class Request < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :debtor, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :creditor, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :issuer, polymorphic: true validates :amount, numericality: { greater_than: 0 } validate :different_debtor_creditor enum status: [:open, :confirmed, :declined] def confirm! return unless open? Transaction.create attributes.symbolize_keys.extract!( :debtor_id, :creditor_id, :issuer_id, :issuer_type, :amount, :message ) creditor.notifications.create message: "Your request for €#{amount/100.0} for \"#{message}\" has been accepted by #{}." update_attributes status: :confirmed end def decline! return unless open? creditor.notifications.create message: "#{} refuses to pay €#{amount/100.0} for \"#{message}\"." update_attributes status: :declined end private def different_debtor_creditor if self.debtor == self.creditor self.errors.add :base, "Can't write money to yourself" end end end