.locationControl])
const self = this;
const updater = new OverpassFeatureSource(state,
padToTiles: state.locationControl.map(l => Math.min(15, l.zoom + 1)),
relationTracker: this.relationTracker,
isActive: useOsmApi.map(b => !b && overpassIsActive.data, [overpassIsActive]),
freshnesses: this.freshnesses,
onBboxLoaded: (bbox, date, downloadedLayers, paddedToZoomLevel) => {
Tiles.MapRange(bbox.containingTileRange(paddedToZoomLevel), (x, y) => {
const tileIndex = Tiles.tile_index(paddedToZoomLevel, x, y)
downloadedLayers.forEach(layer => {
self.freshnesses.get(layer.id).addTileLoad(tileIndex, date)
self.localStorageSavers.get(layer.id)?.MarkVisited(tileIndex, date)
// Register everything in the state' 'AllElements'
new RegisteringAllFromFeatureSourceActor(updater, state.allElements)
return updater;
* Inject a new point
InjectNewPoint(geojson) {
feature: geojson,
freshness: new Date()
} |