
11 KiB

Welkom bij de groendoener! ( speelplekken )

This document details some technical information about this MapComplete theme, mostly about the attributes used in the theme. Various links point toward more information about the attributes, e.g. to the OpenStreetMap-wiki, to TagInfo or tools creating statistics The theme introduction reads:

Welkom bij de Groendoener!De Zuidrand dat is spelen, ravotten, chillen, wandelen,… in het groen. Meer dan 200 grote en kleine speelplekken liggen er in parken, in bossen en op pleintjes te wachten om ontdekt te worden. De verschillende speelplekken werden getest én goedgekeurd door kinder- en jongerenreporters uit de Zuidrand. Met leuke challenges dagen de reporters jou uit om ook op ontdekking te gaan. Klik op een speelplek op de kaart, bekijk het filmpje en ga op verkenning!Het project groendoener kadert binnen het strategisch project Beleefbare Open Ruimte in de Antwerpse Zuidrand en is een samenwerking tussen het departement Leefmilieu van provincie Antwerpen, Sportpret vzw, een OpenStreetMap-België Consultent en Createlli vzw. Het project kwam tot stand met steun van Departement Omgeving van de Vlaamse Overheid.

This theme contains the following layers:

Available languages:

  • nl

Table of contents

  1. Layers defined in this theme configuration file
  2. shadow
  1. walking_routes

Layers defined in this theme configuration file

These layers can not be reused in different themes.


  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 0 and higher
  • Elements don't have a title set and cannot be toggled nor will they show up in the dashboard. If you import this layer in your theme, override title to make this toggleable.
  • Not visible in the layer selection by default. If you want to make this layer toggable, override name
  • Not rendered on the map by default. If you want to rendering this on the map, override mapRenderings

This layer is loaded from an external source, namely

No themes use this layer

Basic tags for this layer

Elements must match the expression shadow=yes

Execute on overpass

Supported attributes

Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
_video:id string


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only is shown if _video:id is set


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions( ,)}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

This tagrendering has labels added_by_default


Walking routes by 'provincie Antwerpen'

  • This layer is shown at zoomlevel 0 and higher
  • Not rendered on the map by default. If you want to rendering this on the map, override mapRenderings

No themes use this layer

Basic tags for this layer

Elements must match all of the following expressions:

  1. type=route
  2. route=foot
  3. operator~^([pP]rovincie Antwerpen)$

Execute on overpass

Supported attributes

Warning:,this quick overview is incomplete,

attribute type values which are supported by this layer
_video:id string
route Multiple choice iwn nwn rwn lwn
description text
operator string
operator:email email


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only is shown if _video:id is set


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only Deze wandeling is {_length:km}km lang


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only

  • Dit is een internationale wandelroute is shown if with route=iwn
  • Dit is een nationale wandelroute is shown if with route=nwn
  • Dit is een regionale wandelroute is shown if with route=rwn
  • Dit is een lokale wandelroute is shown if with route=lwn


The question is Geef een korte beschrijving van de wandeling (max 255 tekens)

Korte beschrijving:

{description} is shown if description is set


The question is Wie beheert deze wandeling en plaatst dus de signalisatiebordjes? Signalisatie geplaatst door {operator} is shown if operator is set


The question is Naar wie kan men emailen bij problemen rond signalisatie? Bij problemen met signalisatie kan men emailen naar {operator:email} is shown if operator:email is set


Show the questions block at this location This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {questions()}


Shows the reviews module (including the possibility to leave a review) This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {create_review()}{list_reviews()}


This tagrendering has no question and is thus read-only {linked_data_from_website()}

This tagrendering has labels added_by_default

This document is autogenerated from assets/themes/speelplekken/speelplekken.json