357 lines
15 KiB
357 lines
15 KiB
* The statistics-gui shows statistics from previous MapComplete-edits
import { UIEventSource } from "../Logic/UIEventSource"
import { VariableUiElement } from "./Base/VariableUIElement"
import Loading from "./Base/Loading"
import { Utils } from "../Utils"
import Combine from "./Base/Combine"
import TagRenderingChart, { StackedRenderingChart } from "./BigComponents/TagRenderingChart"
import BaseUIElement from "./BaseUIElement"
import Title from "./Base/Title"
import { FixedUiElement } from "./Base/FixedUiElement"
import List from "./Base/List"
import LayoutConfig from "../Models/ThemeConfig/LayoutConfig"
import mcChanges from "../../src/assets/generated/themes/mapcomplete-changes.json"
import SvelteUIElement from "./Base/SvelteUIElement"
import Filterview from "./BigComponents/Filterview.svelte"
import FilteredLayer from "../Models/FilteredLayer"
import DownloadButton from "./DownloadFlow/DownloadButton.svelte"
import { SubtleButton } from "./Base/SubtleButton"
import { GeoOperations } from "../Logic/GeoOperations"
import { Polygon } from "geojson"
import { Feature } from "geojson"
class StatsticsForOverviewFile extends Combine {
constructor(homeUrl: string, paths: string[]) {
paths = paths.filter((p) => !p.endsWith("file-overview.json"))
const layer = new LayoutConfig(<any>mcChanges, true).layers[0]
const filteredLayer = new FilteredLayer(layer)
const filterPanel = new Combine([
new Title("Filters"),
new SvelteUIElement(Filterview, { filteredLayer }),
const downloaded = new UIEventSource<{ features: ChangeSetData[] }[]>([])
for (const filepath of paths) {
if (filepath.endsWith("file-overview.json")) {
Utils.downloadJson(homeUrl + filepath).then((data) => {
if (data === undefined) {
if (data.features === undefined) {
data.features = data
data?.features?.forEach((item) => {
item.properties = { ...item.properties, ...item.properties.metadata }
delete item.properties.metadata
const loading = new Loading(
new VariableUiElement(
downloaded.map((dl) => "Downloaded " + dl.length + " items out of " + paths.length)
new VariableUiElement(
(downloaded) => {
if (downloaded.length !== paths.length) {
return loading
const overview = ChangesetsOverview.fromDirtyData(
[].concat(...downloaded.map((d) => d.features))
).filter((cs) => filteredLayer.isShown(<any>cs.properties))
console.log("Overview is", overview)
if (overview._meta.length === 0) {
return "No data matched the filter"
const dateStrings = Utils.NoNull(
overview._meta.map((cs) => cs.properties.date)
const dates: number[] = dateStrings.map((d) => new Date(d).getTime())
const mindate = Math.min(...dates)
const maxdate = Math.max(...dates)
const diffInDays = (maxdate - mindate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
console.log("Diff in days is ", diffInDays, "got", overview._meta.length)
const trs = layer.tagRenderings.filter(
(tr) => tr.mappings?.length > 0 || tr.freeform?.key !== undefined
const allKeys = new Set<string>()
for (const cs of overview._meta) {
for (const propertiesKey in cs.properties) {
console.log("All keys:", allKeys)
const valuesToSum = [
const allThemes = Utils.Dedup(overview._meta.map((f) => f.properties.theme))
const excludedThemes = new Set<string>()
if (allThemes.length > 1) {
const summedValues = valuesToSum
.map((key) => [key, overview.sum(key, excludedThemes)])
.filter((kv) => kv[1] != 0)
.map((kv) => kv.join(": "))
const elements: BaseUIElement[] = [
new Title(
allThemes.length === 1
? "General statistics for " + allThemes[0]
: "General statistics (excluding etymology- and GRB-theme changes)"
new Combine([
overview._meta.length + " changesets match the filters",
new List(summedValues),
]).SetClass("flex flex-col border rounded-xl"),
new Title("Breakdown"),
for (const tr of trs) {
if (tr.question === undefined) {
let total = undefined
if (tr.freeform?.key !== undefined) {
total = new Set(
overview._meta.map((f) => f.properties[tr.freeform.key])
try {
new Combine([
new Title(tr.question ?? tr.id).SetClass("p-2"),
total > 1 ? total + " unique value" : undefined,
new Title("By number of changesets", 4).SetClass("p-2"),
new StackedRenderingChart(tr, <any>overview._meta, {
period: diffInDays <= 367 ? "day" : "month",
total > 50 ? 25 : total > 10 ? 3 : 0,
}).SetStyle("width: 75%; height: 600px"),
new TagRenderingChart(<any>overview._meta, tr, {
total > 50 ? 25 : total > 10 ? 3 : 0,
chartType: "doughnut",
chartclasses: "w-8 h-8",
sort: true,
}).SetStyle("width: 25rem"),
new Title("By number of modifications", 4).SetClass("p-2"),
new StackedRenderingChart(
period: diffInDays <= 367 ? "day" : "month",
groupToOtherCutoff: total > 50 ? 10 : 0,
sumFields: valuesToSum,
).SetStyle("width: 100%; height: 600px"),
]).SetClass("block border-2 border-subtle p-2 m-2 rounded-xl")
} catch (e) {
console.log("Could not generate a chart", e)
new FixedUiElement(
"No relevant information for " + tr.question.txt
new SubtleButton(undefined, "Download as csv").onClick(() => {
const data = GeoOperations.toCSV(overview._meta, {
Utils.offerContentsAsDownloadableFile(data, "statistics.csv", {
mimetype: "text/csv",
return new Combine(elements)
).SetClass("block w-full h-full"),
this.SetClass("block w-full h-full")
class StatisticsGUI extends VariableUiElement {
private static readonly homeUrl =
private static readonly stats_files = "file-overview.json"
constructor() {
const index = UIEventSource.FromPromise(
Utils.downloadJson(StatisticsGUI.homeUrl + StatisticsGUI.stats_files)
index.map((paths) => {
if (paths === undefined) {
return new Loading("Loading overview...")
