1. Fixed typo (one -> on)
2. Added camera:mount=street_lamp because it's the fourth most used tag and shown on the wiki
3. Added camera:mount=tree because it's a logical tag that can be used quite a number of times in my vicinity (not often used though)
This commit fixes at least these issues that I was aware of:
* Cardinal directions (e.g. NE) were not recognized.
* The camera icon did not rotatie when direction=* was used instead of
camera:direction, but the blue direction visualizer did.
Pietervdvn said he would have liked to convert the code for direction
normalizing to calculatedTags in a JSON file (as documented in
Docs/CalculatedTags.md), but when he saw the oneliners I had to produce
in response, I was allowed to keep it in SimpleMetaTagger.ts for now.
For your amusement, the oneliners are included below.
"calculatedTags": [
"_direction:numerical=(dir => dir === undefined ? undefined : ({N: 0, NNE: 22.5, NE: 45, ENE: 67.5, E: 90, ESE: 112.5, SE: 135, SSE: 157.5, S: 180, SSW: 202.5, SW: 225, WSW: 247.5, W: 270, WNW: 292.5, NW: 315, NNW: 337.5}[dir] ?? (isNaN(parseFloat(dir)) ? undefined : ((parseFloat(dir) % 360 + 360) % 360)))))(feat.properties['camera:direction'] ?? feat.properties.direction)",
"_direction:leftright=feat.properties['_direction:numerical'] === undefined ? undefined : (feat.properties['_direction:numerical'] <= 180 ? 'right' : 'left')"