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Cache.mapComplete.org server config
The "cache"-server is hosted at nerdlab.
It has a full OSM-copy on disk, and has a Postgis/Postgres database with a table for every layer for quick access. It should run the tileserver and the summaryserver
See SettingUpPSQL.md
Summary tiles + MVT-tiles
Mastodon bot
As of 2024-07-08, the mastodon bots @mapcomplete@botsin.space and @ghostbikebot@masto.bike are running on this server. They use this repo. Note that this needs a residential internet connection as fetching the attribution from IMGUR fails on the hetzner host.
In the crontab:
0 0 * * * cd ~/git/MastodonBot && nvm use && npm run daily && npm run start -- config/config.json
0 0 1 * * cd ~/git/MastodonBot && nvm use && npm run daily && npm run start -- config/config_ghost-bikes.json