class Statistics < Rails::Application def shameful_users User.humans .where('-balance > :amount', amount: config.shameful_balance) .order(:balance) end def total_debt -User.humans.where('balance < 0').sum(:balance) end def shamehash # Make a hash of all users and their debt # only include them if their percentage is big enough debt_users = shameful_users.inject({}) do |h, u| h.merge({ => - u.balance.to_f / total_debt * 100.0}) end .select { |user, debtpct| debtpct > 2 } # Sum of percentages that will be displayed total_displayed_debt_pct = debt_users.values.reduce(0) {|a,b| a+b} debt_users["Other users"] = 100 - total_displayed_debt_pct rounded_debts = debt_users.transform_values { |debtpct| debtpct.floor } rounded_deficit = 100 - rounded_debts.values.reduce(0) {|a,b| a+b} # Sort decending by amount after fraction of debt percentage # then award users percentage points based on their ranking debt_users.sort_by { |k, v| -(v - v.floor) } .first(rounded_deficit) .each do |k| rounded_debts[k[0]] += 1 end if rounded_debts["Other users"] == 0 rounded_debts.delete("Other users") end return rounded_debts end def by_issuer Client.joins(:issued_transactions).group(:name).count.merge({ "User created" => Transaction.where(issuer_type: "User").count }) end def creation_counts User .joins(:issued_transactions) .group(:name) .order("count_all DESC") .count .take([shameful_users.count, 4].max) end end