
64 lines
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import {TagsFilter} from "../../Logic/Tags/TagsFilter";
import {RegexTag} from "../../Logic/Tags/RegexTag";
import {param} from "jquery";
export default class SourceConfig {
public readonly osmTags?: TagsFilter;
public readonly overpassScript?: string;
public geojsonSource?: string;
public geojsonZoomLevel?: number;
public isOsmCacheLayer: boolean;
public readonly mercatorCrs: boolean;
public readonly idKey : string
constructor(params: {
mercatorCrs?: boolean;
osmTags?: TagsFilter,
overpassScript?: string,
geojsonSource?: string,
isOsmCache?: boolean,
geojsonSourceLevel?: number,
idKey?: string
}, isSpecialLayer: boolean, context?: string) {
let defined = 0;
if (params.osmTags) {
if (params.overpassScript) {
if (params.geojsonSource) {
if (defined == 0) {
throw `Source: nothing correct defined in the source (in ${context}) (the params are ${JSON.stringify(params)})`
if (params.isOsmCache && params.geojsonSource == undefined) {
throw `Source said it is a OSM-cached layer, but didn't define the actual source of the cache (in context ${context})`
if (params.geojsonSource !== undefined && params.geojsonSourceLevel !== undefined) {
if (!["x", "y", "x_min", "x_max", "y_min", "Y_max"].some(toSearch => params.geojsonSource.indexOf(toSearch) > 0)) {
throw `Source defines a geojson-zoomLevel, but does not specify {x} nor {y} (or equivalent), this is probably a bug (in context ${context})`
if(params.osmTags !== undefined && !isSpecialLayer){
const optimized = params.osmTags.optimize()
if(optimized === false){
throw "Error at "+context+": the specified tags are conflicting with each other: they will never match anything at all"
if(optimized === true){
throw "Error at "+context+": the specified tags are very wide: they will always match everything"
this.osmTags = params.osmTags ?? new RegexTag("id", /.*/);
this.overpassScript = params.overpassScript;
this.geojsonSource = params.geojsonSource;
this.geojsonZoomLevel = params.geojsonSourceLevel;
this.isOsmCacheLayer = params.isOsmCache ?? false;
this.mercatorCrs = params.mercatorCrs ?? false;
this.idKey= params.idKey