2022-06-08 22:37:38 +02:00

36 lines
649 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package grpc.planetwars.bot_api;
message Hello {
string hello_message = 1;
message HelloResponse {
string response = 1;
message PlayerRequest {
int32 request_id = 1;
bytes content = 2;
message PlayerRequestResponse {
int32 request_id = 1;
bytes content = 2;
message MatchRequest {
string opponent_name = 1;
message CreatedMatch {
int32 match_id = 1;
string player_key = 2;
service BotApiService {
rpc CreateMatch(MatchRequest) returns (CreatedMatch);
// server sends requests to the player, player responds
rpc ConnectBot(stream PlayerRequestResponse) returns (stream PlayerRequest);