"en":"This is a kindergarten (also known as <i>preschool</i>) where small kids receive early education."
"en":"This is a childcare facility, such as a nursery or daycare where small kids are looked after. They do not offer an education and are ofter run as private businesses"
"question":"What is the name of this facility?",
"render":"This facility is named <b>{name}</b>",
"en":"When is this childcare opened?"
"en":"How much kids (at most) can be enrolled here?"
"en":"This facility has room for {capacity} kids"
"en":"a kindergarten"
"description":"A kindergarten (also known as <i>preschool</i>) is a school where small kids receive early education.",
"en":"a childcare"
"description":"A childcare (also known as <i>a nursery</i> or <i>daycare</i>) is a facility which looks after small kids, but does not offer them an education program.",