return new StatsticsForOverviewFile(StatisticsGUI.homeUrl, paths)
this.SetClass("block w-full h-full")
class ChangesetsOverview {
private static readonly theme_remappings = {
metamap: "maps",
groen: "buurtnatuur",
"updaten van metadata met mapcomplete": "buurtnatuur",
"Toevoegen of dit natuurreservaat toegangkelijk is": "buurtnatuur",
"wiki:mapcomplete/fritures": "fritures",
"wiki:MapComplete/Fritures": "fritures",
lits: "lit",
pomp: "cyclofix",
"wiki:user:joost_schouppe/campersite": "campersite",
"wiki-user-joost_schouppe-geveltuintjes": "geveltuintjes",
"wiki-user-joost_schouppe-campersite": "campersite",
"wiki-User-joost_schouppe-campersite": "campersite",
"wiki-User-joost_schouppe-geveltuintjes": "geveltuintjes",
"wiki:User:joost_schouppe/campersite": "campersite",
arbres: "arbres_llefia",
aed_brugge: "aed",
"https://llefia.org/arbres/mapcomplete.json": "arbres_llefia",
"https://llefia.org/arbres/mapcomplete1.json": "arbres_llefia",
"toevoegen of dit natuurreservaat toegangkelijk is": "buurtnatuur",
"testing mapcomplete 0.0.0": "buurtnatuur",
entrances: "indoor",
public readonly _meta: ChangeSetData[]
private constructor(meta: ChangeSetData[]) {
this._meta = Utils.NoNull(meta)
public static fromDirtyData(meta: ChangeSetData[]): ChangesetsOverview {
return new ChangesetsOverview(meta?.map((cs) => ChangesetsOverview.cleanChangesetData(cs)))
private static cleanChangesetData(cs: ChangeSetData): ChangeSetData {
if (cs === undefined) {
return undefined
if (cs.properties.editor?.startsWith("iD")) {
// We also fetch based on hashtag, so some edits with iD show up as well
return undefined
if (cs.properties.theme === undefined) {
cs.properties.theme = cs.properties.comment.substr(
cs.properties.comment.lastIndexOf("#") + 1
cs.properties.theme = cs.properties.theme.toLowerCase()
const remapped = ChangesetsOverview.theme_remappings[cs.properties.theme]
cs.properties.theme = remapped ?? cs.properties.theme
if (cs.properties.theme.startsWith("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/")) {
cs.properties.theme =
"gh://" + cs.properties.theme.substr("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/".length)
if (cs.properties.modify + cs.properties.delete + cs.properties.create == 0) {
cs.properties.theme = "EMPTY CS"
try {
cs.properties.host = new URL(cs.properties.host).host
} catch (e) {}
return cs
public filter(predicate: (cs: ChangeSetData) => boolean) {
return new ChangesetsOverview(this._meta.filter(predicate))
public sum(key: string, excludeThemes: Set<string>): number {
let s = 0
for (const feature of this._meta) {
if (excludeThemes.has(feature.properties.theme)) {
const parsed = Number(feature.properties[key])
if (!isNaN(parsed)) {
s += parsed
return s
interface ChangeSetData extends Feature<Polygon> {
id: number
type: "Feature"
geometry: {
type: "Polygon"
coordinates: [number, number][][]
properties: {
check_user: null
reasons: []
tags: []
features: []
user: string
uid: string
editor: string
comment: string
comments_count: number
source: string
imagery_used: string
date: string
reviewed_features: []
create: number
modify: number
delete: number
area: number
is_suspect: boolean
harmful: any
checked: boolean
check_date: any
host: string
theme: string
imagery: string
language: string
new StatisticsGUI().AttachTo("main")