redfast00 093963cf3a
Added links, removed unneeded badges
Badges for the amount of open issues, PR's and last commit are unneeded, since they are shown in the GitHub UI.
I removed them, because they don't always load as fast as the page loads, resulting in ugly
text getting displayed.
2019-04-06 11:12:21 +02:00

59 lines
2.2 KiB

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Haldis is your friendly neighbourhood servant. He exists so lazy fucks like you and me don't need to keep tabs of who is ordering what from where.
Start an order and let people add items with a simple mouse-click!
No more calculating prices and making lists!
Be lazier today!
## Local setup
There is a special script to get started with the project. Just run it in the root of the project.
This will create a virtual environment, install the necessary dependencies and will give you the option to seed the database.
If you are using a database other then sqlite you will first need to configure the correct uri to the database in the generated 'config.py' file.
Afterwards upgrade the database to the latest version using
python app/haldis.py db upgrade
You can now still seed the database by running
in the root folder of the project.
Activate the virtual environment using
source venv/bin/activate
Finally run the webserver with
python app/haldis.py runserver
## Development
### Changing the database
1. Update models located in 'app/models.py'
2. Run `python app/haldis.py db migrate` to create a new migration.
3. Apply the changes to the database using `python app/haldis.py db upgrade`
### Adding dependencies/libraries
1. Add new dependency to the `requirements.in` file
2. Run `pip-compile` to freeze the dependency into the `requirements.txt` file together with it's own deps
3. Run `pip-sync` to download frozen deps
### Updating dependencies
Run `pip-compile --upgrade`
For more information about managing the dependencies see [jazzband/pip-tools: A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools)