%h1.columns-title Tab = javascript_include_tag "//www.google.com/jsapi", "chartkick" %h2.columns-title Cute Little Statistics .pure-g .pure-u-1.pure-u-md-1-2.landing-column %h3.columns-title Pie of Shame = pie_chart @statistics.shamehash %h3.columns-title Table of Shame %table.pure-table.full-table %thead %th Shame on %th Contribution to Zeus' lack of money %tbody - @statistics.shameful_users.each do |user| %tr %td.shameful-person= user.name // Won't divide by zero because there won't be any users with // a shameful debt if the total debt is zero. %td.shame-percentage= "#{-100 * user.balance / @statistics.total_debt}%" .pure-u-1.pure-u-md-1-2.landing-column %h3.columns-title Distribution of Debt Sources = pie_chart @statistics.by_issuer %h3.columns-title Top Debt Creators %table.pure-table.full-table %thead %th Issuer %th Number of Transactions issued %tbody - @statistics.creation_counts.each do |name, count| %tr %td.shameful-person= name %td.shame-percentage= count