#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' require 'icalendar' # Important!!! # First ignore the node_modules, we do not need any of it on the site directly. ignore '/node_modules/**/*' # # # PREPROCESS # # preprocess do `yarn` # We don't want to compile old blogposts in development ignore_old_content('blog', 'events', 'about/verslagen') if development? update_blog_attributes create_yearly_items('Blog') create_yearly_items('Events') convert_event_time_to_timestamps all_events.each do |event| check_schema(:event, event) end all_privacy_items.each do |project| check_schema(:privacy, project) end add_report_metadata add_project_metadata convert_locations end # # # COMPILATION # # compile '/*.xml' do filter :erb end # # ARCHIVES # compile '/blog/*' do layout '/blogs.*' layout '/generic.*' layout '/default.*' filter :erb filter :html_press if production? end # # EVENTS # # Overview page compile '/events/*' do layout '/events.*' layout '/generic.*' layout '/default.*' filter :erb filter :html_press if production? end compile '/events/*/*' do filter :erb filter :kramdown layout '/eventpost.*' layout '/default.*' filter :erb filter :html_press if production? end compile '/events/*/*', rep: :text do filter :kramdown filter :strip_html end compile '/events/*/*', rep: :ical do filter :ical write ext: 'ics' end # # POSTS # compile '/blog/*/*.md' do filter :erb layout '/blogpost.md' filter :kramdown filter :typogruby layout '/blogpost.erb' layout '/generic.*' layout '/default.*' filter :erb filter :html_press if production? end compile '/blog/*/*.md', rep: :text do filter :erb filter :kramdown filter :strip_html end compile '/blog/*/*.md', rep: :html do filter :erb filter :kramdown end # # PROJECTS # compile '/projects/*' do filter :kramdown # Don't write out the projects themselves for now write nil end compile '/*_search.json' do filter :erb end compile '/**/*.ics' do filter :erb end # # PRIVACY # compile '/about/privacy/*' do filter :kramdown # Don't write out the privacy items themselves for now nil end # # REPORTS # # Note drive/verslagen is 'linked' as a data source to /about/verslagen/ compile '/about/verslagen/*/*.md', rep: :pdf do filter :pandoc_pdf, args: { f: :markdown, 'pdf-engine': 'xelatex', template: 'templates/report.tex' } if production? write ext: (production? ? 'pdf' : 'md') end # # GENERIC ERB PAGES # compile '/**/*.erb' do filter :erb # Apply typographic improvements if required by the page. Use this on text-heavy pages, # such as the history page. if @item[:typography] filter :typogruby end layout '/generic.*' layout '/default.*' filter :html_press if production? end compile '/**/*.md' do filter :erb filter :kramdown layout '/generic.*' layout '/default.*' end # # ASSETS # compile '/assets/scripts/**/*.js' do filter :uglify_js, harmony: true if production? end ignore '/assets/stylesheets/includes/**/*' ignore '/data/**/*' compile '/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss' do sass_opts = { syntax: :scss, load_paths: ['content/assets/stylesheets'] } sass_opts[:style] = :compressed if production? filter :sassc, sass_opts filter :autoprefixer if production? write ext: 'css' end compile '/assets/stylesheets/**/*.css' do if production? filter :rainpress filter :autoprefixer end write ext: 'css' end # # # ROUTES # # # Google verification file passthrough '/google6f2e77d0228abc35.html' route '/**/index.{erb,html,md}' do "#{item.identifier.without_ext}.html" end route '/**/*.{erb,html,md}' do "#{item.identifier.without_ext}/index.html" end route %r[/well-known/(.+)] do |rest| "/.well-known/" + rest[0] end # Let anything else simply pass through passthrough '/**/*' # # # LAYOUTS # # layout '/**/*', :erb