# == Schema Information # # Table name: barcodes # # id :integer not null, primary key # product_id :integer # code :string default(""), not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # # product_barcodes POST /products/:product_id/barcodes(.:format) barcodes#create # barcodes GET /barcodes(.:format) barcodes#index # barcode GET /barcodes/:id(.:format) barcodes#show # DELETE /barcodes/:id(.:format) barcodes#destroy # describe BarcodesController, type: :controller do before :each do @product = create :product @admin = create :admin sign_in @admin end ########## # POST # ########## describe 'POST create' do context 'successful' do it 'should create a barcode' do expect{ post :create, product_id: @product, barcode: attributes_for(:barcode) }.to change{ Barcode.count }.by(1) end end context 'failed' do it 'should not create a barcode' do expect{ post :create, product_id: @product, barcode: attributes_for(:invalid_barcode) }.to_not change{ Barcode.count } end end end ########### # INDEX # ########### describe 'GET index' do it 'should load all the barcodes' do barcode = create :barcode get :index expect(assigns(:barcodes)).to eq([barcode]) end end ########## # SHOW # ########## describe 'GET show' do before :each do @barcode = create :barcode end it 'should load the correct barcode' do get :show, id: @barcode expect(assigns(:barcode)).to eq(@barcode) end it 'should allow friendly id' do get :show, id: @barcode.code expect(assigns(:barcode)).to eq(@barcode) end it 'should respond with this barcode' do get :show, id: @barcode expect(response.body).to eq @barcode.product.to_json end end end