#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import subprocess from glob import glob import re def first(iterable, default=None): it = iter(iterable) try: return next(it) except StopIteration: return default # Config reading def read_ini(contents, collector=None): section = None if collector is None: collector = {} for line in map(str.strip, contents): line = re.sub(r"\s*#.*$", "", line) m = re.fullmatch(r"\[(.+)\]", line) if m: section = m.group(1) if section not in collector: collector[section] = {} continue m = re.fullmatch(r"([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.*?)", line) if m: collector[section][m.group(1)] = m.group(2) continue return collector def read_config(path): collector = {} # In Gentoo config files can be directories instead of files. The files in the directory are then # in evaluated alphabetical order. for repo_conf in sorted(glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))): with open(repo_conf) as fh: collector = read_ini(fh, collector) return collector def repo_locations(): result = [] for name, defs in read_config("/etc/portage/repos.conf").items(): if "location" in defs: result.append((name, defs["location"])) return result def default_repo(): return read_config("/etc/portage/repos.conf").get("DEFAULT", {}).get("main-repo", None) # Searching def list_from_print0(data): data = data.rstrip(b"\x00") if not data: return [] return [ x.decode() for x in data.split(b"\x00") ] def find(query, paths, depth=None): depth_args = ["-mindepth", f"{depth}", "-maxdepth", f"{depth}"] if depth is not None else [] proc = subprocess.run( ["find", *paths, *depth_args, "-iname", f"*{query}*", "-print0"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) return list_from_print0(proc.stdout) def fd(query, paths, depth): depth_args = [f"--exact-depth={depth}"] if depth is not None else [] proc = subprocess.run( ["fd", *depth_args, "--print0", "--extension=ebuild", "--", query, *paths], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) return list_from_print0(proc.stdout) # search_backend = find search_backend = fd # Ebuild reading def description_from_ebuild(path): with open(path) as fh: for line in map(str.strip, fh): m = re.fullmatch(r'DESCRIPTION=(?:"(.*)"|[^"](.*))', line) if m: return m.group(1).replace(r'\"', '"') if m.group(1) else m.group(2) return None def ebuild_info(path, repos): m = re.fullmatch(r"(.+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/\3-([^/]+)\.ebuild", path) assert m, path PN = f"{m.group(2)}/{m.group(3)}" PV = f"{m.group(4)}" return { "P": f"{PN}-{PV}", "PN": PN, "PV": PV, "category": m.group(2), "name": m.group(3), "repo": first((name for name, path in repos if path == m.group(1))), "repo_path": m.group(1), "ebuild_path": path, } def ebuild_extra_info(info): return { **info, "description": description_from_ebuild(info["ebuild_path"]), "installed": os.path.exists(f"/var/db/pkg/{info['P']}"), } # Formatting def longest_category_and_nameversion(infos, default_repo=None): return ( max(len(x["category"]) for x in infos), max( len(f"{x['name']}-{x['PV']}") + len(f"::{x['repo']}" if x["repo"] != default_repo else "") for x in infos) ) def format_item(info, longest_cat=0, longest_namever=0, default_repo=None): category_colour = "\x1b[0m" if info["installed"] else "\x1b[0;90m" name_version = f"{info['name']}-{info['PV']}" name_colour = "\x1b[92m" if info["installed"] else "\x1b[36m" repo = f"::{info['repo']}" if info["repo"] != default_repo else "" description_colour = "\x1b[0m" if not info["installed"] else "" description = info["description"] if info["description"] else "" filler = ( f"\x1b[{'92' if info['installed'] else '90'}m " + ("." * (longest_namever - len(name_version) - len(repo))) ) if info["description"] else "" return f"{category_colour}{info['category']:>{longest_cat}}/" \ f"{name_colour}{name_version}{category_colour}{repo}{filler} " \ f"{description_colour}{description}" def main(argv): if len(argv) != 2 or not argv[1]: print("Need exactly 1 argument: search query", file=sys.stderr) return 1 repos = repo_locations() default = default_repo() if not repos: raise Exception("Could not find any repositories in /etc/portage/repos.conf") data = search_backend(argv[1], (r[1] for r in repos), depth=3) if not data: print("No results") return 0 data = [ebuild_info(x, repos=repos) for x in data] data.sort(key=lambda x: x["P"]) longest_cat, longest_namever = longest_category_and_nameversion(data, default) for x in data: print(format_item( ebuild_extra_info(x), longest_cat=longest_cat, longest_namever=longest_namever, default_repo=default )) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))