2014-12-10 21:25:21 +01:00
20141123143707_create_users.rb 't moet af, orders werken 2014-11-23 21:12:31 +01:00
20141123151756_create_orders.rb 't moet af, orders werken 2014-11-23 21:12:31 +01:00
20141124091707_create_products.rb order form almost done 2014-11-24 21:45:32 +01:00
20141125102501_add_default_value_balance_to_users.rb Add some validations to User and errors to form 2014-11-25 11:30:55 +01:00
20141125130213_drop_products_on_users.rb Add many to many relation between orders and products 2014-11-25 14:27:27 +01:00
20141125130447_create_order_products.rb Add many to many relation between orders and products 2014-11-25 14:27:27 +01:00
20141128123152_add_products_count_to_order_products.rb Add counter for number of each product in order 2014-11-29 11:06:22 +01:00
20141204191328_replace_product_image_by_paperclip_attachment.rb Add paperclip to gems and avatar to products 2014-12-04 20:32:31 +01:00
20141208160113_remove_purchase_price_from_products.rb Remove purchase_price from products and rename sale_price 2014-12-08 17:03:54 +01:00
20141209144240_add_devise_to_users.rb Add devise to users 2014-12-09 17:17:11 +01:00
20141209144521_drop_password_digest_users.rb Add devise to users 2014-12-09 17:17:11 +01:00
20141209172818_remove_email_from_devise_users.rb Remove email from Devise users and use nickname as primary key 2014-12-09 18:56:56 +01:00
20141209184030_add_admin_to_users.rb Add cancan, fix header, add admins 2014-12-09 19:44:58 +01:00
20141209192545_add_dagschotel_to_users.rb Add dagschotel to users 2014-12-09 20:28:50 +01:00
20141209204351_add_attachment_avatar_to_users.rb Add avatar to users 2014-12-09 22:32:54 +01:00
20141210090544_add_orders_count_to_users.rb Add orders_count and ordering on overview 2014-12-10 10:09:53 +01:00
20141210200008_add_category_to_products.rb Add the migrations, add the category to the form 2014-12-10 21:25:21 +01:00