// Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. // All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. // You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ ready = function() { /* INITIALIZE */ $('tr.order_item_wrapper').hide(); $('tr.order_item_wrapper').filter(function() { return parseIntNaN($(this).find('[type=number]').val()) > 0; }).show(); /* HELPERS */ increment_product = function(product_id) { input = $("#current_order").find(".order_item_wrapper[data-product=" + product_id + "]").find("input[type=number]"); $(input).val(parseIntNaN($(input).val()) + 1).change(); } recalculate = function() { /* Total Price */ array = $('tr.order_item_wrapper').map(function() { return parseIntNaN($(this).data("price")) * parseIntNaN($(this).find("input[type=number]").val()); }) sum = 0; array.each(function(i, el) { sum += el; }); $("#current_order .total_price").html((sum / 100.0).toFixed(2)); /* Message when no product has been choosen */ $("#current_order #empty").toggle(!($('tr.order_item_wrapper input[type=number]').filter(function() { return parseIntNaN($(this).val()) > 0; }).length)); } /* PRODUCT MODAL */ products_ordered = $('#product_search').keyup(function () { var rex = new RegExp($(this).val(), 'i'); $('[data-name]').hide(); $('[data-name]').filter(function () { return rex.test($(this).data("name")); }).show(); }) $('#products_modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { $('#product_search').val(''); }); $("#products_modal button").click(function() { increment_product($(this).data("product")) }) /* BARCODE SCAN */ $("#from_barcode_form").submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); barcode = $(this).find("input[type=number]").val(); $("#from_barcode_form")[0].reset(); $.ajax({ url: $("#from_barcode_form").data("url") + "/barcodes/" + barcode, success: function(data) { if (data != null) { increment_product(data["id"]); $("#from_barcode_form")[0].reset(); } else { alert("Barcode '" + barcode + "' was not found in the database system."); } }, dataMethod: "json" }).fail(function() { alert("Barcode '" + barcode + "' was not found in the database system."); }); }); /* CURRENT ORDER CHANGE */ $('tr.order_item_wrapper input[type=number]').change(function() { tr = $(this).closest('tr.order_item_wrapper') $(tr).toggle(parseIntNaN($(this).val()) > 0); $(tr).find("td").last().html(((parseIntNaN($(tr).data("price")) * parseIntNaN($(this).val())) / 100.0).toFixed(2)) recalculate(); }) recalculate(); } $(document).ready(ready); $(document).on('page:load', ready);