
153 lines
5.1 KiB

navigable: true
title: Contact
order: 10
narrow_page: true
icon_size: 2x
- icon: facebook
link: https://www.facebook.com/zeus.wpi/
description: Facebook
action: Like us
- icon: envelope
link: ../contact#board
description: Email
action: Mail us
- icon: twitter
link: https://twitter.com/zeuswpi
description: Twitter
action: Follow us
- icon: comments
link: https://mattermost.zeus.gent/
description: Mattermost
action: Message us
- icon: inbox
link: http://lists.zeus.ugent.be/mailman/listinfo/leden
description: Mailinglist
action: Keep up to date
- icon: github
link: https://github.com/ZeusWPI/
description: GitHub
action: Fork us
- icon: phone
link: 'tel:+3292644751'
description: Phone
action: Call us
<% content_for :head do %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.3.4/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.3.4/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.3.4/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<% end %>
<div class="content">
<h1 class='title is-1 has-text-centered'>Contact us</h1>
<h2 class='subtitle is-4 has-text-centered has-text-weight-light'>bleep bloop</h2>
<!-- Contact buttons -->
<ul id='contact-icons' class='columns is-centered is-multiline'>
<% @item[:contact_links].each do |option| %>
<li id='<%= option[:description] %>' class='contact-circle-option column is-one-quarter-desktop is-one-third-tablet is-half-mobile'>
<a href='<%= option[:link] %>' class='contact-circle-wrapper'>
<div class='contact-circle is-centered'>
<div class='contact-circle-pulse grow'></div>
<%= fa option[:icon], size: @item[:icon_size], class: 'grow-large' %>
<h4 class='contact-description is-uppercase'><%= option[:description] %></h4>
<p class='has-text-centered'>
<a href='<%= option[:link] %>' class='contact-text-link is-link'><%= option[:action] %></a>
<% end %>
<div id="board">
<h2>The board (<%= pretty_year @config[:academic_year] %>)</h2>
Mail us all at: <a href='mailto:bestuur@zeus.ugent.be'>bestuur@zeus.ugent.be</a>
<%= render '/partials/_current_bestuur.*' %>
<!-- Extra information tiles -->
<div id='contact-info' class='tile is-ancestor is-vertical'>
<div class='tile is-parent'>
<div class='tile is-parent is-vertical'>
<!-- Payment information -->
<div id='payment-info' class='tile is-child box content has-text-centered'>
<h1 class='title has-text-centered'>Pay us</h1>
<p id='banknumber' class='is-size-5'>
BE32 9799 9370 6502
<p class='is-size-5'>
<b>Please use the message "TAB <em>&lt;username&gt;</em>" when toppping up your Tab balance</b>
<a class='button' href='https://zeus.ugent.be/tab/'>
<%= fa :euro, fw: true %> Use Tab
<!-- Calling information -->
<div id='calling-info' class='tile is-child box content has-text-centered'>
<h1 class='title has-text-centered'>Call us</h1>
<p id='phone-number' class='is-size-5'>
+32 9 264 47 51<br/>
Internal: 4751
<!-- Address information -->
<div id='address-info' class='tile is-parent'>
<div class='tile is-child box content'>
<h1 class='title has-text-centered'>Find us</h1>
<p class='is-size-5'>
You can find our hiding place, or what we call <strong>'de kelder'</strong> at the basement level of following address:
<blockquote id='address' class='is-size-5'>
Krijgslaan 281<br/>
Campus Sterre S9<br/>
9000 Gent<br/>
<div id='contact-location-buttons'>
<a class='button' href='https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zeus+WPI/@51.023115,3.7103,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x49fd54f81cafeb5f!8m2!3d51.0231149!4d3.7103?hl=en-US'>
<%= fa :'map-marker', fw: true %> Google Maps
<a class='button' href='https://soleway.ugent.be/routes/4370'>
<%= fa :'map-signs', fw: true %> Soleway
<a class='button' href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5256134433'>
<%= fa :'map-signs', fw: true %> Openstreetmap
<!-- Mattermost information -->
<div id='mattermost-info' class='tile is-parent'>
<div class='tile is-child box content'>
<h1 class='title has-text-centered'>Mattermost info</h1>
<p id='mattermost-info-text' class='is-size-5'>
You can register with any valid email address.
<!-- Embedded Google Maps -->
<div class="map-wrapper box">
<%= render '/partials/_map.erb', location: "Zeus WPI" %>