Midgard 446a959a1f
Update documentation and lock screen background
Update some packages that got in the official Arch repos.

Add Gentoo packages.

Update the screenshots.

Recognize a symlink for the lock screen background.
2022-08-30 02:17:22 +02:00

83 lines
1.6 KiB

/* ==========================================================================
Rofi color theme
File: midgard.rasi
Desc: Dark color theme for Rofi
Author: midgard
Modified: Mon Apr 3 2018
========================================================================== */
* {
/* Theme settings */
scrollbar: true;
background-color: transparent;
foreground: rgba(193, 193, 193, 100%);
alt-foreground: rgba(193, 193, 193, 50%);
/*highlighted-background: rgba( 85, 54, 31, 50%);*/
highlighted-background: rgba(155, 78, 66, 50%);
scrollbar-background: transparent;
scrollbar-handle: @alt-foreground;
text-color: @foreground;
#window {
border: none;
/*width: 100%;*/
height: 50%;
location: south;
anchor: south;
children: [mainbox];
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);
font: "Fira Code Light 14";
#dummy {
/*expand: true;*/
#mainbox {
expand: true;
padding: 0px 0px 6px;
/*margin: 0 25%;*/
background-color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.85);
#element {
padding: 4px 10px;
font: "Fira Code Light 12";
#element.selected {
background-color: @highlighted-background;
#inputbar {
padding: 10px 2px;
children: [ prompt,textbox-prompt-colon,entry,case-indicator ];
#prompt {
text-color: @alt-foreground;
font: "Fira Sans Light 14";
#textbox-prompt-colon {
expand: false;
margin: 0px 0.4em 0em 0em ;
#scrollbar {
width: 0px;
border: 0;
handle-width: 2px;
handle-color: @scrollbar-handle;
background-color: @scrollbar-background;
padding: 0;
/* vim: set ft=scss noet :*/