describe TransactionsController, type: :controller do describe "creating transaction" do before :each do @debtor = create(:user) @creditor = create(:user) sign_in @debtor end context "with valid attributes" do before :each do @attributes = { transaction: { debtor:, creditor:, cents: 70, message: "hoi" } } end it "should create a new transaction" do expect { post :create, @attributes }.to change { Transaction.count }.by(1) end describe "fields" do before :each do post :create, @attributes @transaction = Transaction.last end it "should set debtor" do expect(@transaction.debtor).to eq(@debtor) end it "should set amount" do expect(@transaction.amount).to eq(70) end it "should set creditor" do expect(@transaction.creditor).to eq(@creditor) end it "should set issuer" do expect(@transaction.issuer).to eq(@debtor) end end end context "with float euros" do it "should set correct amount" do post :create, transaction: { debtor:, creditor:, euros: 10.5, message: "Omdat je een leuke jongen bent!" } expect(Transaction.last.amount).to eq(1050) end end context "with negative amount" do it "should be refused" do expect do post :create, transaction: attributes_for(:transaction, cents: -20) end.not_to change { Transaction.count } end end context "for other user" do it "should be refused" do expect do post :create, transaction: { debtor:, creditor:, euros: 10000000, message: "DIT IS OVERVAL" } end.not_to change { Transaction.count } end end end end