# == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # remember_created_at :datetime # admin :boolean # dagschotel_id :integer # avatar_file_name :string # avatar_content_type :string # avatar_file_size :integer # avatar_updated_at :datetime # orders_count :integer default("0") # koelkast :boolean default("f") # name :string # encrypted_password :string default(""), not null # private :boolean default("f") # require 'webmock/rspec' describe User do before :each do @user = create :user end it 'has a valid factory' do expect(@user).to be_valid end ############ # FIELDS # ############ describe 'fields' do describe 'avatar' do it 'should be present' do @user.avatar = nil expect(@user).to_not be_valid end end describe 'orders_count' do it 'should automatically cache the number of orders' do expect{ create :order, user: @user }.to change{ @user.reload.orders_count }.by(1) end end describe 'admin' do it 'should be false by default' do expect(@user.reload.admin).to be false end end describe 'balance' do before :all do @api_url = "www.example.com/api.json" end it 'should be nil if offline' do stub_request(:get, /.*/).to_return(status: 404) expect(@user.balance).to be nil end # it 'should be updated when online' do # balance = 5 # stub_request(:get, /.*/).to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.dump({ balance: balance })) # expect(@user.balance).to eq balance # end end end describe 'omniauth' do it 'should be a new user' do name = "yet-another-test-user" omniauth = double(uid: name) expect(User.from_omniauth(omniauth).name).to eq name end it 'should be the logged in user' do second_user = create :user omniauth = double(uid: second_user.name) expect(User.from_omniauth(omniauth)).to eq second_user end end describe 'static users' do describe 'koelkast' do it 'should be false by default' do expect(@user.reload.koelkast).to be false end it 'should be true for koelkast' do expect(User.koelkast.koelkast).to be true end it 'should not be an admin' do expect(User.koelkast.admin).to be false end end describe 'guest' do it 'should not be an admin' do expect(User.guest.admin).to be false end it 'should be public' do expect(User.guest.private).to be false end it 'should be a guest' do expect(User.guest.guest?).to be true end end end ############ # SCOPES # ############ describe 'scopes' do it 'members should return members' do create :koelkast user = create :user expect(User.members).to eq([@user, user]) end it 'publik should return publik members' do user = create :user create :user, private: true expect(User.publik).to eq([@user, user]) end end describe 'frecency' do it 'should be recalculated on creating an order' do expect(@user.frecency).to eq 0 create :order, user: @user expect(@user.frecency).to_not eq 0 end it 'should be valid' do dates = [Date.today.to_time, Date.yesterday.to_time] dates.each do |date| create :order, user: @user, created_at: date end @user.reload num_orders = Rails.application.config.frecency_num_orders frecency = dates.last(num_orders).map(&:to_i).sum/num_orders expect(@user.frecency).to eq(frecency) end end end