describe ProductsController, type: :controller do before :each do @admin = create :admin sign_in @admin end describe 'GET new' do it 'should render the form' do get :new expect(response).to render_template(:new) expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end end describe 'POST create' do context 'successfull' do it 'should create a product' do expect{ post :create, product: attributes_for(:product) }.to change{Product.count}.by(1) end it 'should redirect to index page' do post :create, product: attributes_for(:product) expect(response).to redirect_to action: :index end end context 'failed' do it 'should not create a product' do expect{ post :create, product: attributes_for(:invalid_product) }.to_not change{Product.count} end it 'should render form' do post :create, product: attributes_for(:invalid_product) expect(response).to render_template(:new) end end end describe 'GET index' do it 'should load all the products' do product = create :product get :index expect(assigns :products).to eq([product]) end end describe 'GET edit' do before :each do @product = create :product end it 'should render the correct form' do get :edit, id: @product expect(response).to render_template(:edit) expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end it 'should load the correct product' do get :edit, id: @product expect(assigns :product).to eq(@product) end end describe 'PUT update' do before :each do @product = create :product end it 'loads right product' do put :edit, id: @product, product: attributes_for(:product) expect(assigns :product).to eq(@product) end context 'successful' do it 'should update attributes' do attributes = attributes_for(:product) attributes.merge(price: (attributes[:price_cents] / 100)) attributes.delete(:price_cents) put :update, id: @product, product: attributes new_attributes = @product.reload.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(*attributes.keys) expect(new_attributes).to eq(attributes.except(:avatar)) end end context 'failed' do it 'should not update attributes' do old_attributes = @product.reload.attributes put :update, id: @product, product: attributes_for(:invalid_product) expect(@product.reload.attributes).to eq(old_attributes) end end end end