# == Schema Information # # Table name: order_items # # id :integer not null, primary key # order_id :integer # product_id :integer not null # count :integer default("0") # describe OrderItem do it 'has a valid factory' do order_item = create :order_item expect(order_item).to be_valid end describe 'validations' do before :each do @order_item = create :order_item end it 'product should be present' do @order_item.product = nil expect(@order_item).to_not be_valid end describe 'count' do it 'should be present' do @order_item.count = nil expect(@order_item).to_not be_valid end it 'should be positive' do @order_item.count = -5 expect(@order_item).to_not be_valid end end end describe 'product stock' do before :each do @product = create :product @count = rand 10 @order_item = build :order_item, product: @product, count: @count end it 'should decrement on create' do expect{ @order_item.save }.to change{ @product.stock }.by(-@count) end it 'should increment on cancel' do @order_item.save expect{ @order_item.destroy }.to change{ @product.stock }.by(@count) end end end