module PreprocessHelper def required_attrs { event: { time: 'An event item should include the :time attribute, which describes the begin time and date of the event.', title: 'The event does not include a :title', location: 'The event should include a :location, a textual description', locationlink: 'The event does not include a :locationlink, which is a querystring which is used for Google Maps' } } end def check_schema(itemtype, item) schema = required_attrs[itemtype] (schema.keys - item.attributes.keys).each do |key| raise "#{item.identifier}: #{schema[key]}" end end def ignore_old_content(*paths) paths.each do |path| years_with_content = @items.find_all("/#{path}/**/*").map { |it| it.identifier.to_s.match(%r{/(\d\d-\d\d)/})[1] } latest_years_with_content = years_with_content.last(2) latest_years = latest_years_with_content + [@config[:academic_year]] @items.delete_if do |item| next unless item.identifier.match?(%r{^/#{path}/}) year = item.identifier.to_s.match(%r{/(\d\d-\d\d)/})[1] not latest_years.include?(year) end end end def update_blog_attributes @items.find_all('/blog/**/*.md').each do |i| raise "#{i.identifier} doesn't have 'created_at'" unless i[:created_at] i.update_attributes( # Tag all posts with article (for Blogging helper) kind: 'article', academic_year: i.identifier.to_s[/\d\d-\d\d/], created_at: Date.parse(i[:created_at]) ) end end def create_yearly_items(type) type = type.to_s years = @items.find_all("/#{type.downcase}/*/*").map { |i| i.identifier.to_s[/\d\d-\d\d/] }.uniq years.each do |year| @items.create( '', { academic_year: year, title: type }, "/#{type.downcase}/#{year}.html" ) end cur_year_item = @items["/#{type.downcase}/#{@config[:academic_year]}.html"] || @items["/#{type.downcase}/#{years[-1]}.html"] cur_year_item.update_attributes( navigable: true, order: 10 ) end def convert_event_time_to_timestamps @items.find_all('/events/*/*.md').each do |event| # HACK: Strings in a format like "2017-10-05T20:45:00+0200" automatically get converted to Time event[:time] = event[:time].to_s event[:time] = DateTime.parse(event[:time]) event[:end] = event[:end].to_s if event[:end] event[:end] = DateTime.parse(event[:end]) if event[:end] end end def add_report_metadata @items.find_all('/about/verslagen/*/*').each do |report| report[:academic_year] = report.identifier.to_s.split('/')[-2] report[:date] = Date.strptime(report.identifier.without_ext.split('/').last) end end end