
877 B

KeRS - Kelderregistratiesysteem


Install Python and virtualenv if not already available.

Choose between:

  • SQLite3 (easier to set up, works because we don't do advanced DB shizzlery or custom SQL yet)
  • MySQL/MariaDB (used in production, less chance of weird bugs due to compatibility problems between SQLite3 and MariaDB)

If you choose SQLite3, set the environment variable KERS_DB_BACKEND to sqlite3. To do so, you can add export KERS_DB_BACKEND=sqlite3 to your shell's init file (e.g. ~/.bashrc) and restart your shell.

If you choose MySQL/MariaDB, set up the server, and look in KeRS/ for the possible environment variables you can set (e.g. DATABASE_NAME).

Set up the development environment:

python -m virtualenv venv
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements
make migrate

To run the development server:
