
124 lines
3.4 KiB

"id": "blind_osm",
"title": {
"en": "OSM for the blind",
"de": "OSM für Blinde",
"nl": "OSM voor blinden",
"fr": "OSM pour les malvoyants",
"nb_NO": "OSM for blinde",
"ca": "OSM per als cecs",
"cs": "Mapování systému objektů pro nevidomé",
"ru": "OSM для слепых и слабовидящих",
"es": "OSM para ciegos",
"eu": "OSM itsuentzat",
"it": "OSM per i non vedenti",
"pl": "OSM dla niewidomych",
"da": "OSM for blinde",
"zh_Hans": "为盲人设计的OSM",
"fil": "OSM para sa mga bulag",
"uk": "OSM для незрячих",
"hu": "OSM vakoknak"
"description": {
"en": "Help to map features relevant for the blind",
"de": "Hilfe zur Kartierung blindenrelevanter Merkmale",
"nl": "Help zaken die relevant zijn voor blinden in kaart te brengen",
"fr": "Aidez à cartographier les caractéristiques importantes pour les malvoyants",
"ca": "Ajuda a mapejar elements rellevants per a persones amb discapacitat visual",
"cs": "Pomozte zmapovat objekty důležité pro nevidomé",
"nb_NO": "Relevante funksjoner for blinde",
"es": "Ayuda a mapear elementos relevantes para personas ciegas",
"eu": "Itsuentzako elementu garrantzitsuak kartografiatzeko laguntza",
"it": "Aiuta a mappare le caratteristiche importanti per i non vedenti",
"pl": "Pomóż umieszczać na mapie obiekty ważne dla niewidomych",
"zh_Hans": "帮助绘制与盲人相关的设施",
"uk": "Допоможіть нанести на мапу обʼєкти, важливі для незрячих"
"icon": "./assets/themes/blind_osm/Blindicon.svg",
"startZoom": 20,
"startLat": 52.99238,
"startLon": 6.570614,
"defaultBackgroundId": "protomaps.white",
"layers": [
"builtin": "cycleways_and_roads",
"override": {
"title": null,
"forceLoad": true,
"minzoom": 18,
"passAllFeatures": true,
"shownByDefault": false
"builtin": "crossings",
"override": {
"pointRendering": [
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"if": "tactile_paving=yes",
"then": "circle:green"
"if": "tactile_paving=no",
"then": "circle:red"
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"builtin": "kerbs",
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"iconBadges": [
"if": "tactile_paving=yes",
"then": "circle:green"
"if": "tactile_paving=no",
"then": "circle:red"
"builtin": "transit_stops",
"override": {
"pointRendering": [
"iconBadges": [
"if": "tactile_paving=yes",
"then": "circle:green"
"if": "tactile_paving=no",
"then": "circle:red"
"builtin": "elevator",
"override": {
"minzoom": 17