Midgard 1215d7270f
[polybar] Improve clock and battery
Make the hands in the font zero-width; now the clock *without* filled
face is independent of font size.

The clock *with* filled face is not. Its elements (face, hands) have to
be in a specific order (hands must come after face), the face would
obscure the hands if it's the other way around. But since the font has
zero-width for the hands, not the face (and this makes the most sense),
the filled-face clock still relies on a hardcoded offset (as before, 27
units are subtracted to move the hands, but now that the hands are
zero-width, we add them back after emitting the hands, to have the rest
of the bar in the correct position). So I think that the hands will be
off-center if you change font size (haven't tested that), but even in
that case it will be less messy now.

Likewise for the battery icon.

In truth, I made the font adjustments a few months ago, and had better
done it in a different way: make the clock faces zero-width, make the
minute hand non-zero-width, and make everything about the battery icon
zero-width and add a separate, transparant "battery width" glyph. I
might fix that later.
2021-12-17 10:55:18 +01:00

92 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import time
import pytz
# if len(sys.argv) < 3:
# print("Usage: {scriptname} timezone_left timezone_right".format(scriptname=sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
# exit(1)
# try:
# tzleft = pytz.timezone(sys.argv[1])
# tzright = pytz.timezone(sys.argv[2])
# except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError as e:
# print('Unknown time zone "{}"'.format(e.args[0]), file=sys.stderr)
# exit(1)
hourhands = ""
minutehands = ""
def face_for(t):
minute = minutehands[ t.minute // 5 ]
hour = hourhands [ t.hour % 12 ]
return "%{O1}%{T8}" + color_for(t) + "%{O-27}%{F#000}" + hour + minute + "%{O27}" + "%{T-}%{F}"
return "%{O1}%{T8}" + color_for(t) + hour + minute + "%{T-}%{F}"
def color_for(t):
if t.hour < 5 or t.hour > 22:
return "%{F#888}"
elif t.hour < 10:
return "%{F#DB9}"
elif t.hour < 14:
return "%{F#DDB}"
elif t.hour < 19:
return "%{F#DDD}"
return "%{F#D9B}"
while True:
utcnow =
localnow =
# leftnow = utcnow.astimezone(tzleft )
# rightnow = utcnow.astimezone(tzright)
localcolor = color_for(localnow)
khal_link = lambda x: "%{A1:i3-sensible-terminal -x khal interactive &:}" + x + "%{A}"
clock_link = lambda x, args: "%{A1:i3-sensible-terminal -x tty-clock -cC3 " + args + " &:}" + x + "%{A}"
localcolor +
localnow.strftime("%A") +
"%{F} "
) +
# face_for(leftnow) +
clock_link(" %{T4}" + localcolor + localnow.strftime("%H") + "%{F}", "") +
clock_link("%{O2}%{T8}" + face_for(localnow), "-D") +
clock_link("%{O2}%{T4}" + localcolor + localnow.strftime("%M") + "%{T-}%{F} ", "-s") +
# face_for(rightnow) + " " +
" " +
localcolor +
localnow.strftime("%d %b") +
flush = True
delay = 60 - localnow.second - (localnow.microsecond * 10e-7)
except Exception as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)