require 'highline/import' require 'yaml' usage 'post [options]' aliases :p summary 'Add a new post' description 'Adds a new post, filling in and validating metadata.' def bold_say(str) say "<%= color %(#{str}), :bold %>" end def bold_ask(str, *args) res = ask "<%= color %(#{str}), :bold %>", *args puts res end run do |_opts, _args, _cmd| result_hash = {} post_directory = 'content/posts' author_file = '.author-information' bold_say "Let's make a new post, shall we?" bold_say('-' * 20) last_entry = "#{post_directory}/#{Dir.entries('content/posts').last}" result_hash['title'] = bold_ask 'What will the title be?' result_hash['description'] = bold_ask 'Give a description of the event' result_hash['author'] = if File.exist? author_file else bold_ask 'What is your name?' end result_hash['created_at'] = filename = result_hash['title']' ', '-').gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z-]/, '')"#{last_entry}/#{filename}.md", 'w') do |file| file.write(result_hash.to_yaml + '---') end end